Apologies for the late posting on this forum. I was actually hoping the press release would make it through the somewhat partisan proof reading for print on the main AO site news section. It quite obviously has not... *sigh*

So here it is anyway...

Omni-Tek Security Council (OTSEC) Recalled to Session
OTSEC Press Release
09:00 October 7, 29476 RST

ROME (OTSEC/PR) - Late last night the seven ‘surviving’ member-departments of the Omni-Tek Security Council (OTSEC) sat in session once again, as the council was recalled from its self-imposed suspension in order to counter the various threats currently arrayed against the Omni-Tek Corporation of Rubi-Ka.

Originally founded earlier this year (February 21) by seven concerned and prominent Omni-Tek department heads that came together for reasons best described by the then chairman’s press release, "OTSEC has been created to strengthen the unity of Omni-Tek and to help us coordinate our efforts in the battle for peace and prosperity. The Omni-Tek Security Council wishes to help make Rubi-Ka a safe place for Omni-Tek employees and will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of Omni-Tek personnel and assets."

OTSEC achieved many if not all the objectives it set for itself at that time. Amongst other things, it saw the dismemberment of the treacherous Black Alliance - who it openly fought against, the reduction and returning to the ‘company line’ of the Black Hand itself, the Dark Carnival disappeared from the planet, the clans failed to mount any significant assault against Omni-Tek interests, even the Dust Brigade attacks ceased, the threat seeming to disappear entirely.

It was a natural consequence of these events that as all ‘threats to Omni-Tek’s security and interests’ disappeared before it, that the council would and did slip into a self-imposed suspension on May 19.

However, times have changed…

We now live in the most dark and foreboding of days. The ICC flotilla that once stood above us has made planetfall, ‘peacekeepers’ armed with a mandate backed by the overwhelming majority support of the other hypercorporations, our competitors, primed and goaded by our jealous nemesis the Sol Banking Corporation, to in-effect interfere with what is largely an Omni-Tek in-house issue; how we govern our planet - Rubi-Ka.

The clans are once again restless and calling for action. The once stabilizing Council of Truth has fallen, chaos and anarchy reigns in the north, and hard-line elements within the clans stand openly calling for war. The Sentinels, the Council of Ares, and openly hostile clans such as the Clan Anarchist Syndicate, Mercury Dragons, Ancarim Iron Legion, along with so called ‘neutral’ bodies such as the Nanomage Liberation Front all pose genuine and real threats to Omni-Tek’s security and interests.

Even the Dust Brigade themselves have returned, nearly a year since the anti-matter bombing of Omni-Entertainment that cost 158 innocent Omni-Tek citizens their lives, and have already played a significant part in the Council of Truth’s downfall.

So talk is cheap, this we all know. Now is the time for action.

Installed as the council’s new chairman I am honoured to present to the corporation and its constituent departments, the current members of the security council:

Councillor - Aeron "Tredge" Tregennis, Co-President of Division 9 RSGE
Councillor - Anthony "Drlog" Saeger, President of Special Interception Troops
Chief of Recruitment - Cedrick "Chartan" Houston, President of Ancestors of Atlantean
Councillor - Charles "Kithrak" Houston, President of Red Tape
Chairman - Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini, Director of SPARTA
Councillor - Glenn "Barzillai" Craddock, Co-President of Division 9 RSGE
Councillor - Merle "Simukil" McDannold, Director of Draco Legionis
Chief Investigator - Monty "Meister" Capo, President of Omni-Pol

The Omni-Tek Security Council is dedicated to ensuring the company’s security and interests against all threats, coordinating any action deemed necessary to protect corporate personnel and assets.

Omni-Tek protects.

Strength through unity.

Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini
Director - SPARTA
Chairman of the Omni-Tek Security Council

Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini
Director - SPARTA
Chairman of the Omni-Tek Security Council (OTSEC)

Founding Member of the Omni-Tek Security Council
