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Thread: Do All Pumpkins Drop Glasses?

  1. #1

    Do All Pumpkins Drop Glasses?

    Title says it all . Just wondering if all the lvl Pumpkins drop em, becouse 1 day is not enough!
    One Man Army of Azz's
    NThe once proud Azzface, is now just AfaceN

  2. #2

    [OT OOC] - the channel, is now agreeing that one needs to kill 31 of these to get a pair of glasses.

    However, I do not believe this.

    Imagine even getting a shot at 31 PHs?!

    215/15 | Lagerlad Atrox Adventurer | eqp | Mostly indestructible
    214/13 | Xpie Atrox Meta-physicist | eqp | Supernova!
    Member of Ragnarok

  3. #3
    but can you kill one in Lush and get the glasses? or do you have to kill em in 20K and higher?
    One Man Army of Azz's
    NThe once proud Azzface, is now just AfaceN

  4. #4
    My friend got his at 5th attempt so its totally random like everything else.
    Lion Strimple aka Sware

  5. #5
    I am flying in despair around in 20k....have killed like 10 pumpkins...I want to make it before they go away...

    Anyone know how long until they go away?

  6. #6
    I killed about 20 of them, low level, in Tir County. Got the shades off one of those.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  7. #7
    All pumpkinheads have a chance to drop the glasses, but that chance is quite small.

    Personally I took out 10 pumpkinheads level 10ish, found one Freedom Arms 3927, the rest was implants and clusters.

    Helped my team take out some PHs in Mort, found two pairs of glasses. Raffled them out among the team, so I didn't get a pair. Ah well.
    -Ward 'Kzak' Hereda, Clan L220, AL15 'Competent' Supreme Creator on Rubi-Ka 1. Equipment setup.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Except, you know, the brown stuff in the box? That's not chocolate.

    Doing his part to make the world a more interesting place since December 2001.. but not any more. Account cancelled, playable until 2006-11-13 19:25:49. See you in Age of Conan!

  8. #8
    i took out about 30 of them... a bunch around Tir a few in Omni forest and Newland Desert was the last place i seen them... sadly i spent all day hunting and no glasses no nothing

    had fun killing them but the drop rate of the goodies was about the same as the old TirPlumbo ring.... one in a milllion.

    'If you think you finally found the perfect light... i hope it's true' -Belly

  9. #9

    drop rate and spawn was ok.

    I was there when it all began, me and friends killed like 25 pumpkins in like 40 minutes, they were all over the place. We got 3-4 glasses. I mean thats a good drop rate for sucha a kewl item IMO. All you who whine are the ones that didnt get any :P And I can understand that, but as I see it not everyone was supposed to get a pair, then they wouldnt be that kewl anymore now would they?

    I loved this event, I want santa for xmas asweell please been a good boy. really I have

    hugs and joy

  10. #10
    I ended up killing about 10 yesterday in mort...

    all i found was crap! implants and a nano instruction disk.

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