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Thread: Rubi-Ka Science Conference forum now open!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Rubi-Ka Science Conference forum now open!

    All Rubi-Ka scientists and curious laymen are invited to the Science Conference forum:

    Rubi-Ka Science Conference forum

    Here we will be planning next year's interdisciplinary science conference--Rubi-Ka's first--as well as discussing our work in general and socialize with likeminded citizens.

    All factions, classes, professions, and sexes are welcome.


    Are you a scientist? How do you know?

    It's easy.

    If you are inquisitive and curious almost to the point of being annoying, if you question the information you do recieve--"how do they know that?"--then you have that special scientific spirit.

    If that's not you, you have at least shown enough curiosity to come here, and are equally welcome.

    After more than 700 years on this planet, Rubi-Ka's science community is still in its infancy. Our advanced technology relies mostly on old Earth science, while the things that are unique to this place--such as notum--often retain an image of magic, and the specialists using it a mystical appearance.

    The Rubi-Ka Science Conference is a seed. Our hope is that this seed will grow and develop into a well-functioning scientific community, guided by the old Earth masters, but planted solidly into the notum-saturated soil of Rubi-Ka.

    Our guiding principles must be:


    Welcome to the Rubi-Ka Science Conference!



    Edit: Added welcoming message.
    Last edited by Kronocide; Nov 16th, 2002 at 22:30:56.
    Tenfour, Scienceleet, Abhaya, all on Atlantean
    AO Stuff

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