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Thread: Maybe some soldier love upcomming ?

  1. #1

    Maybe some soldier love upcomming ?

    All the new nanos are useless i have them all and they are 100% useless all alone and 200% useless if i compare them to enforcers ( ie enf nano less req, less ncu cost add skill to attack not to full auto...)
    The high level soldiers ALSO need new nanos & guns but not stinky ones -
    I am always free to make test with Devs if they feel like it...
    Infamine 200 soljah

  2. #2
    i am also avbaliable to be a target for developers if they need me to be. 24/7/365. Anything to actually get soldiers something USEFUL
    Mick "Nugget" McMullet - Level 220 - AL 16

    Webmaster of AO Soldiers

    "There are other things in my life I need to take care of (I can mention food, sleep, latex... uhm, no, wait!)" - Cz woot!

  3. #3
    Have you guys even tried PvP'ing in 14.6 ?

    ..go kill some MA's

  4. #4
    most soldiers won't be happy til they can kill any class 100% of the time without exception in PvP.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  5. #5
    And some engineers (intrepid) are whiny gits who think just cause their proff is gimped that nobody else needs or deserves or should dare to get any luvin.

    Most soldiers simply want to have a fair shake at pvp.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  6. #6

    Damage amplification

    The thing soldiers would definitely need are damage amplification nanos.

    I mean, come on ! I'm lvl 58 and my best damage amplification nano gives me a +10 on impact / energy damage. That next to USELESS ! Only the wen-wens can be more useless.

    We are soldiers, we are supposed to specialize in hurting people and breaking things, and exclusively with weapons. Yet any class using the same weapons as us does just the same damage ! This doesn't make sense.

    What about nanos to increase our chances of critical hitting ? After all, a good soldier knows where to shoot people for maximum damage, no ? Like, say, shooting in the head or chest, rather than in the feet or shoulders.

    I really don't get why 60% of soldier nanos are shielding stuff : I don't want to hide, I want to strike ! That's what I thought a soldier was supposed to do when I signed up for AO. I want Rambo action, property destruction and mayhem, not getting shot at all the time.

    And I'm gonna repeat it in every post until I'm satisfied : FUNCOM GET RID OF NPC PETS ! Fighting against 6 monsters at once when playing solo missions is not my idea of fun. It's clear everyone is with me on this issue.

    OR : give players more artillery. Area-of-effect weapons like combat gaz, EMP grenades or whatever, so it would be viable to engage half a dozen NPC at once. NPC pets is a nice concept, but it's hell for players, and guess who pay the bills ?

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Sherrman
    And some engineers (intrepid) are whiny gits who think just cause their proff is gimped that nobody else needs or deserves or should dare to get any luvin.

    Most soldiers simply want to have a fair shake at pvp.
    intrepid plays a trader now and has for the last 2 months now.

    Hmm and he's already higher then your soldier....
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  8. #8
    What percent of the gaming populace are hardcore Pvp'ers? I'm willing to bet it's less than 33%. So why is gameplay being nerfed and changed and catered to a minority while proffessions who suck at pvm and would rather type /terminate and save time in pvp keep getting worse.

  9. #9

    PvP and roleplay

    I'm not sure just 33% of SERIOUS players (beyond, say, lvl 10) are into PvP. Rubi-Ka is a world torn between two factions, three if you factor in the neutrals, and that means PvP is key to this game : how could there be a conflict if all sides could never battle it out ?

    However, I also think that people who want to play solo should be given the means to. Of course, some professions (medic ?) aren't really meant to be played solo (soldiers are probably the best for soloing, as in any RPG).

    The fact is, most people certainly like to solo AND team. I sure do : I can't always get to team up since I never connect at regular hours. The game should be enjoyable by everyone.

    But it's certain that soloing and killing only NPC's is not the most interesting way of playing AO. It's just good to make some XP and money when you don't have the time or opportunity to roleplay.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Intrepid

    intrepid plays a trader now and has for the last 2 months now.

    Hmm and he's already higher then your soldier....
    *snicker* you're a trader then you say? Then why are you always posting about engi stuff, and engi issues, and whining about how gimped engies are?

    And as a trader campaigning against soldier luv?!?!?! Boy you sure don't wanna lose your position as the most uber and insanely overpower of all the proffs do ya? Heaven forbid the soldiers might get fixed to the point where traders don't snicker when they attack us.

    and what's level got to do with it? So you have more time to blow on the endless rounds of home missions, big deal? All I see when you smirk about how your trader is higher level then my soldier is "nya nya, I'm higher level then you so stfu!".

    And you know.. I am campaigning mostly for pvp changes... mostly cause I hardly pvm at all anymore. But lets talk about pvm, where soldiers are once again at the bottom of the heap for ability. We can't calm, or root, or heal, or any of the other abilites that makes pvm doable. Soldiers are mediocre at pvm at best, when they should be outstanding pvm fighters. We specialize in combat... to bad mediocrity is the soldiers fate.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  11. #11
    "I'm not sure just 33% of SERIOUS players (beyond, say, lvl 10) are into PvP."

    So basically you're admitting there's a correlation between participation in PvP and being a twink?

    "Rubi-Ka is a world torn between two factions, three if you factor in the neutrals"

    Hey, if we're a faction then stop gimping us by not allowing us to shoot first. The current system requires my neutral nanomage NT to pretty much die before it allows me to take any action. Or maybe neutral kills shouldn't count towards XP and titles...take your pick.

  12. #12

    Re: PvP and roleplay

    Originally posted by Malevol
    I'm not sure just 33% of SERIOUS players (beyond, say, lvl 10) are into PvP. Rubi-Ka is a world torn between two factions, three if you factor in the neutrals, and that means PvP is key to this game : how could there be a conflict if all sides could never battle it out ?

    However, I also think that people who want to play solo should be given the means to. Of course, some professions (medic ?) aren't really meant to be played solo (soldiers are probably the best for soloing, as in any RPG).

    The fact is, most people certainly like to solo AND team. I sure do : I can't always get to team up since I never connect at regular hours. The game should be enjoyable by everyone.

    But it's certain that soloing and killing only NPC's is not the most interesting way of playing AO. It's just good to make some XP and money when you don't have the time or opportunity to roleplay.
    Soldiers are actually one of the worst soloing professions. Speaking from only a bit of exp, having had a 136 soldier, which isn't high enough to call high level, but I liked soloing, and 136 gave me enough insight, that if I wanted to solo Soldier wasn't for me. Soldiers, other than blitzing missions, are totally team dependent, as much as a doctor is.

    The top solo professions now:


    Meta's are decent at soloing.

    Engys used to be a good solo profession, but they have got the shaft hard now.

    Enforcers can solo ok.

    Advents can solo ok too.

    Bad solo professions:
    Agent (except for sneaking missions)

  13. #13
    FC love ,never happen... I seen alot of my soldier friends goto some EXTREMES to get there soldier to be OK at pvp. That was all Crit based to. No telling what there doing now.

    192 GimP

  14. #14
    Hey, the enforcer nano also have huge req.. your not alone

  15. #15
    The thing is, the enforcer nanos are useful. Soldier nanos are not.

  16. #16


    dont forget that min 50% of soldier ar trox and jsut as gimp in nano skils as enf ar and that teh nanos haf a hier reg and ar jusles lol

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