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Thread: emergancy patch?

  1. #1

    emergancy patch?

    WTF now?
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  2. #2
    yeah !

    'sup FC?
    must be fairley serious to do this on a saturday?

    any word would be appreciated'

    Caloss2 LVL 220 melee VANGUARD (semi retired).....Llewlyn 220/30/70 meepmeep.....Boooocal 220../30/70 Soldier.......Knack 220/30/70 Keeper.....Hiesenberg 215/xx/xx NT NERFED Neytiri1 220/30/70 Shade Knacker220/30/70Meat shield for guides/walkthroughs/letsplays and all your other AO needs
    Quote Originally Posted by Mastablasta
    In my special design documents that I feed to the FC devs, who are my willing slaves.

  3. #3
    The first thing that did come to my mind, patching on a Saturday, hmm must be some kind of serious server problem and/or exploit.

    Then, after thinking about it for a few minutes, I realized those types patches were a lot quicker right? (like 15-30 minutes, give or take a few).

    This leads be to believe they are patching some kind of insane story event.(anybody from AC beta remember the ending, with all the fire demons and explosions going on)

    ***Just a theory though!***
    Rookie Reno Renegede Raines
    The Madquack
    Enshroud yourself in darkness to escape the fear.
    Various others 176 Enf, 160 Fixer, 150 MP, 140 Agent, 130 Soldier

  4. #4

    Kinda sucks. Well, I better go play some other game then. Perhaps a round of Dave Mirra BMX.


    LOL <- mocking fc's efforts to do any events that includes players.
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
    Sunye // Doc - Rk1 - Quote
    Rookie Frakk2000 // MA - Rk2
    Freshman Frakked // Soldier - Rk2
    Apprentice Frakk2001 // Doc - Rk2

    Frakk2000's guide to twinking -> link <-
    Adventures of Frakkman
    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  5. #5
    Thatd be cool =) some kind of war event... just hope the servers could take it....

    More realistically though its gonna be a Exploit fix or a quick unnanounced nerf to something...

  6. #6
    Must be a major exploit if they're taking down the servers during European primetime. But we'll see when the servers come up and find out what happened.
    -Ward 'Kzak' Hereda, Clan L220, AL15 'Competent' Supreme Creator on Rubi-Ka 1. Equipment setup.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Except, you know, the brown stuff in the box? That's not chocolate.

    Doing his part to make the world a more interesting place since December 2001.. but not any more. Account cancelled, playable until 2006-11-13 19:25:49. See you in Age of Conan!

  7. #7
    I think they like making us mad. Just an observation from the last 11 months of playing.
    AsclepIIus - Evil Doc
    AsclepIIIus - PvP Twink

    TSO Link Please click on it and make my friend happy

  8. #8
    Org bank exploit.

    Didn't they fix that?
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  9. #9
    well the org banks are disabled suddenly... so I guess not...

    People who don't exploit are getting the shaft again with a ruined economy

  10. #10
    I think FC needs to do a complete wipe of all AO credits. Start over from scratch. Since 9 out of 10 credits seem to be exploited. Or get some programmers who can fix something right the first time.

    There are three types of people in the world.
    1 - People who can fix nothing.
    2 - People who can fix something right.
    3 - People who can fix something right, but break something else in the process.
    Last edited by Nediar; Oct 12th, 2002 at 19:44:19.
    Waithe 133 Enforcer (my new main character)
    Nediar 180 Nano-Technician (boring. semi-retired)
    Uberned 127 Meta-Physicist (retired. pet pathing is "teh sux")

    Nediar @ level 171

  11. #11

    The Ban Stick.

    Well, If indeed they are taking down the servers to fix some sort of exploit, it would be nice to start seeing list of people banned.

    Something like the AC2 hall of shame (the one thing AC2 had right).

    I still say that I would be much more appreciative of this type of thing if the following was done:

    a) If there is not good logging, implement it
    b) As exploits are found:
    - Put a message out to all players about a new exploit
    - Add the exploit specifics to the patch notes
    - Add the exploit specifics to this site
    - Make it clear that anyone using the exploit will be banned.
    - Add scripts to parse the log for known exploits
    - Have the scripts issue warnings for things that are not obviously exploits (but are listed on the exploit list)
    - Ban anyone exploiting that is using an exploit they were warned about or using an obvious exploit
    - Add that players characters to the Hall of Shame along with what they were caught exploiting
    -Fix the exploits as soon as possible.

    I am a firm believer in responsibility (shocking, seeing as how I am american...but thats another issue) and feel that making a straightforward policy on exploits would do a couple of things:
    a) Make sure those of us that dont exploit know what not to do.
    b) Make sure those that would claim ignorance have no excuse.
    c) Ban those that would come in and try to ruin the game.

    If you want to make a special exploit-fest server so as not to lose the exploiters monthly payments, then do so, but make it clear that such actions wont be tolerated on the other servers.


  12. #12


    I agree with regilion on everything but the posting of specifics on exploits. This can bring even more problems to FC.

    There are exploits, well more like "help bugs", built in the game to help programmers and dev do a specific task in a quicker way (after all, its all about time, right?). Posting details on a exploit can lead to others looking around the same bug and finding something else.

    Remember, that this is just another computer program and there are a lot of ways to break it, if you dig deep enough, if you really wanted to.

    I can almost bet that most damaging exploits are found in live after patching all servers with a final version, not in test server (Dupe bug, money exploit, pvp exploits....and the list goes on)

  13. #13

    just one clarification..

    By specifics, I dont mean that it needs to be a step by step how to, rather what exactly the exploit could read something like the following:

    The following are currently considered to be exploits and will cause you to be banned:
    1) Duplication of credits (taking your credits and making them multiply)
    2) Creation of credits (giving yourself credits by non-intended means, i.e. doing some combination of events that gives you credits for no reason)
    3) Duplication of items (taking one item and creating copies of it out of thin air) (obviously, duplicating keys with a key duplicator is ok)
    n) Loading nano formulas that are not meant to be able to be loaded by your profession (i.e. an engineer somehow loading a fixer nano)

    Please note that we realise someone may do one of the above on accident from time to time. If you do accidentally do one of the above, please do the following:
    1) Submit in as much detail as possible exactly what you did and what happened.
    2) Delete any ill gotten item that you may have gotten
    3) Don't try it again just to see if you can recreate it. We have people who will go through and try to figure out exactly what is going on so that we can get it fixed.

    I just want black and white rules and banning of those that break them (sure, give em one warning and take away their initial ill gotten gain...then ban them if they do it again).

    With good logging, a lot of this could be automated.


  14. #14
    As people said above, because some annoying ass***** did something with the org banks again all my and my guilds money is frozen yet again. Way to go FC, hope it will get fixed abit faster then last time.
    Georg 218 doc
    [1809] PT
    Web: []

  15. #15
    Are the servers up yet?
    Born on: Wed Jun 27 15:39:10 2001
    Slavor, Soldier, RK1

  16. #16
    Btw why u blame FC ? If loosers didnt try to take advantages of anything they could (that includes ther grandma and whatever) those kinda things would never happend...
    Infamine 200 soljah

  17. #17

    Thumbs up agreed

    Originally posted by Nediar
    I think FC needs to do a complete wipe of all AO credits. Start over from scratch. Since 9 out of 10 credits seem to be exploited. Or get some programmers who can fix something right the first time.
    I've been thinking about this for some time now after knowing that there was an org bank exploit but never said it on forums... Just wanted to say that i agree completely since there are like 100 mill, 250 mill etc flying all around RK from person to person.. Credits , those that came from the exploit. Do something about it!
    Order: Most played to less played
    Milan "Treilan" Magistrale - Enforcer
    Scotty "Scoterfix" Buonocore - Fixer
    Rey "Galaxyman" Wyles - Soldier

  18. #18

    Re: agreed

    Originally posted by Meamote

    I've been thinking about this for some time now after knowing that there was an org bank exploit but never said it on forums... Just wanted to say that i agree completely since there are like 100 mill, 250 mill etc flying all around RK from person to person.. Credits , those that came from the exploit. Do something about it!
    hmmm.. I don't think I cuold support this... I have about 300mil credits that I spent a great deal of time NOT LEVELLING to accumulate... I spent the time so that I could have the money to buy items such as my Martins assualt rifle.... If funcom came along one day and wiped the credits.. then people would turn to bartering their items... so you'd have to have a rare to get a rare... I'm sorry, but I don't have any rares I want to trade and so I'd be temporarily locked out of the rares/uniques market as a result. And this would be despite having played hard to accumulate the credits I'd need to buy things I need... Things such as the rare refined clusters I've been trying to buy...

    A money sink is a better solution than a credit wipe.... A credit wipe punishes people who played the game honestly and the only people who gain from a credit wipe are those that spent all their credits and obtained as many rare items as they could.

    More or less their are plenty of honest people in the game... there are also easy ways to get your hands on the credits that are flowing through the economy... farming concrete cushions and Second Hand Old English Company Pistols can be done for millions of credits and very easily...

    I chose the harder route... running 100's of QL60, 100's of QL90, and 100's of QL130 missions trying to acquire Grid Armors, Nullity's, and PPPE's... I managed to get lucky a couple of times... having sold the items I was lucky enough to find... I would be very angry if all my time were for not and all my credits disappeared...

    Punishing the people who play fairly to get to the bad people is never a good solution.... Wiping credits would cause a large number of high level players to just quit the game almost as much as if they decided to do a player wipe... theirs a reason you put time into you character...

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