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Thread: Don't bother to try for Unique Rare loot...

  1. #1

    Don't bother to try for Unique Rare loot...

    It's just not fun.

    Had fun killing some of the new bosses in camps.

    Had fun fighting though the SoM dungeon and Killing Neleb.

    Team Missions are good if you have a good team.

    Anything that involves camping IS NOT FUN
    Like Trash King and all the other camped Dodga/Alvin NPC's
    So don't bother.

    I can assume the other static dungeons are not fun either cause I hear they're heavily camped.

  2. #2
    Professor Jones
    Lab Director

    etc etc

    all so camped I'm too disheartened to attempt them.

    You got a 18 hour spawn amongst ninja looters and huge guilds to get a drop that may not even drop that spawn!

    You got spiritual armo selling for 300 million
    GA discs selling for 300+ million

    All the best stuff is totally beyond my scope..

    It makes me really think about looking at the new games when 2003 rolls around.

    And i know im only one of about 5,000 or more people saying the exact same thing

  3. #3
    Couldn´t agree more

    I´ve been playing this game since day one, I´m only lvl 98.
    I have absolutely NO special gear, everything I wear or own can be bought in shops (xcept my MA suit ).

    I do solo missions only, b/c when I started out, more than a year ago now, I had almost always bad experience from teaming, and I only keep hearing about ppl still having them. And those ppl I rarely teamed with and had a good experience with, have now gone elsewhere.

    When I get a chanse to go online, its like a holy moment for me, and I dont want to waist time gathering a team (or camp), that later turns out to be crap, that would easely be 2-3 hours wasted for me.

    Going with a guild.... well ofcourse that would be a way, but I get a feeling that these guild "demand" that you are online frequently, and are "super social" if you know what I mean. Sometimes its nice to go incognito .

    Yes, this is a way I have chosen to play, but it seems as if the balance is a bit of, the only way for me to get my hands on some cool stuff is to buy it, well not really, b/c as you say Emiko, prices are insane, at least for a guy thats going solo, so I´ll always be on square one.

    When I hear ppl talk about these dungeons etc, its like hearing somebody talking about a totaly different game :P.

    LOL, basically I just wanna hear that I´m not the only ass*** runnig around with shop items only .

    (Or is Funcom only focused on teaming? I sometimes get a feeling that they aren´t 100% in on HOW ppl play this game)


    Sorry about the whining but +1 year soloing with out any wicked stuff, kinda gets to you :P.



  4. #4
    Joiin our guild, Bandof Brothers..

    1, we do team missions together
    2, we hunt and explore together
    3, we chat together
    4, we got a huge bank, ( i run it )
    5, we got great forums ( i run them also with a staff )
    6, you can be on whenver you like as often as you like
    7, there's no tax
    8, we got players in every professions, masters of their class
    9, lowbies and oldbies high and low
    10, cooperation, fun, not a fanatical guild about RP
    send me a private message for more info we'd love to have ya
    Ive been playing since launch and beta4.
    11. last thing, i m a girl and its not only guys in the guild

  5. #5
    YAY, I would love to join Emiko, sounds like a great bunch
    I´m really flattered by your offer .
    There is only one small problem.... I´m clan.

    But looking at # 11..... that alone might get me to do something drastic ;P.

    PS. Are you running a guild for clanners on the side, for me to join? DS.



  6. #6
    no, sorry, we're an Omni guild. YOU made me really laugh reading what you say..

    Make a Omni char and join us

  7. #7
    I´ll take that under serious consideration

    ... come to think of it, I´ve never seen Omni 1, xcept briefly during the amnesty, looking for that "childhood memory", never found it :P......


    ..... or you could start a Clan guild, just kidding :P...



  8. #8
    Already did, Epicine and I started the Pimped Gimps.

  9. #9
    ....and all this for me, awwww ;P

    Seriously???? You did???

    If you did...wicked



  10. #10


    Team missions get a lot better a little higher up.

    I know its frustrating at your level but keep it up and it will pay off.

    Soon you will hit that magic elusive number where, you roll 2 mission and everyone flies thru, no one even loots bodys much less chests. Why?

    1. not worth it, take everything you find in all the chests and add it up. its not much. You can blitz a mission for twice what all that stuff tallys and be done in 5 minutes and not have to sell bags and bags of crap to store. generally you sitting on some pretty good cash and the couple 100 k isnt what your after, its the XP. when you need 21m to level, thats a lot of missions.

    2. Because if you loot your left behind as the team moves, get left behind tooo much and you might get kicked. Your missions are done before your first set of buffs run out. Most of your group can solo 180's mobs, Rollerrats dont kill anyone much less the whole team, they die as soon as they show up.

    Yes, in higher levels you will only get 2-3 whacks in on some mobs before they are dead and your group is blazing down the hall.

  11. #11
    Yes I know Foo, but when will I hit that "magic elusive number", when when when , I´m running on fumes here...

    i.e. what is that lvl aprox??



  12. #12
    Omni? muaha

    Btw didnt you quit game Emiko? you had a big "cermony" on the forum about it.

  13. #13
    Yep we did create the Guild.

    And Dr Rubika the post was not about quitting AO but about taking time off for more important things in my life.. like umm, well I cant think of any right at this moment...

    *runs away*

    GIMME MORPH EMOTES!!! so i can put my morphs in a script... oo gotta put that in suggestions....

  14. #14
    Not sure I totally agree with sentiments of this thread.

    Speaking solely from my own experience, last time I visited TIM and also neleb RK1 there wasn't a single person around and they were just sitting there waiting.

    I've never been in the castle but I understand there is significant contention over that place.

  15. #15

    Re: actually

    Originally posted by Foodaddy3
    Team missions get a lot better a little higher up.

    I know its frustrating at your level but keep it up and it will pay off. ...
    everyone flies thru, no one even loots bodys much less chests. Why?

    1. not worth it, take everything you find in all the chests and add it up. its not much...

    the couple 100 k isnt what your after, its the XP. when you need 21m to level, thats a lot of missions.

    2. Because if you loot your left behind as the team moves, get left behind tooo much and you might get kicked.
    I realize that the purpose of your post is encouragement, that's great, and I certainly don't intend a flame, but you describe some pretty sick mission mechanics that are just one way of looking at things, and should not be the standard way that missions are done, IMO.

    Unless I have a rich alt or am buying credits off ebay, I will continue to loot corpses as my turn comes. If my team were to kick me for this, I would ignore the leader and each person that didn't immediately apologize for the leader's actions. Kicking someone who is merely "slowing the team down" by looting corpses or recharging nano is antisocial and inexcusable. I have kicked 1 fixer from my team out of hundreds of missions and then only for ninja looting after he was warned to stay with the team. There is no reason that a mission can't take place at a good clip that is still enjoyable for the whole team. The scenario you are describing is a bunch of sugar-addled kids who are only interested in "getting to the next level" and don't have the maturity to appreciate a social game. Again just my $.02, and realize you were just stating how things generally are, but they don't have to be that way.

  16. #16
    Originally posted by diatribe
    Not sure I totally agree with sentiments of this thread.

    Speaking solely from my own experience, last time I visited TIM and also neleb RK1 there wasn't a single person around and they were just sitting there waiting.

    I've never been in the castle but I understand there is significant contention over that place.

    Actually Neleb is a lowbie dungeon, we are mainly discussing the high end camps.

  17. #17


    Well, its not a sugar rush i assure you, 50 mobs @ 50K each equals 2.5 m plus another 1 m for mission completion.

    Now at level 165 it takes 22 million to level.

    22m / 3.5m per mission = over 6 missions to level at 165.

    here is the lootside.

    I have all ql 200 armour and Cor Mk2 from smugglers den, ql 200 Albrieght, ql 200 claw, ql 200 implants. 2 of ql200 every color org suit out there. The only thing i want or need is dragon armour, and that is way out of reach, i am a couple 100 million away from buying that.

    I have all my nanos, yalm. doing well with cash.

    I assure you this is the more the rule above level 150.

    and by the way, you say you loot when its your turn, no problem team looting is set to all. You can loot everything you want.

    You are right (i stand corrected) you wouldnt get kicked for looting but you will get the .. hey , you coming??

    Eventually you will... A. fill up every slot.(doesnt take that long to fill up however many empty packs you have.)
    B. Feel guilty about missing fights.

    The fact remains that if you wait for the body to hit the floor and change to lootable status you have missed 1/2 the fight in the next room. You team with 160-200 its just seems to be a standard unwritten rule.

    Hate to say it, but usually goes the same for boss loot too. No one really wants it. Its usually the same junk, kin of tars disc or nano, lick wounds, icc skinchip, notum lever, padded love pants, ql 200 org suit, ect ect.

    Gridding in 15 sec.........

    omw to next........

    The magic number is somewhere around 130-150 based on profession and whether you team up or down.

    I have been 150 and teamed with 5 190+. I could not keep up. I was lucky to get one hit in. So i just spammed my team heal, and kept their health bars topped off.
    Last edited by FooDaddy3; Oct 2nd, 2002 at 20:40:57.

  18. #18


    Diatribe, the thing is Neleb's is not rare. It is becoming the rule that "rareness" is controled by having a camp fest to make it harder to get some items.

    What has made me bitter, is specifically the Dodga quest where you don't even have a dungeon to clear out... for something to do. You just show up at the spot and sit in front of your monitor until the NPC appears. I waited 4 hours. I gave up.

    So now I've FAILED this quest because I can't sit around for hours on end surfing the internet on another machine or watching TV. How fun is that?

    I just don't think I'm going to bother trying to get any of the other "unique" items if I'm expected to waste my time this way to get them.

  19. #19
    Point well taken, Foodaddy, I guess it is a game mechanic flaw. The life after 130 you are describing just doesn't sound fun to me. Somewhere between moving on before the mob hits the floor and lollygagging through a mission there has to be a happy medium that can keep everyone satisfied.

    I guess what triggered my response is that I've been on several missions lately where a kid in the group, almost never an adult, has pushed the team so fast that the doc (and i) barely has time to recharge nano. It's nice to have time to joke around after every second or third kill, to socialize a little in the mission... just seems to make missions more fun. But it usually happens that there is one person who is totally oblivious to everything except "clearing the screen." This is fine, but I would rather team with a different type of player.
    Last edited by Jutlina; Oct 2nd, 2002 at 23:01:03.

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