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Thread: Beacon Warp and Camelot Exploit

  1. #1

    Beacon Warp and Camelot Exploit

    I may be wrong but I think that FC are banning pepole for using Beacon Warp to get inside /move around Camelot.

    See the stater page for RK3 for more details .. iffy Babelfish translation below

    Current News
    Beacon Warp after Camelot did not forbid getting a using by Beacon Warp around people after Camelot is longer permitted and like a Exploit is treat/punished. Funcom is endeavored around a better solution.
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  2. #2
    Better translation

    The use of beacon warp to get people into camelot is no longer allowed and will be treated as an exploit. Funcom is looking for a better solution.
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  3. #3
    I exploited. I beacon warped Qwerty1 roughly 5 inches in front of an ARK. I should be banned for life.

  4. #4

    .... umm

    ..isnt that like saying i only dupped 1 credit? or 10? or 100000?

    ... where do you draw the line, 5 inches?
    ... outside castle to your pf?
    ...100% to box room?
    ... box room to Tara?

    It was stated very very clearly.
    Under no circumstances, no warping.

    Just to my .02

  5. #5


    Beacon Warp needs to be dealt with as the liberal use of it lately has made Camelot totally unplayable.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Megabio
    I exploited. I beacon warped Qwerty1 roughly 5 inches in front of an ARK. I should be banned for life.

    A real fine example your setting for members of your guild and new players.

  7. #7
    I warped someone 5 inches and therefore I must get flamed.

    If you want to complain and whine and call me an idiot, feel free to. I really don't mind. Isn't like it bothers me... If I want to use one of my nanos, I'm going to use one of my nanos. If you're going to make a nano an exploit, then, I'm sorry, how about I declare that someone using a nuke is an exploit because it makes lag?
    PS: I will continue beacon warping people into GS2 as long as players keep people in GS1 just to prevent Clans from taking over GS2. (RK2) If you're going to ban me, that's good and dandy.
    Last edited by Megabio; Nov 7th, 2002 at 23:18:32.

  8. #8

    ... umm...

    rather than take it up with me......

    try and email Cz.
    or ......
    see this thread...

    or email

    Me doubts you will.

    Do what you will thats fine too, otherwise to just sit in open forum saying your going to break rules or use exploits makes you a poser.

    I am sure with your superior attitude and demeaner you will show them the error of their ways and they will instantly reverse their decision.
    Last edited by FooDaddy3; Nov 8th, 2002 at 16:09:29.

  9. #9
    Take that attitude with you out in the real world Megabio, you'll do just fine (just don't complain when the bouncer don't see it your way ).

  10. #10

    Re: .... umm

    Originally posted by Foodaddy3
    ..isnt that like saying i only dupped 1 credit? or 10? or 100000?

    ... where do you draw the line, 5 inches?
    ... outside castle to your pf?
    ...100% to box room?
    ... box room to Tara?

    It was stated very very clearly.
    Under no circumstances, no warping.

    Just to my .02
    He didnt say what zone he was in dude... maybe you should think before opening your piehole.
    Last edited by Hangtown; Nov 8th, 2002 at 17:56:00.
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    Originally posted by Kenlon
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  11. #11

    Did you not read the title of the thread? Ok, if he was talking about warping in Lush Fields , then nm, but i dont think that is it. See below...

    Originally posted by Megabio
    PS: I will continue beacon warping people into GS2 as long as players keep people in GS1 just to prevent Clans from taking over GS2. (RK2) If you're going to ban me, that's good and dandy.

    I think that implies zone pretty well.

  12. #12

    Re: ... umm...

    Originally posted by Foodaddy3
    rather than take it up with me......

    try and email Cz.
    or ......
    see this thread...

    or email

    Me doubts you will.

    Do what you will thats fine too, otherwise to just sit in open forum saying your going to break rules or use exploits makes you a poser.

    I am sure with your superior attitude and demeaner you will show them the error of their ways and they will instantly reverse their decision.

  13. #13
    While I know the problems beaoon warp creates. I will say this. If I decided to PvP in a team, and say we have an Engy. I died. I still say he has the right to warp me back to the team. It shouldnt just be. "oops, he died, boot him from team and find a new one cause he cant get back in the dungeon"

    The probl;em is, you cant trust people only to use it for "there team" I dont know how to get around this, but you have to find a way to not "nerf" engies usefullness in a team PvP while at the same time stoping from people teaming with a Eng, get warped in, leave team, new person teams, gets warped, then leaves team. so on and so forth. THIS should be considerd explointing. NOT that an Engy does what he was MADE TO DO.
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  14. #14

    Cz stated that "using Beacon Warp to transport people into Camelot is no longer allowed, and will be treated like an exploit."

    INTO Camelot. That means if both people are already in Camelot, there is no violation of rules.

    That means using Beacon Warp to move people from 100% in GS1 to box in GS1, for example, is perfectly legal.

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