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Thread: Buffing into a rifle - rifle and aimed shot skill.

  1. #1

    Buffing into a rifle - rifle and aimed shot skill.

    I've been away from the game for - far too long, and with the lovely IPR points, I would like to try a rifle on my MP.

    Therefore, I have to be reintroduced to the wonders of buffs and wrangles, and items with modifiers.

    What can I do, short of an ELLTS, to raise my aimed shot skill?
    Likewise, what with rifle? Does the agent have any usefull not-self-only buffs for it?

    215/15 | Lagerlad Atrox Adventurer | eqp | Mostly indestructible
    214/13 | Xpie Atrox Meta-physicist | eqp | Supernova!
    Member of Ragnarok

  2. #2
    unexpected attack =120 rifle
    TTS =150 AS
    and toss a VE on to get more AS skill

  3. #3
    do wrangles buff rifle and AS?

    215/15 | Lagerlad Atrox Adventurer | eqp | Mostly indestructible
    214/13 | Xpie Atrox Meta-physicist | eqp | Supernova!
    Member of Ragnarok

  4. #4
    nope wrangles dont buff As

  5. #5
    So, it comes down to this?

    Unexpected attack = +120
    Rifle expertise = +20
    Wrangle = +132
    T.I.M scope = +19 (If they didn't nerf the spawn, I should be able to get it

    Total = 291 (272 minus scope)

    Aimed shot:
    Take The Shot = +150
    AS expertise = +20
    T.I.M = +23

    Total: = 193 (170 minus scope).

    Does this look right?

    In addition I could raise sense to improve rifle.

    The relationship between rifle and as weapon requirements is AS being half of the rifle req, isn't it?

    215/15 | Lagerlad Atrox Adventurer | eqp | Mostly indestructible
    214/13 | Xpie Atrox Meta-physicist | eqp | Supernova!
    Member of Ragnarok

  6. #6
    looks in good order cept id use a VE (new scope) instead of the tim scope to equip the rifle if you need more AS than you have with that plan

    dono if AS half or not. cant login right now =[

  7. #7
    tts adds 130, not 150
    Wandering Rubi-ka alone...
    Wondering when alone will end.

  8. #8
    Ah correct. I always forget that cause I automaticly factor in the gen buff. thanks

  9. #9
    You'll want to be able to keep your rifle from becoming 75% by just expertise (and, if you would, some ability boosts). There's no point to equip a super high ql weapon with all those outside buff and have it being 75% in your majority of time.

  10. #10
    There's also Rifle Mastery, which is a soldier nano. Does it stack with the +120?

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