I'm sure many people who are used to trade skills would know. We don't have enough space. Combining tons of items and then looking for where I put that unfinished stabilized nanobot or something. Or guild storers. It takes whole lot of time to look and organize items. I believe I know how to solve this problem.

Simply increase the bank's visible area whole lot and allow to do trade skills in it. It's not like people need to see other part of game while checking bank. I wouldn't mind if it takes whole screen except where my inventory is.

Also, it's pretty tough on players that they can't use their own characters to buff their own. Running around looking for wrangle when my trader is right in the same account... How about allowing people to dual-log for 5 min/day? Don't think that's too much. ^^ And allowing characters of same account to use same bank would be nice. No more screaming and yelling looking for trustworthy people to transfer.

GMs and ARKs. Not sure where they come from but how about sneaking around invisibly and checking on foul mouthed ones or those who behave inappropriately. Or coming in ahead w/o being seen when petitioned to see more info. It's actually an idea of my guildie.

Just felt like talking.