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Thread: Skill request for Soldiers: Projectile&Energy Absorption Shield

  1. #1

    Skill request for Soldiers: Projectile&Energy Absorption Shield

    This skill should be the similar to the TMS.

    But instead to reflect 75% of the damage back to the attacker, it should ...
    - heal the soldier by 75% of the damage taken if the enemys attack does projectile or energy damage.
    - the nano shut down should be shorter compared to TMS of the same lvl.

    One example:
    Soldier activates P&E AS
    Soldier is getting hit with 400 proj damage
    This results in healing him for 200 hp.

    Soldier gets hit with 900 crit melee damage by attacker 2
    This results in 900 damage, cause P&E AS does not affect melee damage
    Last edited by Jonus; Nov 23rd, 2002 at 13:56:06.

  2. #2
    Whats the difference between reflecting away 50% or 75% of your damage.. and beeing healed by the ammount 50% or 75% from the damage taken?

    So.. from regular TMS
    someone hits u for 1k without TMS up and with TMS up u get hit for 250 pts effictively.

    And from "PE AS" u get hit for 1k
    and you get healed for 500 pts or even 750pts..
    Whats the difference? i only see it as beeing worse.
    Correct me if i'm wrong..
    McDaddeh - Enforcer RK1
    "STFU or i'll shove your head down your throat."'

    Wuushu - Soldier RK1
    "Soldiers don't die, we just go to hell to regroup."

    Phizzer - Fixer RK1
    "I'm teh l337 h4xz0r-$mürf"

    Proud Veteran of Synergy Factor

  3. #3
    I think he meant:
    Absorbing the damage, as in 'not reciving damage' AND the healing you for 50%.

    IE: You get hit for 1000 proj dmg. (P&E Shield up)
    The shield aborbs the damage, and then heals you for 500.

    As opposed to: You get hit for 1000 proj dmg. (TMS up)
    The TMS reflects 75% damage away, you're hit for 250 dmg.

    This is a funny idea, with flaws. This is going to hit some proffesions and making no differance for the rest. Soldiers, agents, traders, docs etc is doing to have problems (impossible?) to hurt the soldier or much less kill him.
    A MA, NT, engy or enfo is going to ignore the shield and have a normal fight against the sold.

    IMHO, absorb shields (for specific damage) have become a hallmark of engys w/ 14.7.1
    I'd rather see an improvement of TMS (that's prolly needed)
    Maimgara - Supreme Creator, The Renaissance - RK2
    [Thedeacon]: As for the "high level n00b" part....Hey, I don't care if they level up....puts them in pvp range quicker.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Maimgara
    This is going to hit some proffesions and making no differance for the rest. Soldiers, agents, traders, docs etc is doing to have problems (impossible?) to hurt the soldier or much less kill him.
    Well thats not quite true, every profession has the option to switch weapon and choose one that don't inflicts projectile or energy damage.

    Originally posted by Maimgara
    A MA, NT, engy or enfo is going to ignore the shield and have a normal fight against the sold.

    Originally posted by Maimgara
    IMHO, absorb shields (for specific damage) have become a hallmark of engys w/ 14.7.1
    I'd rather see an improvement of TMS (that's prolly needed)
    Well i don't think that a modification of the TMS will get us soldiers anywhere and the Engineer skills don't absorb stuff in the way that i described.

    As a soldier i hate it when i run out of options. After switching weapon, casting TMS, .... what's left to do?

    There should be some way that we could heal us, and the P&E AS could be an option.

  5. #5
    Hey Jonus whats the idea behind this?
    Soldiers should have some way to survive a standard combat situation for some time.

    Whats do you think is the standard combat situation for a soldier
    I think that soldiers should be able to fight very good against soldiers, because thats what a soldier does. They don't fight burocrats, doctors, methaphisics and so on.

    Soldiers fight versus soldiers in a war.

    Hmmm you might be right, so whats the point knowing that?
    The most common long range weapons for soldiers do projectile and energy damage.

    Latest patches brought in radiation and fire - yes - but those weapons are designed to be rare and experiantal.

    Ok Proj and Energy then huh?
    Every faction would have a very high intresst in finding a way to use that knowledge. Soldier lack in a way to heal themselfes, using the damage/energy of the opposite soldier would be a very good idea, wouldn't it?

    Well but what would the agents think about this? Most of their weapons doing projectile damage !#*?
    Yes, but the aimed shot wouldn't get aborbed by the P&E AS, so he still can hit us very hard. (Same for all other specails FA, Burst, Flingshot).

    Maybe the agents should be given a skill, "Negate P&E AS" which should chancel P&E AS of soldiers.

    Still this isn't fair, classes like the traders or docs do rely on prejctile and energy dam +e#!
    Well in an fight 1 vs 1 the trader has the option to calm the soldier, what do you think that we think about that?

    About docs, well i think they should be given a good gun that does poison damage. Thats all. I don't see the doctor profession as an assault rifle fighting maniac.

    Ok, that s what i am thinking.
    Last edited by Jonus; Dec 3rd, 2002 at 16:33:56.

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