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Thread: Are there any classes that people don't complain that they suck?

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Warlock

    and I trust you petitioned him for using an exploit? (yes it is)
    lol, it is?

    how sad...even more sad that a soldier lost to an eng...but to call that an exploit, lol...I find it smart...Funcom messed up, making crappy nanos like QU overwrite speedbuffs (and to those traders who haven't learned to ask b4 u cast QU: LEARN!) and eng shield overwrite soldier shields...but hey...omni uses bacon wrap to win Tara...they are still here...

    who cares...funcoms programmers sure as heck doesn't.

  2. #22


    Fixers have little or nothing to complain about now.

    For a practically a whole year since release, fixers were the most useless of professions. With 6 dark blue nanoskills, few viable weapon options and no working Trade processes, it made you wonder why anyone would want to play a watered-down Soldier.

    FC introduced some great fixes (scuse the pun) and made this an excellent well-rounded class to play. I do not begrudge them anything, and wholly disagree with those that call for this profession to be nerfed.
    "You know how these so-called 'Environmentalists' are all vegetarian? Well, there would be a lot more of the Environment if they stopped eating all the plants..."

    Harry Hill

  3. #23
    funny thing I used to complain to my friends all the time that my NT sucked until around level 130ish. Unfortunately I think that is how long it took me to figure out how to play her.
    At 184 I'm very happy with my NT and would never complain that NT's suck. And I'm not saying my NT is good because I'm higher level just that I know how to play the class now. I think learning the class has so much to do with "thinking" your class sucks.

  4. #24
    Yes, it's "exploiting game mechanics" and now I only do it if I'm ganked. The damn [enter profane phrase/word of your choice] deserve to get it.

  5. #25
    I never complain about being a doc =P
    well ithought i could only solo ql 100 and was complaining
    then i tried a 160 and it went fine -_-
    gank me plz.
    Splitfridge// lvl 191 omni doc
    Splitbanana// lvl 110 omni trader -_-
    Spitfridge// lvl 53 enf (yeah he probably killed ur alt)
    Splitanut// lvl 22 mp (watch me solo your base)


  6. #26
    Originally posted by Gold
    but hey...omni uses bacon wrap to win Tara...they are still here...
    Beacon warp in Camelot is an exploit too (check sticky thread in Eng board)
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Warlock

    Beacon warp in Camelot is an exploit too (check sticky thread in Eng board)
    My point just flew right over your head, didn't it?

    Point WAS that it is an exploit and that they did/do it and that they did not get banned for it...*rolling eyes*

  8. #28
    Originally posted by Gold

    My point just flew right over your head, didn't it?

    Point WAS that it is an exploit and that they did/do it and that they did not get banned for it...*rolling eyes*

    Actually I wondered if you were being sarcastic :-)

    The problem is since not all the players read the board (I would say the majoritory dont) you cant ban people for this exploit since its only publicised on the boards. Therefore people who warp into camelot (since its not an _obvious_ exploit) will need to be warned once (at least) before they are banned and thats assuming the same ARK/GM is called to each subsequent petition (or if they have a list or people who have been warned)
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  9. #29
    Actually CZ posted that you would be warned and then perhaps on the 2nd time around given a 24 hour lockout on your account 'maybe'.

    Thats IF someone see's you doing it. Grid in 25 people 25 mins before a battle in a already filled GS and your 30/30 split of omni/clan turns into 55/30 and eachof the next 25 people who die (mostly the smaller #..) will end up outside the GS and unable to get back in.

    There are PLENTY of small rooms in Cam. that you can warp people into and filter them into the mix..

    I've never bothered on RK2 to do this so don't call me a exploiter now that funcom has labeled it as such because of the whiners.

    In PVP Engi's do suck now that the bracers got nerfed and with the MA engi's being screwed by the FFOK upcoming nerf that will pretty much force them to X3's or V3's or Shotguns or something...

    PVM we do just fine if we stand about as far back as we can from the mob and still have our bot in sight...of course if its 1 Master Doctor or a 1 RM Enforcer types it can take a slayer down easy...

    Why funcom ever put that 300MA into transferrence is beyond me... I guess its better than 300 in QFT or EE... I would like it more if it was shotgun or +300 to evades... :-)

    When you think of 'damage' teams who is the last person you would want on one?

    Elbo - LVL 220 Top of the line: Supreme Creator Engineer

    Making 5 Gem Saba Bracers! Give tell in game!
    Crat - LVL 209! Doc - LVL 170,MA - LVL 106,Fixer - LVL 103,Keeper - LVL 140,, MP - LVL 109, Shade - LVL 165
    QFT: 1800+. EE: 2400+. ME: 2400+. Chem: 1800+ WS: 1900+. Psychology: 1800 Pharm: 1800

    Making QL300 AI Armor and Weapons!

  10. #30
    Originally posted by Elbo

    When you think of 'damage' teams who is the last person you would want on one?

    Actually I think Doc when asked that. At 150+ I'll take an advent over a doc any day of the week and twice on tuesdays, they more then easily keep up with the healing and actually deal decent damage. And engineers in slayer transeferance deal hella damage *shrug*.

    Originally posted by Warlock

    and I trust you petitioned him for using an exploit? (yes it is)
    I read the list of 'who owns soldiers' in an earlier post and half of me came away thinking "This guy isnt going to be happy until he can beat every other prof at least 50% of the time" (and thats what every other combat prof is thinking too). But then the other half of me isnt so sure thats what he means/wants.
    How much 'tradeskill' or 'PvM' makes up for a lack of 'PvP'? Probably impossible to answer, however since this whole game is based on XP and hence PvM, the game should be _at least_ balanced for PvM. Then you worry about PvP (I know thats not going to go down well with the bored high level guys, but I didnt make the game mechanics up.

    It wasn't an exploit at the time when the eng used it on me .

    And I don't want to own everyone all the time, I just want to not be a joke to half the other proffs in the game. I want the fight to not be predetermined 100% beforehand. I want to have some small chance at being able to beat a doctor, or any healing proff for that matter.

    And your right about tradeskills not being enough if you can't fight. However my point is; what is the point of playing a soldier if the proffession that can calm and heal and plunder and divest, and root, and warp, and tradeskill, and ect ect Can also fight as well as or better then a soldier who can do none of those other things?
    Last edited by Sredni; Nov 7th, 2002 at 01:38:01.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  11. #31
    Engies in transference don't do as much damage as some people think they do. Admittedly when i first got transference i thought we did hella damage too. Then after getting mad about FC's responses to engies problems i started a couple alts. Mainly a trader and a MA who have almost caught my engie in levels(170). Now every once in awhile when i log on my engie and wonder what the hell i was thinking when i thought my engie did hella damage.

    Part of the difference between engies and most other profs is the fact there is no 10k Aimed shot no 10k sneak attack or 10k FA for engies using transference not to mention MA is a very crit reliant weapon. With continuing crit nerfs engineer damage continues to fall disproportiately with the other profs.

    I run damage dumper almost the entire time and yes i do understand its not always 100% accurate but i can tell you that the numbers from engineers using transference are not as high as you seem to think. they aren't the bottem of the team but they aren't the top either. I think that prior to this patch engies fit in relatively well damage wise in a team for the prof we are.

    Problem being engie is only prof with nothing add to a team. So why would you take a prof who does average damage when you can have a prof which does average damage, runs a 132 wrangle helps with the healing at the boss and is the primairy calmer in the group(yes talking about my trader) Even soldier has init buff and attack rating booster to add to a team and NTs have jobe and HE and layers if needed.

    But this and the next patch are hurting engie damage taking us down near the bottem with the FFOK nerf as well as the soon to be LLTS/VE nerf.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  12. #32
    As for the first question of this thread are there any classes that don't complain they suck.

    my trader does not suck
    my MA does not suck(can't believe some MAs still whine)
    my doc does not suck(though still lowbie around 85ish your right he doesn't do damage but he keeps everyone alive)

    But my engie sure as hell sucks
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  13. #33
    Balancing all the classes is essentially impossible. The main point I want to raise here is that when most people discuss the pros and cons of each class, they almost exclusively talk about the higher levels. Take this thread for example. Every reference to how well the soldier is balanced (or not balanced, to be accurate) refered to the highest levels. TMS X, IX, VIII, hellspinner, etc. Since most of the time, most players aren't at the highest levels, its more important to try and balance the classes at the middle levels, where the majority of the players are.

  14. #34
    Notice how this thread is turning towards the engineers? Doesnt that tell you something?

    Now, almost everything has been said about the engineer. I just want to add that in PvP, the ONLY prof that I would actually think "Hey, I think I can take that guy", would be the soldier. He can't root, calm or scare my pet, and he cant root me. If I got a HP buff and a HOT, he doesnt stand a chance (provided he is selfbuffed). The reflect cancel is an exploit, but the -48% aura isn't.

    But it requires only a lvl75 with ONE root to help that soldier, turning the table immediately for the soldier to own me.

    For PvP, I can only hope that the person Im fighting is thinking: "Haha, how cute... that engy thinks he can kill me, now Im gonna do something cool to own him", and then does something utterly stupid. People making assumptions that we are ubergimped is our only chance. Oh... and the fully buffed surprise gank in MMD. We do well then against all profs in such a scenario except Fixers in God Armor.
    Octo - eqp

    Atlanteans Legendary Teddybear wielding engineer and author of Click

    Get the all new SK/XP Calculator and find out when you will DING!

  15. #35
    Originally posted by Octo
    We do well then against all profs in such a scenario except Fixers in God Armor.
    Well we docs are supposed to keep others alive.
    Fixers are supposed to be the one proffesion that just doesn't want to die.

    Only thing us docs tend to complain about is the fact that we have a little problem convincing people to die. It takes SO long in PvM and in PvP people tend to run away. Though with a good alpha strike, a few well placed DoT's and a hacked graft (just make sure you won't need that T&S skill for the next 30 to 55 mins) it will hurt.
    Proud member of Circle G.
    We solve your problems on Rubi-Ka 1.(if the price is right)

  16. #36
    Originally posted by Yazule
    Fixa's .. well GA is all I gotta say
    800 million is all I gotta say, the rest is gravy. Not easy to acquire for the sake of a balanced profession.

    Crats/NTs get thier calms a lot cheaper and can calm through a mission for them and are much better than GA for staying alive in PvM. In PvP, GA fixers are prime targets for every trader, MP and NT because they can either turn offthe GA or nuke right through it from out of line of sight.

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