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Thread: Need Quick Run-Down On All These Changes

  1. #1

    Need Quick Run-Down On All These Changes

    I log on tonight for the first time since March of this year and find out many things have changed on Rubi-Ka.

    What's the best way to get a run-down on the latest changes to the world (like, where the hell did Athens go? What is ICC's role and why? Why do I as a clan member get obliterated on site by a guard in the Trade District?)

    I wish there were just a summarization of these things, the major changes and, well, how the heck do I get to Athens now? What areas are no longer neutral that used to be etc..,?

    I see the lag hasn't changed much.

    I missed Rubi-Ka and the sights and sounds and friendly folks, and the group hunts/missions.

    I don't really want to go back and read through all of the stories to catch up after all this time, would just assume get the low-down if possible on the major changes.

    Any help/pointers would be dearly appreciated. Thanks. Jerichob.

  2. #2
    Well i can say one good thing about the time since i have been playing.

    In the last patch espectially fixed alot of the memory leak problems. I can play all day with only 128ram and not have to worry about rebooting every 2 missions like i used too.

    So there is my funcom fanboy statement for the day.

    Now fix engies already.

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