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Thread: What NEW vehicles do you want to see ?

  1. #1

    What NEW vehicles do you want to see ?

    i'd like to see some vehicles that dont look like space age tampons. Vehicles with wheels things like jeeps or bikes or even jeeps and bikes that hover slighty off the ground but still look believable. what does everyone else think/like to see?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I want a vehicle, not a little remote control car.

  4. #4
    Motorcycles would be cool. I'd love to cruise by someone and open fire with my other hand and do a drive-by. The visuals would be pretty cool.

    Maybe drop the persons AC a bit to let them attack from within the vehicle?
    Born on: Wed Jun 27 15:39:10 2001
    Slavor, Soldier, RK1

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Millenium Falcon (Yt-1300)
    Rebel Snowspeeder
    Something Muscle Car lookin
    Something that would be like a flying Hummer/Jeep type rugged looking vehicle...something gritty not pretty

  7. #7



    500k for a QL30, Vehicle Air 82... make it SLOW, but airborne... for those newbies that just *have* to go to that nasty nasty zone for a mission, but haven't yet scraped together 5 million dollars (e.g. any primary character under level 90)


    And yes, motorcycle, too... as fast as a yalm, more expensive than the current ground vehicles, lowers your AC. Pure vehicle ground...

  8. #8
    I think that's a fine suggestion, Agent Oranj. I don't need speedy whatsoever, but I would like something that could get me to a dangerous area in safety, that was affordable and had low requirements.

    Heck, I'd LOVE to go sight-seeing from up on high for once.

  9. #9
    I want to see a flying assault vehicle. Or maybe an nifty exoskeleton for melee users. That would be uber!
    . : Oldskule - 87 Martial Artist RK1 Kung Fu Fighter! : .

    . : Ternak - 112 Soldier RK1 *Dead* : .

    . : Jenerik - 8 Enforcer RK1 Just another generic Enforcer : .

  10. #10
    man nice idea on the exo seklinton i can see it on my head now...its quite a pretty sight.

    how about something for Agents only or proffesion only vehicles.

    a sweet jet powerd glider for agents would be cool, min armour but really fast speed. or some sort of stealth bike thats really low down and black

  11. #11

    well what would i like...

    3 d movement in water with some cool static dungeons accessible via submersibles.

    fixed battlesuits with all kinds of add ons like powerarmer, jets to fly or jump with, gatling guns, flame throwers - you know those things.

    i would like some real cars that protect you from damage (since you cant fight in them anyway!) while you travel somewhere so there is an incentive to buy anything BUT a yalm.

    oh, how cool would static spacestations, derelict spaceships in orbit or underwater dungeons be ....
    sept 03 - the day ao was keeled by sl.

    gone now. byebye.

  12. #12
    Some kind of legged vehicle, BattleMech'y, which could do long strides out in the wastelands.

    Or maybe some kind of convertible, like the one that can be seen in mission rooms from time to time. I would have loved posting my screen of it, if I had anywhere to put it....

    Those monstrous-looking hoverbikes(?) in Athen Old and Omni Trade should be mentioned too. Fact is that a lot of these designs are already in-game.

  13. #13
    I don't have any vehicles that I would like to see.

    I do have vehicles that I would like NOT to see, however.

    Flying Attack Vehicles.

    I cannot stress this enough, it would only be used to grief! People use flying vehicles for two reasons. Either they like the speed or more importantly, they do not wish to be attacked.

    Imagine that you are flying in your Yalmaha over 2ho watching the action or minding your own business while on your way back from a mission. From out of nowhere flys Gankmaster2002 with his shiny new 'Attack Yalmaha'. He attacks you... Now you are unable to return fire because you are in a Yalmaha and unable to unequip your Yalmaha because you are in a fight... You cannot outrun him and you die.

    Another scenario?

    You are hunting at Bot Mountain while in a team with 5 other 20th level characters. Unbeknownst to you, Griefmaster2002 is further north, attacking a Sandworm and using his new 'Attack Yalmaha' to safely pull the critter down to Bot Mountain so that it may cause terror and mayhem amongst the n00bs.

  14. #14
    Jetski (or however you spell it... those one man boat thingies that go pretty fast).... but then I want big waves and stuff to go with that...
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

  15. #15
    i want a blimp or hot air balloon.
    i want a hoverbike/speeder bike type thing.
    i want some roller skates.
    i want a submarine.
    i want a tank.
    i want one of those huge construction digging machines.
    and...i want a steam roller.

  16. #16
    Jet Pack/Armor that looks like this:
    k- This message has been reviewed by intrusive goons searching for "evil-doers".

  17. #17

    Dig it Bluecat

    Nice Art Bluecat!! Jump Packs.... sweet....

    Exoskeleton type suits with jumppacks that gave ability boosts.... you know... that didn't really give negatives.... added Run better targetting, enhanced perception and cloaking and make it go over armor..... and make it a basic item that can be upgraded or tweaked with trade skills for different effects.

    What I would LOVE to see is wheeled vehicles. Exactly like in Halo.... Customizable using trade skills. Adding rockets and guns.... or not... maybe better armor and faster engines. Auto Piloting.... like way points.... or keying in coords and a MapNavDriveing Aid could plot the best course to travel Being able to drive around RK would be sweet. Some of the Terrain is awesome.... doing jumps off of cliffs and stuff... bumps and ramps... you could have rally races and stuff.... Motorcycles like Motocross Madness style stuff..... THAT WOULD BE SWEET!!! Wheeled Tank Platforms or Treds.... fast moving terrain vehicles... GIMME!!!!!

  18. #18
    I would like a boat that actualy went faster on water than it did on land. ;/
    Level 200 Eng

    My name was nerfed if you wish to contact me ingame please use superslang

    These are great days we're living, bros! We are jolly green giants, walking the earth with guns. These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth shooting.

  19. #19
    More vehicles the better! Yalms are too damn expensive, would be nice if there were a few cheaper flying vehicles to buy. Definitely want to see some multi-user vehicles. I mean what is the point of having a Yalm if the others in your team don’t have one? You fly all the way to the mission and wait. And then you have to wait for the guy who died on his way to the mission since he didn’t have a Yalm!

    Battle-suits need to be tweaked... I think we need battle suits that have weapons of their own.

    Spaceships... and a space zone... with eh... uh... space MOBS to kill with our Spaceships! Or we could just combine Earth and Beyond with AO!

    And while Funcom is at it.... create a Java version of AO so that I can play AO using just a web browser. Then I can play AO from work/school instead of posting on these pointless forums that Funcom never reads.
    Barry "Tribolt" Fukuda
    LvL 57 OT Fixer
    No Org. ( Recruit me!! )
    The Origin of Tribolt

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