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Thread: ((IC)) Meanwhile at Reets...

  1. #1

    ((IC)) Meanwhile at Reets...

    Tarryk's eyes snap open. The dream was active, but he can't be sure if it was a bad dream or not...only that it caused his mind to wake up rather violently.

    He sits up and activates the nano-shower, instantly cleansing his body and clothing within a matter of seconds. The convenience of this technology still throw him off kilter at times...he longs for a real, old-fashioned shower. Never seems to be time anymore...

    He swings his legs off the couch, and groans like a man twice his age as he stands up, his bones creaking.

    A noise comes from Tarryk's right pocket. He pulls out a small flip-top palm organizer. He flips it open, and his HUD is immediately bombarded with a giant daily calendar, highlighted in bold text from one edge of his vision to the other.

    BYOB (bring your own bagels)

    Tarryk sits back down and immediately opens 7 different mental tasks on his hud, until the entirety of his vision--peripheral and otherwise--is clouded over with management tasks, playlists, request notes, the music database and several stream monitors. As he organizes and sets up for tonight, he sends a single link out to the global news bulletins...

    BOOYAH! It's Party Time! TONIGHT, Dec 6th at Reet's Retreat Glass Dance Floor!!

    Unity of the Rose is having their 1 Year Anniversary Party, and I'm holding a tribute to Megadeth...because I can...

    ...and stuff...
    Last edited by Tarryk; Dec 6th, 2002 at 19:42:22.
    --The connections that enable us to learn are infinitely more important than our state of knowing.

  2. #2
    I hope other clans will band together to protect UoR towers while they have their well deserved celebration. It is one way to show our Clan solidarity by helping each other out when a clan has a major function going on. Gratz to the Szentasha and the Roses!
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  3. #3



    If only the powers that be smiled on true RP.
    It's times like this I wish I had the knowledge to design my own game where true RP can exist and flourish. Not just a semi-tangible faceted kill monsters, gain in level life like the ones you and I and so many others who fell in love with roleplaying are condemned to be "Shackled" to.


    ...gotta be some solution to this...
    pres. Ted Shakkles Ganes

  4. #4
    I hope Omni-AF will stand down from atacking the Roses during their special time and ask other Omni divisions to do the same.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

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