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Thread: Omni Quests

  1. #1

    Omni Quests

    I'm rather new to the world of Rubi-ka and I keep hearing about these quests people go on. I already have a couple items that I've picked up off of mobs, (A rat tail and dog tags), but would like to learn more about these quests. Not necessarily the rat tail or dog tag quest, but all of them so that I can decide if I want to do it or not. I'm getting tired of doing the basic missions that the machines dole out. Hunting is getting a little old as well. Something new, like an actual quest, would add a little ****e to my gaming pleasure. Any help on this subject would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Exclamation I wanna know some more!

    I really want to know more Omni Quests too, I've found all this info on Clan Quests, I can't use that =(
    kittiebabie: Doctor...nuf said
    Angelbabie: Martial Artist

  3. #3
    My guess is that the omni quests come with 14.6.

    I seem to remember them saying something about splitting 14.6 into two patches because of the massive amount of planned content or something...
    Daren "Talanie" Briggs

    Achiever 93% | Killer 73% | Explorer 33% | Socializer 0%

  4. #4
    Well since this thread seems to have died out I guess I'll try and bring it back to life. After checking out a few AO sites I finally decided to go and do the Neleb's quest at SoM. I brought with me a lvl 35 Doc and a lvl 32 NT. Now since the loot that you get when you go there was in the +/- ql40 range I figured this would be perfect for us. Well let me tell you, that's not the case. The alt I was playing, a lvl 36 Enf can take a beating. When buffed, he's got 1700+ HP, (mongo, essence, etc.), so of coarse he would tank while the NT and Doc plink away at the mobs, usual tactics in a team like this. After killing the first mob u encounter, an anger manafestation looking thing which we killed pretty quickly, I starting to think that maybe this quest was going to be a bit too easy for us...after all, we only got like 197 XP for killing the orange barred little beastie. Then we met up with this Shade looking mob, forget the name but it's bar was bright red, that took us maybe 10 minutes of consistant combat to kill! During that whole time I kept wondering how much XP this thing's gonna fetch us and all the good loot it probably has on it,..WOOHOO!!! Well guess what, we got 397 or so XP and a pair of ql29 armour shorts and a common fancy ring!!! WTF? Well needless to say, since it was my idea in the first place to come out and do this quest, I distinctly felt the questioning stares of my team mates. "I dunno what the deal is.." I told them, "But to only get 397 XP for 10min worth of work and for my Doc to use about 25 or so nano kits so that he could heal my HP hungry ass just didn't equal a pair of armour shorts and a fancy ring,..", none of which were uniques in case you're wondering. Well after asking if they wanted to leave, both of whom said no, we continued until we reached this lvl96 Doc soloing the same mission. She had her hands full with 2 of those anger manifest lookin things so, being a chivalrous person, I was obliged to help her out. Even with her doing most of the damage and getting an avg 400 or so pph, it took forever to kill these things,....guess what?...under 200 XP...DoH!

    Well to make a long story a little less long,.. :-) We got to this room where the mobs cast some buff on us that rendered all nanos useless,..there goes Mongo, Vitality, Challenger, HEALING!!!! My little stim just couldn't keep up,...I died, along with my Doc. Our NT ran his poor little heart out, bless his soul.

    My question is this,..Are all these static dungeons in the game like this? Low XP but an occasional Unique item here and there thrown in for good measure? If so, that's a shame. I can see you having to go through hell to get a cool item, but I think you also should gain XP on par with the difficulty of besting your opponent! If it's a 3 hit kill, ehh,..100 XP or so, no prob, I mean you get 250 XP for puttin a freakin cluster into an implant which takes a second to do!!...Anyway, I must have hit each red mob 50~60 times @ 175 avg. pph!!! And if you're gonna say we're too low of lvl to be in this dungeon, I say to you.."What good is it if you've already grown out of the items you're going after?" Remember, the items are only about ql40 or so...They're Unique, yes. You can sell them, probably. But the fun is in the getting and using of the item you just spent an hour or so to get! I think FC needs to look into this aspect of the game. IMO. What's yours?

    Happy Bashin!!

  5. #5
    Static Dungeons are not known for XP, it's the special items you find throughout and most importantly the boss Mob. The mobs are significantly boosted in health and sometimes carry some unusual nanos. In the case of SoM, this is where you find your title 2 and 3 reflect/sheild bracers and qlty 30-40 damage rings (good stuff). Also the MP's best friend "Neleb's Robe" off the boss.

    I don't think you and you friends could complete that dungeon alone. A full team of 40-50ish toons yes.

    I got a full set of the Bracers/Rings by camping the first three rooms solo at level 40. They come in handy.
    Ismael "Dfalcour" Depaolo
    Omni-Tek Blackwolf Operations

    Federico "Falcour" Peasly
    Applicant (Wolf Pack Support Team)

    Mel "GremlinFeet" Drapkin
    Unit Member (Independant Contractee)

  6. #6

    Need some help?

    To Omni Employee: Canible
    From Omni Director: DirectorDono

    Canible, what dimension do you currently reside? If you reside on Rubi Ka 2, please contact one of the Omni Employees listed on my status sheet below. One of these employees is usually awake and exploring. Any of them will be happy to contact me so that I can leave the office for escort duty. I will be more than happy to show you the traning areas, known by the layman as static dungeons of SoM or Foremans. Both Dungeons are a blast to go through, at nearly any season of life, and a good tour guide is always a plus! I will also be happy to introduce you to another technical employee named Alvin in Lush Fields. He also has a few missions to help you in your quest to rid Rubi Ka of the clan (and ICC) presence.

    Take care fellow clan killer, I hope to hear from you soon.
    Proud Member of The Renaissance

  7. #7
    Very nice reply Dono.

    Canible, I agree about the lack of experience for dungeon mobs. I didnt get any Neleb loot until I was in my 60s, mobs were all gray, but I still use the bracers and rings at 76. I just havent found anything better.

    I soloed Cyborg Barracks for several days, with only a teammate for a few hours, and finally a high lvl doc from my org came to help me out so I could leave, cause I was collecting a full suit of cyborg armour. I also got a unique tank armour and some other cool loot. It was very worth it and alot of fun after I gave up trying to get exp.

    I soloed in the foremans office but didnt get to the end, cause the mobs were too tough because of adds.

    I am currrently on the alvin quest, which is alot of work but can also be fun. And the reward is so worth it.

    And as for clan static missions and no omni ones, I hope they add some. I was very very disappointed.

    But, I am hopeful, and I am still collecting uniques and cool loot at a reasonable pace. I just hope they make more static missions before I run out of dungeons.
    • Shenhiroko: Martial Artist: RK1-OmniTek: Entropy Dawn Org
    • Codewitch: Nano Technician: RK1-Clan
    Main Profession: Explorer of Rubi-Ka
    Latest News:My NT is dual wielding Leet dolls until I can find Fazeka Crystal...Phear the Leets!

  8. #8
    Dragon, Dono, Shen,...

    Thanks for clarifying a few things. In a way that makes sense now. If I can use those uniques for 30 or so more lvls then it would be well worth my time and my Doc's nano kits to complete. We are all around lvl 42ish now, my Doc, NT and myself. I think we'll give it another go in a couple more lvls. Probably this weekend. I was initially prompted to go to this dungeon because of that club Neleb drops but I just fit into a ql81 hammer last night and was suprised at the uber damage it does. Unfortunately it's awefully slow.. :-(

    Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to those that responded. Also wanted to ask about that Alvin quest peeps are talking about. I'm going to check the boards now but if you feel like it, please post something on this thread too.

    BTW, Rubi-1 Dono,...thanks for the invite anyway. Like your style,.hehe.

    Happy Bashin!!

  9. #9
    Was also curious about Alvin's Pads Quest. A friend of mine said he camped the place where you get the robot parts for phase 1 in Galway Shire, for over 2 hrs. but nadda...Is that typical? If so, how long does it take an average player to complete the quest? I really think these pads would be cool. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Finally got a chance to meet Nelly and dole out a little punishment. Got our team's NT his coat and I got his staff, although I doubt I'll ever use it, it's kinda cool. Funny thing was though,..all my hits were really low, like 12~14, the first time we killed him, except for my crits which were around 1200+. The second time we killed him we camped and got him as soon as he spawned. My hits were more normal, 600 or so avg., with crits 1200~1400. Makes me think he has some sort of sheild he uses. We all had fun though. Have to visit him again sometime soon....hehe.
    Obsidian Order

    "These are great days we're livin' bros. We are Jolly Green Giants walkin' the earth,...with guns."
    --Full Metal Jacket

  10. #10
    Try this site
    http://<a href="</a>

    it has listing of quests. Dovve maps have notable areas and dungeons marked on it so you might want to check Dovve map as well

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Both good sites. Thx for the info.
    Obsidian Order

    "These are great days we're livin' bros. We are Jolly Green Giants walkin' the earth,...with guns."
    --Full Metal Jacket

  13. #13
    yes he has a shield, makes killing him very tedious.
    • Shenhiroko: Martial Artist: RK1-OmniTek: Entropy Dawn Org
    • Codewitch: Nano Technician: RK1-Clan
    Main Profession: Explorer of Rubi-Ka
    Latest News:My NT is dual wielding Leet dolls until I can find Fazeka Crystal...Phear the Leets!

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