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Thread: Is this a joke?

  1. #1

    Is this a joke?

    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  2. #2
    i'd like to see someone get it on first.....

    Pre-14.6 Freshman Boycott "Toolboxau" Canada - Legend 200 - Unit Member of Reborn - Proud American and Proud Conservative

    ChanOP in FC's offical #anarchyonline; visit

    Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
    Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right
    Have you forgetten?

  3. #3

    is this armor for specialists or by people who need specialist help?
    Ananke - Carrah - Loretta

    ZWhen the going got tough, the tough ran away

  4. #4
    read the official response, not all items are going to be able to be worn at the moment...

    it's probably an indication of things coming in the future.
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
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    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  5. #5
    Its still crap

  6. #6
    Originally posted by kokk
    Its still crap
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  7. #7
    To answer your question ..if it came along with 14.5 then yes it is a joke
    I love you all,
    Member of Apocalypse

  8. #8

    Arrow FYI

    ModifiedDescription, HasDamage, DisableStatelCollision
    Anything with that tag is "a joke" at present. (think walk through walls)
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  9. #9
    You know, if I were FC, I would put so many red herrings in the item database it would make your head spin. I would add weapons and armor that are insanely powerful and have unreachable requirements. I would add weapons that are ridiculously powerful with attainable requirements, but never put them in the game. I would add quest items that are completely useless and versions of weapons that are just plain worse, and never implement a single one.

    Then I would watch as people post on the forums "Oh I can't wait for this! Oh this is TOO POWERFUL NERF IT! WHAT A STUPID QUEST REWARD F U FC" and laugh my ass off.

    FC means it: Just because its in the database doesn't mean its in the game.
    Enri - Adventurer
    Paxton - Bureaucrat
    Proud Member of Clan Anarchist Syndicate

    START SEEING the difference between a player and game designer

    Forum Education!

  10. #10
    I can almost bet my left ball that those armors will show up with The Shadowland expansion pack.
    Alvador Proud member of [url=]Storm

  11. #11
    I'll bet Alvador's left ball this'll show up in Shadowlands...
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  12. #12


    You know, if I were FC, I would put so many red herrings in the item database it would make your head spin. I would add weapons and armor that are insanely powerful and have unreachable requirements. I would add weapons that are ridiculously powerful with attainable requirements, but never put them in the game. I would add quest items that are completely useless and versions of weapons that are just plain worse, and never implement a single one.

    Then I would watch as people post on the forums "Oh I can't wait for this! Oh this is TOO POWERFUL NERF IT! WHAT A STUPID QUEST REWARD F U FC" and laugh my ass off.
    Player Hate™
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  13. #13
    Originally posted by kokk
    Its still crap

    LoL... true

    Ex-Coven Master of Dark Covenant(RK2)

    Thanks for the good times all...

  14. #14
    Actually, regular elite armor has the DisableStatelCollision flag too.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Alvador
    I can almost bet my left ball that those armors will show up with The Shadowland expansion pack.
    Oh good! I was looking for something to work my genetics thesis experiment on.

    If it dosn't come out in the Shadowland expansion pack ill give you the address where you can fedex it. I just may earn my masters degree with Alvador's left ball. One question though....mind sending the right one instead? hehe
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Alvador
    I can almost bet my left ball that those armors will show up with The Shadowland expansion pack.
    I'm betting Alvador's RIGHT ball that those items AREN'T showing up in Shadowlands.

    Now you're definitely losing a testical!
    k- This message has been reviewed by intrusive goons searching for "evil-doers".

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Blue Cat

    I'm betting Alvador's RIGHT ball that those items AREN'T showing up in Shadowlands.

    Now you're definitely losing a testical!
    It's all fun and games until somebody loses a testicle... and then it's even funnier!
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  18. #18


    I must be thinking of some other tag then...its on some of the GM armors.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  19. #19
    I bet they are going to increase the levels to 210 or some insane crap like that.

    And btw, I bet funcom could make us all wear inferior nail armor, by adding a strange version of it with lots of nice modifyers.
    Apprentice Frakk // MA - Rk1 - Stuff - Quote
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    Overpowered since 15.0 - MA forever!

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Frakk2000
    I bet they are going to increase the levels to 210 or some insane crap like that.

    And btw, I bet funcom could make us all wear inferior nail armor, by adding a strange version of it with lots of nice modifyers.
    Are you betting your left ball too?
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

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