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Thread: Playing the "game", step2 Dodga Quest

  1. #1

    Playing the "game", step2 Dodga Quest

    Ok This is my first online game. Now I've played a year.

    I'm just wondering how a step in a game "quest" involves sitting in front of your monitor for more than 4 hours waiting for an NPC to show up. Why would this be part of a game? (I waited that long TK didn't show up, I left.)

    It may be a world but its also a game, can you imagine Baseball if you had to guess when the other team would be there so that you could play?

    It makes the loot more valuable? If you want to make the loot more valuable don't use supply and demand but something else like a round robin tourney in an arena next to said mob where only the most successful at a certain skill or killing each other of the right lvl gets to take on the NPC.

    Something GAMING not sitting doing nothing.

  2. #2

    Join a big guild?

    I know that camping gets kind of lame. In my guild, someone is usually on one of the quests and keeps the guild chat posted. When I did the Alvin quest, I posted when TK appeared, TKL, etc. Plus we would put a 'spotter' on the mobs for the 2nd and 3rd portion of the pad(s) mission. I will be working on the pad quest again for my new alt new week. If you are on RK2 I will be happy to help out if you haven't completed things by then.

    Proud Member of The Renaissance

  3. #3
    I agree, sitting and waiting for hours a spawn that may or may not drop the loot you're looking for blows! A suggestion I've always had is to make unique playfields for each dungeon, where one person may right click on the door and get a key to a playfield, he can then dupe the key to his party (however big it may be) and only people with that key can enter that PF. Another thing, that PF does not repopulate after you've cleared it. This would do more than just eliminate camping, (if you didn't get the loot you wanted the first time, you'd have to do the whole dungeon over) it would actually make it more fun for a group that's around the recomended level for the dungeon, as it is now any time you go in there chances are there aren't even any MOBs, so the first timers group doesn't get the full experience of the dungeon and they get to the end thinking there's gonna be a boss to beat for some closure and some good loot for their troubles only to find lvl 150+ people camped at the bosses. That's no fun for anyone.

    There is one exception to this rule and I think it's Camelot, I enjoy the actual OT vs Clan PvP that is created because of the 25% in that dungeon. But, SOM and Foreman's, they're just plain ridiculous.

  4. #4


    You know, you don't HAVE to camp anything. You can just NOT camp it, and do something else.

    It makes the loot more valuable? If you want to make the loot more valuable don't use supply and demand but something else like a round robin tourney in an arena next to said mob where only the most successful at a certain skill or killing each other of the right lvl gets to take on the NPC.
    I'm sorry, this isn't even CLOSE to a viable solution. So instead of players not being able to get an item due to long camp times, you'd rather not get the item because the spawn is dominated by an uberguild ALL THE TIME?! You'd like to see that ONLY the strongest, most twinked players can have it?

    The strongest, most twinked players are the ones LEAST in need.

    Here's the bottom line: If you don't like camping, don't camp. Do without. If the camping system sucks, and NO ONE DOES IT, then Funcom will eventually get the hint, and pull their heads out of their collective butts and DO something about it.

  5. #5
    I disagree if no one does it Funcom will think that they succeeded im making the items rare. I'm assuming that Trash King is on a random spawn so that those who wont wait don't get the loot.

    And that is WORKING AS INTENDED not broken.

    Also, I'm not going to camp again, I will play the other content.

    Also here is a simplified contest. For Agents, Two agents go in concealed have to sneak around until they find the treasure and open it. If one agent perceives the other first game over. Plus you need B&E to open the chest. Exactly how is your guild going to help you do this? By implanting you with conceal and B&E? I suppose but come on contests do have to exist.

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