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Thread: 50% crit reduction--Wrong Way!!

  1. #1

    50% crit reduction--Wrong Way!!

    Why do you always try to disgust players from playing the game? Doctors were tough to kill due to their complete healing in pvp, now their Hp won't move before they take us down........No offence for doctors, but it will give a great advantage to the healing professions in pvp: soldiers, mas fixers, adv...

    Why don't u focus on the essential?

    OUTSIDE BUFFS IN THE ARENA: Just delete any buff before entering the arena, that would mean ppl have to buff just before the duel, and lvl 30 peeps would'nt have essence of behemoth running or others uber buffs, as most ppl refuse to buff peeps inside the arena (good point)! That would have balanced pvp much more......
    Last edited by Sturmkampfer; Nov 2nd, 2002 at 10:01:00.

  2. #2
    PvP isnt only Arena - for twinks yes, but every other fights more outside than arena and the upcoming Notum wars will change that more to an outside war.

    Critnerf is welcome and I dont think it leaves all advantages to healer classes. My Soldier can do high damage on Docs without crits, force them to chainheal and as soon as they run out of Nano, the advantage is on my side (thats a dream, but let me pls ). Critnerf for Soldiers i.e. means they could be able to stand much longer in a fight. Crits (and debuffs) are the most annoying things for non-healing classes. What are 11k HP (Enforcer) or TMS (Soldier) worth, when a Doc, Trader (whatever) crits you down in no time?

  3. #3
    I havent tried it yet so I will reserve judgement... but..

    12 crit in pvp is nothing with evades etc on people and as an MA I would think I stand to be destroyed next patch (not by soldiers I think they need a bone thrown to them of their own) but I wont be able to touch enforcers because of my low base damage. Also we are unable to break roots next patch because debuffs dont affect them (im not speaking of general debuffs I mean our damage nanoes that used to break them because they nano shutdown us for 20 secs). So I have my bow... 19 meter range so again im out of range for most of the root classes (with possible exception of some traders) and even if my damage nanoes still break the root there is no major recharge on a root and it takes me 20 secs to get nano skills back....

    Basically MA`s were never as uber in pvp as people thought (especially once they take llts away from them they would have evened out alot anyway) and I think post 14.6 I stand to be a complete gimp in pvp because in team fights il be area rooted and left on (for example) the hill in 2ho watching my team mates win or lose...

    This is at best a half arsed solution to a real problem in pvp. Next will be heals... again I agree that they are a bit off but making them 50% as im sure will happen or something similar in the future will doom the MA class to a life sitting by trade bank listening to everyone enjoy pvp on the guild channel.

    These are just my opinions from the changes listed.. I will of course wait until I see myself in action after the patch.

    I am Kong.

    Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don't want to fight, I don't want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don't get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever's stopping me.

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