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Thread: Move/Add Some Attractions, and Ideas

  1. #1

    Move/Add Some Attractions, and Ideas

    Ive got some pretty good ideas, that i think would cause for a nicer playing expirience.

    1. Move the Tir Arena to aegen (is that the clan city?) This would cause a more enjoyable pvp time, because the lag would be cut down tremendously.

    2. Open up some of the shops/bars/clubs/cafes in entertainment, i really wanna goto the eden cafe, or heads and tails (heh heh).

    3. Allow all those lvl 2-5 NPCs talk to you when you talk to them, it doesnt need to be interesting, and you could have the same messages for multiple ones.

    4. Permit access to that really big tower in entertainment, i love that place =].

    5. Make a new map upgrade, for Shops, so if there is a shop door on your auto map, it shows up as a, lets say gold dot.

    Thats just a few off the top of my head, add more if you think they fit.

    Bump, Flame, Bump with Flames, Flame with Bumps

  2. #2
    Hm.. strange ideas but i agree.

    Move the Arena to other city maybe one wher reacable from grid, and we can kick some omni ass

    I think the shops is good, not need open. But the Bars, food providers, clubs, and other entertainer places trade all player.

    I prefer a PvP bub, where we can pubfighting (what cause the alcohol? )

    Big tower in entertainment? (need nerf the grid guards, i will see that tower ) Open a bar the highest tower, i will see down to city from high.

    Good idea too : the mapupgrade. But i think need new maps, with new whompas, bridges, and another changes. And maybe need new design

    And a other one: Can write to "Hint" to bags, this "bag with Graft armours", this "bag with Dragon armours" Not need open how we know, and the hint work in bank.

    Gimp forever!

    Rubi-Ka2 :
    Proud member of Alpha Omega
    Characters: Toldix/Enf, Liliom/Doc, Almos/Fix, Toldixmp/MP, NToldix/NT, Vazul/MA

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Move Tir arena to West Athens. We have enough stuff going on in Tir we don't need more and more people coming to gank each other then whine in /shout
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  5. #5
    Sweet idea. Long waited idea about the bars especialy the heads and tails thingy! I would love to chill in there from time to time playing up my hard earned credits on slots and roulette LOL!

    On a larger scale, sure the wompah and grid systems work fine but I would love to see a all city system. For ex. say your guild would like to plan an attack on TIR. Enter the city grid every1 in the attack collects themself infront of a grid to be teleported all to random locations inside a city. Suddenly you would have 80 omni in different locations throughout Tir. Major fullscale attack.
    This is just an idea pls done flame it!

    Anyway this city grid system would lead a grid to every city be it and outpost or a full blown city. Also, be able to access smaller outposts scattered throughout rubi-ka.

    More static level controlled dungeons!

  6. #6
    Why not just add in a few more arenas to new cities? And while your at it, give an arena to the neutrals, dont they deserve to enjoy the blood sports?

    I definately agree more areas should be opened up. Roadkill Restaurant (Ent), Canary Bar (4 Holes), The Happy Miner (not sure about that name, 4 Holes), Eden Cafe, Head and Tailsand all the others I cant think of right now!
    Last edited by Fakonamo; Nov 13th, 2002 at 17:42:52.

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