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Thread: Sooooo.... are soldiers getting fixed next patch?

  1. #1

    Sooooo.... are soldiers getting fixed next patch?

    I'm not trying to edge out engineers or nt's, so no flames please. I'm just wondering if/when soldiers will be getting fixed.

    /me wants some fixer/luv style fixin
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  2. #2
    This whole thing is a recycling thing as others gets fixed some others gets gimped due to that. Hence further nerfings and patchings. We will still be talking and asking about the same stuff after 3 years. (IF we will be here that is )
    Lion Strimple aka Sware

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