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Thread: Need help with easy script

  1. #1

    Need help with easy script

    Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum.

    I have a new Crat and would like to have some really basic pet scripts.

    For example, instead of writing "/pet attack" I'd like to be able to write "/pa" and so forth.

    I read the online help and started a scripts folder but I was confused after that on how to write it. I think you use Notepad and then save them in that folder but I don't know what to do after that.

    Could someone just write out how this would work?


  2. #2
    I like the k.i.s.(keep it simple) rule:

    /macro Attack /pet attack

    you get the idea and put them on your shortcut bar

  3. #3
    Create a file in the scripts directory and name it "pa" with no extension.

    Put the text "/pet attack %t" in it and save.

    When you wish to execute it just type "/pa" in AO and it will run. If you gave the file an extension you would have to type the extension as well (i.e. "/pa.txt") You could also create a macro that would start the script (/macro PetAttack /pa).

  4. #4
    Thanks for the help - I got the macro working based on response #1

  5. #5
    the scripts open a bit more room for fun.

    /pet attack

    /pet chat "i'm on it master"
    /pet chat "i got a hard metal appendage for that %t's candy455"


  6. #6
    Macros are ok, but you may want to think of going with scripts. Besides what Thyrra mentioned, scripts are more useful since they can be used across all toons on your PC. This is especially useful when making scripts for helpbot whois, roll, level, etc...

  7. #7

    Smile AOScripter

    Our guild has a program called AOScripter that will simplify this for you. The link is:

    I have a script for pet social that is called ps and has the line /pet social %1. Great for making charmed pets dance
    - Szentasha
    Leader of Unity of the Rose

    AOScripter 2.0 If you need a script, you need AOScripter!

    *** Remove Social Armor Restrictions Today !!!

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