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Thread: dodga/alvin quest item drop rate change?

  1. #1

    dodga/alvin quest item drop rate change?

    i had posted concerns about drop rate on dodga/alvin / fixer grid quests.

    further testing and information gathering reveals:

    after spending too much time camping bots in one spot they stop dropping their items. leaving quest items in bodies seems to make this time extra short.

    once mobs stop dropping items you need to move to another site to camp bots; and the cycle repeats.

    if you are lvl 20, don't attack bots right next to trash king or his lackey.
    Last edited by Thyrra; Oct 21st, 2002 at 06:03:37.

  2. #2
    i think the droprate could be increased slightly. i got 3 chars that did the alvin quest. the fastest time to get the first pad parts, was around 5 hours of continously whacking mech dogs. Longest time was 3 days of bot camping.
    Susano-oh: can you tell us the damage hierarchy - ie who are supposed to be the top damage dealers.
    blackmane - It goes roughly in this order: NT (nukes), agent, MA (fist), shade, adventuer/soldier, keeper

    Marius: But the nano casting animation bug ofcourse has a high priority. (Feb 21st, 2004)

    Fronteria: NT's shouldnt be nr1 dmg, because you dont need skills to press one button to nuke.
    There are always someone who work harder and do better than others with the same tools.

  3. #3

    i can deal with an hour of killing mobs to get the items. after that is is far from fun and just makes me want to stop and delete whatever items i've gotten so far. what i've been doing is just logging off when i get fed up.

    this means i'm playing less because of this quest. 'content' driving players to log off doesn't seem like good content.

  4. #4

    Unhappy Definitely

    Amen to that. I'm on the Fixer Grid quest right now and I spent a good majority of it camping bots just for the nanotubes. I found 6 of the 8 items (none of which I needed, I'd already completed part 1 of the Alvin quest) before someone was kind enough to shout out the location of a corpse with nanotubes. This was after I killed almost 200 bots (I gained 174 xp from when I started, at 1xp per bot...) to do so. It took hours and was mindnumbingly boring.

    It even gave me flashbacks of that horrid Alvin quest, which was even worse because at the time, it took days to find all the items since I was lower level and could only attack waste collectors and not the dogs. I was too low level to fight off hordes of them that surround you, even though they were still grey to me at the time. The item drop rate really is atrocious. I can understand a need to make them not too common, but as it stands I feel it is either way too low, requiring hours of killing with little payoff (300 creds per bot, and 1 xp), and may even be bugged if the top post is accurate.

    Please, fix this. I shudder at the thought of having to someday go through this with an alt.

  5. #5
    not to mention you will prolly fail the first time you do the fixer quest...

    i killed 627 bots b4 i got all 8 parts for my first char, the liquid thingy droped once when everything else droped 2 or even 3 times.

    but then, NTs have a definite advantage here.... seen one drag around 50 dogs behind her, all blinded, then nuking it all with 1 hit.

    Ghengis "Zedtrion" Khan

    Have mausser, will travel. But show me the money first!

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Zedtrion
    not to mention you will prolly fail the first time you do the fixer quest...

    Actually I succeeded on my first try, but partially because I went to all the drop points for the nano crystal prior to actually running the quest, so I knew *exactly* where to find each person to give the crystal to and didn't waste any of my precious 10 minutes intervals searching for them. Especially good for the final trip to Old Athen as running around there too long wasn't viable due to the presence of hostile guards to OT.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Zedtrion
    not to mention you will prolly fail the first time you do the fixer quest...
    i did fine the first try, though i attribute that to a yalm and doing a dry run first, and luck on lag and disconnects.

    there is also the issue of the fixer grid quest being bugged. the person i was helping when i started this thread started the quest and the mission disappeared.

    this has been reported on the fixer board before and at least one GM is aware of the issue. the bug is still in the current patch ( ) on test.

  8. #8
    The higher level the bots, the more likely it is they will drop one of the pieces of the quest. I got all 8 pieces in a couple hours hunting A-2000 bots (or something like that) north of Tir along the northern zone border. Drop rate was like 25% per bot. However, they were still green to my 80ish MA. The bots spawned right along the rocky ridge line.

  9. #9

    Re: Definitely

    Originally posted by Shadecat
    Amen to that. I'm on the Fixer Grid quest right now and I spent a good majority of it camping bots just for the nanotubes. I found 6 of the 8 items (none of which I needed, I'd already completed part 1 of the Alvin quest) before someone was kind enough to shout out the location of a corpse with nanotubes. This was after I killed almost 200 bots (I gained 174 xp from when I started, at 1xp per bot...) to do so. It took hours and was mindnumbingly boring.
    You mean that you need to kill the exact same mobs and gather the exact same things for the fixer grid quest as for the alvin/dodga quest? DAMN!

    ...and from what I hear, all profession-specific quests ends up in killing the same mob. That's.....imaginative! I'm not at all impressed.

    then again, we may or may not have robots/cyborgs in a massive killing-spree in a story-related even some time in the future, and thus killing loads of bots actually make sense.

    Or not.

  10. #10

    Fixer quest and alvin quest

    Originally posted by Skybert

    You mean that you need to kill the exact same mobs and gather the exact same things for the fixer grid quest as for the alvin/dodga quest? DAMN!

    ...and from what I hear, all profession-specific quests ends up in killing the same mob. That's.....imaginative! I'm not at all impressed.

    Actually, you don't need all the items. Its usually that, when you're doing your fixer search for the nanotubes, you usually end up with most if not all the other pieces to do the Alvin quest. Heh, then you have to decide, do you use the nanotubes for the fixer quest, or if you've already got a full set, turn them all in to finish Alvin 1 quest. Damn that UNIQUE flag

  11. #11
    both quests require nanotubes, which seem to be the rarest drop now.

    if you join the parts as you go along you can get more than one set up to whatever you've already combined.

  12. #12
    I did the part 1 dodga quest as fast as I have EVER done it. EVER.

    I got all parts for my alt in...

    20 minutes.

    That has to be a record?
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

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