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Thread: Clan Take Out The Gens Right Hand

  1. #1

    Clan Take Out The Gens Right Hand

    Nice one guys all the guilds worked together great job

  2. #2
    ug lol, don't just say "grats". Tell us how it was done , what uber dark top secret tactic is needed to take out the GRH?
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  3. #3
    probably had alot to do with the fact that 1/2 of people seem to be criting on every single shot right now.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  4. #4
    Hehe yeah it's a nice bug, especially as only crits hit those uber mobs usually, GRH will be unkillable again after the next emergency patch most likely
    RK1 Guild Apocalypse

    Dillon "Duradas" Belote, Fixer
    Kiyoko "Selarana" Vallone, Meta Physicist
    Donald "Jorman" Dublin, Bureaucrat
    Burl "Gnorrg" Marinos, Enforcer
    Florence "Florania" Aronstein, Doctor
    RK3, Arnold "Gideon" Reineman, Enforcer

  5. #5
    So, did it drop an uber gun ?

    - Fixer (Doer) -

    Advisor of A.I.R

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Intrepid
    probably had alot to do with the fact that 1/2 of people seem to be criting on every single shot right now.
    Or could it be that the GRH wasn't hitting for 4k-10k and taking a player out every hit?

    I only saw two hits from the GRH in there, but the higher one was only 1145. That's healable, isn't it?
    My Main - Actionpete of the Red Tigers

    And with one sweeping blow, Letah pwns everyone. :-D - Razishlyat, Nano Regen rate

    The Shadowlands Perk System - "Are you feeling perky yet?"

    On the Shadowlands Perk System:-
    Originally posted by OneChrisN
    Frankly we don't know anyting about it other that it's there and Enforcers can kick people in the nuts.

  7. #7
    Well, all mobs were tweaked down since they were considered too hard. You should see all the unkillables drop dead by the end of this month, if not this week.

  8. #8
    I suspect they will be bounced up in difficulty a bit in the emergency patch. It's Verant syndrome.

    "Nothing can kill it! Not even the total ubers!"

    "Tweak it down."

    "Now everyone is killing it and getting uber lewtz!"

    "Ack, back up with you!"

    Lather, rinse, repeat, until a happy medium is obtained.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  9. #9
    Im upset that the mobs were nerfed, before all more people had a chance to Attempt them.

    Me and my crew killed the harbinger of the general pre-patch, now... I *think* we could of handled GRH

    jsut upseting
    215 Solitus Soldier RK1
    Advisor Midnight Reveries.

    Do politics exist? Yes.
    Who's involved in them? Anyone who wants to be.

    If you spend your time worrying about what everyone else is doing in their lives, you'll miss what's happening in yours.

  10. #10
    Grats to those that were there

    GRH is still very hard and I would like us to try after the emergancy patch and see if we can do it then without the crit bug, but still cool

    Grats again.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  11. #11
    I only saw two hits from the GRH in there, but the higher one was only 1145. That's healable, isn't it?
    That's called hit through TMS

    I didn't noticed a high crit rate... take a look @ the screenies...
    We were 30+ clanners, all 150+, and we didn't killed it the first attempt...

    Grats again all
    Rookie/Apprentice Loot "Cronost" Cursed - Lvl 21x Guru - General of Storm.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    I was there too and I didnt do a lot of crits .. i hardly even hit him .. but then again I dont look at my damage when I have to heal that much

    and it dropped .. junk ql 220 armor but it was fun
    Jena Loveyou Bunke
    - lvl 200 Doctor - Unit Leader of Storm -
    Spanky Debugged Bunke
    - lvl 171Fixer - Unit Member of Storm -

    Visit Storm at our website

  14. #14
    no Nophex, just a practicly full set of crappy high omni armor.


  15. #15
    Originally posted by Shatai

    Or could it be that the GRH wasn't hitting for 4k-10k and taking a player out every hit?

    I only saw two hits from the GRH in there, but the higher one was only 1145. That's healable, isn't it?
    you fool thats what it hits me with tms up 4k damage without

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Razers

    you fool thats what it hits me with tms up 4k damage without
    Considering the facts that:-

    a) I wasn't there, and
    b) I didn't bother checking the screenshots for reflect damage

    perhaps it's fair enough that I didn't think of TMS. I don't play a Soldier, and I was incredibly bored when I posted, so perhaps not as sharp as I could have been.

    The "you fool" comment is a bit harsh though.

    Bah, not going to waste my time on you. Think up some more stellar insults like the one above, and consider yourself flamed.
    My Main - Actionpete of the Red Tigers

    And with one sweeping blow, Letah pwns everyone. :-D - Razishlyat, Nano Regen rate

    The Shadowlands Perk System - "Are you feeling perky yet?"

    On the Shadowlands Perk System:-
    Originally posted by OneChrisN
    Frankly we don't know anyting about it other that it's there and Enforcers can kick people in the nuts.

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