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Thread: OTSEC Operation Destroys Sentinels-Council of Ares Arms Stockpile

  1. #21
    These are your exact words, which would refer to not only the clans, but to any other organization that stands for freedom.
    Wrong. I am refering to any group that tries to take from Omni-Tek what rightfully belongs to it. "Freedom" is some sort of war cry used by a good number of people like yourself who decide that since they don't like the way things are going, that they should try and destroy whatever stands in the way of their own goals.

    By what right do you want to establish a government? Rubi Ka is piece of realestate under lease by Omni-Tek; it is not a state, province or country. If you want a say on how Rubi Ka is managed, I suggest you fill out an application form and work your way up the corporate ladder to a position where you can have some influence.
    Last edited by Nevver; Nov 27th, 2002 at 18:23:17.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  2. #22
    I actually talked to some clanners that wanted Omni-Tek off the planet and get the right to sell the notum themselfs... so much for freedom, some of the clanners just want to take the planet illegally for the notum and money... can you say terrorists?
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

  3. #23
    "I am refering to any group that tries to take from Omni-Tek what rightfully belongs to it."

    Once again you are assuming that you OWN Rubi-Ka. You do not OWN it. And as I had said in the previous post:

    "I want a Republican government for the whole of Rubi-Ka where everyone has a say in that actions of their governing body. I dont see that it would be fair any other way. "

    "I" means it is my personal oppinion, but "I" am not involved in the forming of that government. "I" only said that is what "I" see would be fair for everyone. And "you" dont seem to want things to be fair, or civil at all.

    OOC: "I" cant wait until the ICC removes your lease and the planet becomes free reign. Although that probably wont be until the last day of the game, "I" would still love to see it happen.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  4. #24
    No, Omni-Tek does not own Rubi-Ka, but it is paying for the lease. That gives Omni-Tek the right to run things as it sees fit. You want a government, but you have no basis for starting one since Omni-Tek is here legally. How is starting a government fair to Omni-Tek? It already has to answer to the ICC which is the only government that matters here. You should be either talking to or starting your war with them. Omni-Tek defends it's right to be here under the terms set by the lease - which, by the way, it shouldn't have to do in the first place. When the lease is up and if Omni-Tek chooses to not renew it and pack up and leave, then you can start whatever government you like as long as it is approved by the ICC.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  5. #25
    Originally posted by Nevver
    No, Omni-Tek does not own Rubi-Ka, but it is paying for the lease. That gives Omni-Tek the right to run things as it sees fit. You want a government, but you have no basis for starting one since Omni-Tek is here legally. How is starting a government fair to Omni-Tek? It already has to answer to the ICC which is the only government that matters here. You should be either talking to or starting your war with them. Omni-Tek defends it's right to be here under the terms set by the lease - which, by the way, it shouldn't have to do in the first place. When the lease is up and if Omni-Tek chooses to not renew it and pack up and leave, then you can start whatever government you like as long as it is approved by the ICC.
    ahem...The CoA DOES NOT WANT TO GOVERN ANYONE!!! And all I said was that it is my personal preference for a republican government. And I am in am in no way involved with the forming of any such government.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  6. #26
    (Begin OOC

    Missed this thread. Folks are posting on similar issues in the "Story Discussion" forum. We should stick to one forum. Not sure which one. Suggestions?

    End OOC)

    Officially, the CoA and CAS do not support the Sentinels due to their extremism. (See Redruum's--President of CAS and CoA leader--statement in the Story Discussion forum, and the comments of others.) In point of fact, we do not support the killing of neutrals that do not oppose the goals of the CoA (limited and defensive in nature), and CAS (expansive and Republican). We do not even support the killing of an unarmed Omni that walks alone into Tir for peaceful purposes.

    To date, we have heard no Omni Organization express similar values--values, which I suggest to fair-minded Neutrals, should accord with your (and many Clanners') freedom-loving sensibilities (freedom of movement among others).

    OT employees may respond that if an Omni entered a Clan city unarmed, he is immediately shot dead. And this is true, but beside the point. For Clanners are likewise killed when peaceably entering an Omni city. Clanners are peoples, and so are OT employees. Peoples do not agree with one another, even though they are mothered in the same faction. Here you have Clanners who are officially declaring their opposition to certain others in their faction on the basis of clear values. We have heard no similar statement by an OT employee, much less an OT Organization.

    But this is not surprising. For the typical OT employee is not mothered in a plural environment, where the natural expressions of independent minds may faithfully follow all compass points. No, instead--in the cradles of the great OT cities--the lovely tabular raza of naturally thirsting spirits are nurtured, formed and finally mobilized for the non-plural, hegemonic Magnetic North that is the OT Corporation.

    This is evident yet again to me in the casual statements here made by OT employees. OT Corporation, it is said, is a profit-making enterprise, and owns the planet of RK (a lease is legal ownership for a limited time) for its commercial purposes. The Clanners--and the Neutrals it would follow--naturally therefore own nothing and have no rights. Clanner requests for independence--actually for anything--are thus beggars' propositions.

    Yes, agreed, this is all natural enough--and can be stated casually indeed--if you are mothered by a Corporation within the convincing rectitude and righteousness of the towering monolithic structures of Rome. But these structures hide a darker element that you were not told about on your journey to the Magnetic North. In the South, West and East, the Profit-Motive enslaved souls in mines in the foulest dehumanizing working conditions, so degrading as to lead some brave spirits to rebel and recognize the inherent value of the individual spirit over and against the Profit-Motive. Thus was born the first Clanners.

    Clanners therefore recognize through long experience one thing of uttermost importance in the order of things: the natural right of the individual. They see no analogous right inherent in a commerical enterprise, except to the extent that the commerical enterprise represents the bona fide expression of individuals. The point of the matter is that legitimacy here flows up from the individual into any corporate body of individuals, and not from the Corporation (the Hive) down to the individual--as the order of things has been decreed to minds under the totalizing presence of the Corporation. Most pragmatic Neutrals I would hope embrace something similar.

    Profit-Motive is therefore legitimate to us--when that legitimacy flows up from the individual.

    Corporations are therefore legitimate to us--when that legitimacy flows up from the individual.

    OT Corporation is therefore legitimate to us--when its legitimacy flows up from the individual.

    There is a growing movement of Clanners who have a Vision of a future--where institutions and corporations have their legitimacy flowing up from the individual. These Clanners embrace and seek a Republican/Democratic governing structure, because we believe such institutions provide the greatest promise in welding together the diversity of expressions of a plural population of individuals--in short, a structure where corruption and the abuse of power can be effectively checked, and legitimacy is conferred on corporate bodies--including commerical enterprises like OT Corporation--from values and expressions flowing up from individuals.

    Do the Sentinels embrace these values, and share a similar vision? We frankly do not yet know. But we cannot abide the killing of Neutrals in Tir, and therefore oppose them. If the Sentinels--or anyone, including OT employees--share our Visions, then they are brothers and sisters in this struggle. Our categories, our values, do not recognize factional distinctions as conferring real legitimacy. It is the individual that we stand for in this struggle.

    Thus, when you OT employees (or anyone for that matter) discuss the Profit-Motive and the "ownership" rights to a commerical exploitation as so naturally a legitimacy conferring principle over diverse and precious individuals, we cannot but shake our heads in sorrow and disgust. If the existence of factional conflict on RK should teach us anything, it should teach us about the diversity of peoples in RK. If the history of the Profit-Motive should teach us anything, it is that it is--surprise--a self-justifying principle at loggerheads with the natural rights of the individual--and thus its history dehumanizing excesses against the individual when left unchecked.

    The legitimacy conferring principles within this naturally diverse order of things must therefore flow from the individual, if we hope to establish a lasting and productive society here. Because for many of us--Nanomages for example--RK is not a mine and a business venture--it is our home. And a commerical enterprise has no legitimate authority in the home of a free individual.

    We are therefore Republicans, and invite you to join us. And, needless to say, this is not an invitation to become Clanners.
    Last edited by Kungwho; Nov 27th, 2002 at 21:05:07.
    Kungwho Buddha-Bellied MA
    Zapsta Notum-Plump NT
    Awdd Keepster Gimpster

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Benjacrat
    The mission of the CoA is to protect the Clans until a time when a proper government is established. The CoA does not want to govern the clans in any form. Only to protect the common freedoms that we all share, and are threatened by OmniTek. At such a time that a new Clan Government is established and the CoA is ordered to disband, we will immediately comply. We are here to protect the clans and want nothing in return."

    Just what is the goal of the CoA besides protecting the Clans? If what you mean is a Clan government in Clan territories, that's fine and I think it's about time that the Clans got themselves better organized. However, if what you mean is a Clan government to rule over the entire planet...
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  8. #28
    For starters, complete sovereignty by Clanners over Clan territories, and freedom of movement across Clan and OT Corporation borders.
    Kungwho Buddha-Bellied MA
    Zapsta Notum-Plump NT
    Awdd Keepster Gimpster

  9. #29
    Those starters sound fine to me, as long as the crossing of OT borders is not for the purpose of blowing up what is on the other side.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  10. #30
    The goal of the CoA is simply to protect the clans until a new government is established.

    That is all...

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

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