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Thread: Money Making

  1. #1

    Money Making

    Hey folks, I've played AO for a few months and have learned a few ways or earning credits. Now ive read the exchange channel and have noticed some folks buying items for up to the hundreds of millions of credits. So iv'e put together some ways of making money and wonder if im still missing something.

    1.)Do Missions and sell all items and mob/boss loot.
    2.)Blitz armor/items and sell them on shopping.
    3.)Buff services for tips.

    these seem to be the most common and decent way to make some pocket change

    5.)Camp GA discs
    6.)Camp tara items and sell for megabucks.

    very hard to do but have seen a few become successful

    Now I'm talking non-exploiting non-ebay methods of making supercash. Just wondering if I've missed anything. Hopefully some new people can get some insight on my post and some responses and maybe ill learn a thing or two in the process

  2. #2
    Best way, IMNSHO: Blitz missions for seed money, then buy low, sell high.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  3. #3
    You missed begging
    Fixers were not put on this world to damage things, purely to run away from stuff.....

    Skizzz - Omni Fixer

    Recruiting for Alphastrike, send me a /tell

    Recruitment Ad - Contact us here

  4. #4
    also calming for chest loot. Dont kill anything, just go in, calm the aggro and steal all the good stuff from chests - soul frags, IQ rings, Bronto hides and nanos.....

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