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Thread: Proposal- "The Anarchously Savvy Compendium of Roleplaying Stories from Rubi-ka"(ooc)

  1. #1

    Post Proposal- "The Anarchously Savvy Compendium of Roleplaying Stories from Rubi-ka"(ooc)

    It must be admitted, the amount of roleplay stories Event Coordinators, as well as regular players, have staged is now reaching a critical point. Just about every Roleplayer (mostly on RK1) has a story behind each of his/her character(s). There have also been storyline-changing events, as well as small roleplay acts by our fellow Rubi-ka citizens.
    I propose a compilation of as many of these events and stories as possible, a compendium of roleplaying, "The Anarchously Savvy's Compendium of Roleplaying Stories from Rubi-ka". This compendium of AO events would first have a section on the players, catalogued by server. Each player listed would have about 2-3 paragraphs of info, a short story about their character, what big parts he/she/it has played, and other general information. The next part would include a timeline of events. This timeline would mainly be the one found on the AO site, but would be kept up to date with recent events and recent occurrences would be included from both political as well as social life in Rubi-ka. Special labels would categorize the up-to-date events with its respective server.
    After this would come a compendium, Alphabetized by title, of *submitted* roleplay stories that have *already* happened. This section would also have to be kept up to date, probably bimonthly. It would include most, if not all of the news articles already included within the AO website.

    All this, of course, would be searchable, in a website that would be updated on a bimonthly basis by a group of people interested in this to provide valuable service of RP info to old as well as new roleplayers who wish to probe into the History of Rubi-ka and its people, as well as worthy entertainment for those thirsting for a good story.

  2. #2

    Post FREE

    Of course, this service would be non-profit, and would find funding through banners and maybe even FC (oh come on, admit it, they're not that annoying) to make this service available for all, be it clanner, omni, neutral, or cabbage-pant.

  3. #3
    Good idea, but sounds like a lot of willing to do it?
    Danica "Jaxxa" Craddock,
    fna Sun "Snyyper" Botos
    Agent and Java-Junkie of Rubi-Ka

  4. #4


    Of course it will be a lot of work, but mostly at first, and this isn't a solo mission.
    You'd have different people for different sections. After getting it set up, it's just an update every month or two, and that's about it.

  5. #5

    Cool hey

    everyone is most welcome to share their ideas, since this IS a pro-bono job and a service to all you Rubi-karians

  6. #6

    Thumbs up

    Great idea i repeat a GREAT idea, I myself am i 100% roleplayer and i would love for this to happen. I have played AO for over 9 months and the highest level i have got to is 40
    Peter Giscombe - Director of the Omni-Tek Corporate Security Coalition.

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