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Thread: Aktrez knocks em dead Saturday!!

  1. #1

    Talking Aktrez knocks em dead Saturday!!

    Hehe! Check this out!

    Aktrez knocks em dead!!
    AIM - halbert520
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    Board Member, Vixen Entertainment

    Join the Rompa Bar/Vixen Entertainment Yahoo Group!

  2. #2
    W00t Aktrez!
    Veteran of Testlive
    Anarchy Online Test Community
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    Exploits is considered cheating, no one likes a cheater, so don't do it.
    Kill one man, and your a muderer,
    Kill many, and your a conquerer,
    Kill them all, and your a god.

  3. #3
    Ohhh dont goooo breaking my heeeeaaaart...
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

  4. #4
    No offense...but are the people who write the crap in the FC rag sheets THAT bored? Or are they merely extremly biased twards certain people?

    I know theres nto much to talk about in Rubi-ka...but a Heart attack while dancing with Aktrez?

    Ungh....what next, a news report from the Front lines about the rise in Leets getting killed by a Bleeding heart Tree hugger?

  5. #5
    ... And as rocket and heavy machine-gun fire continued to erupt around his hiding place, the self-styled Leetdom Fighter Pwnz Joo-Foo! had this message of defiance for his attackers:

    "You leet-hating atheist pig-dog humans, you will feel the rage of the thousands of my leet people who will rise up against you and brutally gnaw your stinky ankles! For many years we have been the subject of your target practice and used to train your young to be killers. No longer! We have suffered your humiliating imperialist oppression for the last time! Even now my Eleet soldiers are moving our weapons into position. The final battles are at hand. Long live the leetvolution!"

    His compatriot Tooleet 4U added, "Give us leetberty or give us death!"

    This is the Rubi-Ka Broadcasting Company (RKBC) signing off.
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
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    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  6. #6
    To be honest Meta, we were just as shocked by the story too. I mean, we thought it was jsut another random person trying to mess with the radio show. We didn't know it was going to end up on the cover of the Omni-Tek times!!!
    Shalon "Aktrez" Joor
    ~*~ Director of Vixen Entertainment~*~
    Manger of the Rompa Bar, Omni-Ent.

  7. #7

    Leets: Newsworthy

    Originally posted by Metalynx
    Ungh....what next, a news report from the Front lines about the rise in Leets getting killed by a Bleeding heart Tree hugger?
    Yeah, but leets are cool.

    (Never...ever...underestimate the Power of Leet.)
    A website providing maps of Rubi-Ka,
    playfields, Whom-Pah & Grid maps,
    in-game maps, and more.

    Discover Leety Goodness at:

  8. #8
    The DB is attacking people at random, the clans are still head deep in our asses breathing deeply, and they post this dribble as news? Some moron gets a heart attack while dancing with a floozy? It's a sad state of affairs indeed....*shakes head in disgust*

  9. #9

    Re: Leets: Newsworthy

    Originally posted by Nepentheia
    Yeah, but leets are cool.
    LEETS ARE NOT COOL! I dont know what people see in those furry wermin... nothing but large rats everywhere... bah..
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Metalynx
    No offense...but are the people who write the crap in the FC rag sheets THAT bored? Or are they merely extremly biased twards certain people?

    I know theres nto much to talk about in Rubi-ka...but a Heart attack while dancing with Aktrez?

    Ungh....what next, a news report from the Front lines about the rise in Leets getting killed by a Bleeding heart Tree hugger?
    Tristalyn, Kaidence, Daquri, Sexykitten, Brittain
    Ich gebe Decavolt meine Seele und Körper
    Voted by the community - Funniest Female - Most Eligable Bachelorette and Best Doctor! Thanks! <3
    Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! HUGS!
    .·´¯`·..·» You've just been RAINBOW hugged!! «·..·´¯`·.

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