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Thread: Thank you FC ! Uber patch ! :) Still...

  1. #1

    Thank you FC ! Uber patch ! :) Still...

    I'd like to thank you FC for two things :
    - Today's server patch : job well done !
    - Putting up with the barrage fire of us forum posters. It quite surprise me it didn't degenrate into a good'ol bloody flame war with maximum censorship.

    That said, I've been doing a three-hour solo run to see for myself all the patch goodness you gave us. For the most part it's perfect, still a few things seem a little weird. I don't know if I should call them bugs or glitches or whatever.

    My solo run was a pair of missions (50% and 55% difficulty) and some roaming.

    The 50% mission was harder than the 55% mission. It also featured an A-2000 ELITE mob (a robot with a single gun) that would ALWAYS double hit and at a higher RoF than me (I dual-wield, btw). My level is 58, with about 1450 HP, mob damage for any attack was 160+60 ! I had to zone out. Moreover, other mobs would attack me while I was fighting a mob in a different room. Ultimately, I had to zone so many times, accomplishing nothing, that I abandonned the mission.

    The 55% mission was a bliss : mobs and monsters of higher level than me where challenging but manageable, good ammount of XP, mob aggressivity rather predictable, as before 14.6 patch. same for loot. Even seems the mob give more money they used to.

    On the other hand, here are the things I noticed :

    - My RoF is noticeably slower. Before 14.6, I could ventilate a mob of my own level almost too fast to get to use "burst" or "first aid" twice. Now I always have time for two or even three bursts before said green mob bites the dust.

    - a "Burst" attack can never finish off a mob. Even though the mob is nearly dead and the burst leaves it with not a single pixel in its health bar, it still stands and shoots once more. Then the measly 5 points damage of my reflect shield kills him. I've noticed that on over 10 mobs so I'm fairly sure of this.

    - It's the same thing with the Wen-wen, but there I'm not 100% sure.

    - Wen-wen used to damage every mob in a room after 14.6 patch. Now it's not always the case. Could you explain the exact workings of the wen-wen ?

    That's all I noticed on a pair of missions. It feels about just as playable as before 14.6, for which I'm truly thankful. Adapting to this server patch will be fairly easy (it's done, actually )

    If anyone has noticed the same thing, please reply.

    El Malevolo, lonely soldier on a mission (most of the time)

  2. #2
    I agree with all your points,as i always suspected, the games being tweaked a little with each patch that rolls out.evades are not working at full par(this explains what you said about using first aid kits and burst more in a battle).Same deal with me.This game tweaking is being done a little at a time(each patch).Of course i have no evidence of this other than the fact that mobs who could not hit me before(green or grey)actually are getting crits on me.Top this with the fact my weapon is supposed to fire and recharge 1,1.5,it is around 3,3 big difference id say.Forget the patch notes,they changed all kinds of things in 14.6 and didin't include them so go figure.I'm not complaining on your thread,all in all some good things arrived with the patch.But i can't get past the things they are changing and not telling the community.I brought this up in a fresh thread and in a matter of hours poof it was gone.I'm just trying to play in a changing enviroment like you,but how can you adjust strategy and your gear if the numbers you see are not representing whats really there.So once again ill say the llts are still hear but everything else is being tweaked to be as if they were removed.crits evades what have you are all behaving differently(not as effective).Any one else see these things happening?

  3. #3


    I'm not sure we're on the same wavelength.

    IMO, the patch has just returned AO to the level of solo playability it had before 14.6

    Been doing 4 missions since the latest tweak, and it's quite fine except for mobs hitting one last time when they should be dead

  4. #4
    From my lvl 25 agent's viewpoint.

    The new pet thing is very nice, didn't see a pet in the 3 or 4 missions i did last night, at least once i got aggro from another room when attacking a mob, maybe that is supposed to happen but a bit rough fighting two even cons.

    Another is the sync problem with mob dmg/your dmg and mob death, i could see the xp message while the mob was still fighting but i could not run a nano on him "hostile nanos are not allowed" or something like that.

    Another thing i noticed was that at times when my dot(inject poison) was running on the mob the hp bar could behave a bit odd, say i hit the mob with a bullet, hp bar goes down, then my dot pulses and hp bar jumps up a noticable amount, probably some visual bug but annoying.

    Yet another thing i have noticed is with the treatment kits(nano rechargers to)sometimes i use them and i see the movement the char does but nothing happens, hp/nano bar does not go up, think that i acctually loose one of the kits to but that i'm not shure about.

    I would also like to thank FC for fixing that stuck in the wall bug in rome, i died on a mission and ended up at reclaim stuck in the wall, like dying was not bad enough

  5. #5
    Besides my grumble about the pets (sorry cant stop saying it) i think the sync problem should be looked at too. Many times i have killed a mob, getting the xp for it, it still shoots for 5-10 secs at me. He wont be hitting me, but please try to fix that.
    And i hate entering trade now. If i zone into trade , it takes about 30-40 seconds to get into the playfield. Didnt happen before 14.6. Perhaps they could look at that too.

  6. #6
    The main point was the rof you'd mentioned Malevold.It is off,im sure of it.Fights are lasting way to long.My guns are way to slow compared to before the patch.I hope it all evens out.

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