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Thread: Create a new PvP only Server, Allow character transfers, and then merge RK1 and Rk2

  1. #1

    Create a new PvP only Server, Allow character transfers, and then merge RK1 and Rk2

    Okay read the entire thread and you will probably understand the point.

    First of all, I believe that another server should be created that is just PvP only with 25% suppression fields for all the 75% fields and a lot of the 25% fields should be turned to 0%.

    Allow character transfers or account transfers to that new server and then once people move to the new server (which would be a great deal) you can then merge RK1 and RK2 together.

    Balancing characters would be easy. On the new RK1 server you could remove PvP or minimalize the fields considerably as it would be mostly a PvM server which would consist of friendly teaming, group organization, and working together. For storyline intros and special events you could make any zone 25% for the duration of the storyline event.

    On the PvP server, you would do a few things differently. First, either implement faction for killing sided guards and/or make them invulnerable to AE based attacks by sided personnel. This way you allow those that use AE tactics to not become attacked and hurt by sided guards. You also add more depth to the story by having conflict which inturn boosts role play.

    On the old RK1 you can still have PvP mind you, but I would make it a lot less and this would cater to the people that do not enjoy PvP but instead enjoy the hunt and the ability to group with friends.

    So to reiterate you would have 3 servers.

    RK1 - non-PvP or very diminished PvP.
    RKP - PvP server with 25% / 0% zones - no 75% except for in-city shops.
    Rk3 - German Server.

    You can add your insights to this.

  2. #2
    3 thumps down.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  3. #3
    I like the idea a lot about merging the two servers and creating a separate one dedicated to pvp. I say this because the oozing crap that has been handed down to players thru nerfs is a direct result of player vs. player issues. The war as it stands now is a joke anyway; teams of players ganking one or two other people or two people dueling is NOT a war, its a poor substitute for first person shooters. So why not create a world where the designers could beat each other with the nerf stick and attempt to balance a game based of pvp tactics. Perhaps then we can keep the world true to the way it was in the beginning. PVE was much better in the beginning.
    "Look closely at those who wish to define good and evil, for they will often disguise cruelty and avarice as the perpetuation of their so-called righteousness"

  4. #4
    Piss off. I like RK-2 the way it is; why should I deal with the RK-1 economy being brought into mine? 2's is inflationary enough as is. Dump 1's on top of it, and watch it balloon.

    Merging the servers is NOT a good idea. If you want to play with your friends, then go start a char on their server. If you had friends on another dimension, why'd you start playing on the other one anyways? (Note: Yaz, I know why you did, so no stories here, k? )
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  5. #5
    And it's not just the economy.. merging RK1 and RK2 would lead to to even more lag, even more camping, etc etc. Bleah. I don't play RK1 for several reasons. While I am all for adding a PvP server, better to make it an entirely new server like the German server was.. otherwise you're going to have people levelling up on the normal server then moving to the PvP server once they hit 200. Screw that. And leave RK2 alone


  6. #6
    I think he means you could only move there for a limited time during its inception period.

    Im all for a pvp server but merging rk1 and rk2 would only force our inherant rk1 financial difficulties upon the rk2 population... I dont think P**s off was nessecary tho hehe.
    I am Kong.

    Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don't want to fight, I don't want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don't get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever's stopping me.

  7. #7
    i agree but merging rk 1 and 2 wont be too good. People go to rk2 for lots of reasons, one of em been that is less laggy and so on.
    But a pvp server would be really good.
    Witeboog - Soldier RK2
    First to Pandemonium on RK2
    First into IS on RK2
    First into TOTW on RK2 First to 220 on RK2
    First to form an org on RK2 First to 200 on RK2
    First soldier with ql 200 Spasmodic Assault Rifle
    First omni on RK2 First post on forums
    First Grand Master on RK2
    First to PvP on RK2
    First to solo The Beast on RK2

  8. #8


    What I mean is this..

    If a PvP server were created, people could transfer their account there if they wish. It would be a one time move.

    I believe that a lot of people would go to the PvP server because it would just be more fun. A lot of people would go from RK1 and RK2.

    This would leave a smidgeon of the population left on RK1 and RK2. So it would be feasible to merge the two together after the move.


    If after the moves, RK1 and RK2 were still populated by a good amount, there would be no reason to merge the two together. It was just a decision based off of how many numbers would move.

    One thing to consider here is if they took away the ability to PvP in political zones on RK1 and RK2 and moved that to the PvP server to create what I described, how many people would really stay on RK1 and RK2. On the new RK1 and RK2 (if its still around) all zones would be 75% period. The only way a portion of the zone would be political would be when towers were built. This still allows a moderate amount of PvP but does not influence the subject of PvP on others. On the PvP server everything is political.

    Personally, I would not move to the PvP server and would stay on RK1 because I don't PvP all that much. For others though, the chance for an all political agenda on the PvP server would be a very good thing.

    As for what items were transferred, I think the designers would be able to account for what is best.
    Last edited by Betablue; Oct 26th, 2002 at 15:08:03.

  9. #9

    And add another thing..

    They could create a fifth server and make it an RP server only.

    RK1 - All 75% with exception of tower areas.
    RK2 - All 75% with exception of tower areas.
    RK3 - German Server
    RK4 - PvP Server (All zones 25% and 0% including tower areas)
    RK5 - Role Play Server with the following functions.

    Role Play Server:

    On the Role Play Server no one can "T" and see your information. They can tab your name but they won't be able to see your first name and last name, your profession or your level.

    On the Role Play Server you take away the OOC channels completely.

    On the Role Play Server in order to form a guild it has to be approved by /petition with a brief interview on what the name will be and what its purpose will be.

    On the Role Play Server naming convention is taken to extremes meaning that if your name is very out of line with the sci-fi genre you have to re-roll or have it changed.

    On the Role Play Server you cannot kill sided guards or sided personnel. If you kill any of these for any reason, you are killed and transported to a prison within your side and your money is reduced by a 10% fine.

    On the Role Play Server all zones would be 25% but like the PvP server a new PvP system would be implemented to keep people from being ganked. First, no deaths or PvP allowed for 1st through 20th level which coincides with the no exp loss for 1st through 20th currently on all servers right now anyways. After 20th, you can use the teaming rule for PvP. If you are within ranges of teaming you can PvP each other. This means that at level 200 you can only kill those you can team with which is 154 or higher I believe. This fixes a lot of problems in the current agenda.

    To make things even better as an addition to both the new RP and PvP servers throw in a /duel function. This duel function can be used by anyone 20th or higher and in ANY zone area. So, you want to have fun but don't want to take it to the arena if you are on the same side? Go to any zone and any area (even a shop) and /duel. The only downside to this feature is that if you /duel on the same side and inside a city area of the same side, you could incur a penalty if caught.

    These are just some more ideas.

    As for cost...

    On the new servers initial conception allow moving to happen freely for a set duration (say one week). After the one week, moving is no longer free. If you decide after a half year to move to a new dimension (and you can do this anytime you would like) charge a fee like EQ does and use the equipment transfer rules like they do. This gathers a lot of money and lets people "chance" the move without feeling like they have to have a permanant stay there.
    Last edited by Betablue; Oct 26th, 2002 at 15:28:47.

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