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Thread: Rare Items

  1. #21
    Originally posted by SlyHunter
    Ok let me make my statement a little bit more realistic.

    Insure that at least the team leader is someone you trust or don't join that team. If that means you XP slower so what are you here to have fun or to level?
    Let us put a stop to this arguement completely.

    No matter how long you have been playing with someone, if they have looted and did not reveal an item, would not know it. So, I would like for you to explain to the world exactly how you know if you can trust someone in the game. You can't make that determination in real-life, or you would have never been lied to or cheated...ect.

    So if you have discovered this great secret to life, please enlighten us all, otherwise it is a useless arguement.

  2. #22
    One last note for all you that say you should be allowed to keep the profession-specific item even when you can't use it and a member of your team can.

    You would have never survived to see that item if that other member of the team had not fought just as hard and long as you to get there. The difference is, you made a commitment to team work, and he can use it when you can't.

    If you can't see that, please post your names here so I can put you in my ignore list....

    I am done.

  3. #23


    TEAM - imporatant word that, not SELF
    Jeremiah 'Ramat' Carmichael. Luckiest NT alive because hes married to 'Meraise'
    Master Nano Programmer on call. Writter of 'Jeremiahs Comprehensive Nano-Technician Guide'
    Damon 'Screwz' Gabriel. Master QFT and CL specialist on call. 1250+ in QFT/CL , other tradeskills also.
    Member of Illuminati
    Originally posted by Cz
    WT*?! I take Friday off to play AO from Thursday to Monday morning, and Atlantean is down! Gaaaaah! FRUSTRATION CAPS! *bangs head on keyboard* {Edited by moderator: Watch it Cz!!} *bangs keyboard on monitor*

  4. #24
    first of selling an item looted only promotes inflation. bad idea. its bad enough already. second of all, having loot messages would solve everything. period. someone loot whores, just never team with them again if u dont want to. it would weed out the selfish people. i know i wouldnt team with them again and it isnt exactally hard to find a team.

    lemme take the loot messages a bit further. can even solve that lil pesky loot whoring problem. call me silly here. get rid of looting period. easy. when a mob dies have items go directly to a players inventory. but wait u say? what if its no drop? oh well. too bad. just gives more reason to kill again. but wait again u say? if its an uber mob like tara, only 1 mob is being killed and the leader would loot first always? just make it random who gets the loot first, then in order from there. i dont see any other problems with this as long as u have an inventory overflow.

    why did i post this? nothing will change. nm
    -Rhalla OMNI Fixer RK2

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