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Thread: Firing ranges, a way to stop guard killing

  1. #1

    Firing ranges, a way to stop guard killing

    I originally posted this on the World of Rubi-Ka forum, it was a reply to a post about guard killing, so I'm copying it here so it since this is the appropriate place.

    I don't like guard killing in highly populated areas, but I understand why people do it. The guards provide a consistant factor in terms of the level, ac and evades on a mob, missions don't. If something is to be done about guard killing, it has to be convenient, or at least a better alternative to killing guards. Here's my suggestion, my apologies is someone has come up with this idea earlier, and thanks to Bionitrous for putting me on the idea in the first place.

    We should get Firing Ranges (sorry melee users, I'm a soldier, I think ranged weapons. Find a better name if you can. ), one in each town. Inside there should be fixed mobs of various levels, say 50, 100, 150 etc. The AC's and evades of these mobs should be written on a poster on the wall, and there should be several mobs of the same level to avoid crowding. To add a certain RP'ing element to it, the targets could be criminals sentenced to death or something like that. These mobs should of course not give out any xp or loot or anything useful besides their purpose as a test facility.

    edit: silly me, I forgot to state the purpose of this. In case you didn't figure it out, it's for testing weapons in a controlled environment
    Last edited by Elizabetha; Sep 19th, 2002 at 17:09:21.
    Katelin "Elasii" McCovery

    Elizabet "Elizabetha" Suitt (retired soldier)

    Division 9 R.S.G.E

  2. #2


    great idea!

    Yet another great idea that will slowly dissapear down in the forgotten part of the forum
    OT Soldier: Sarv
    My little CH ho: Zitrix

  3. #3
    no it wont!
    Spewing truth from every orifice.
    Fixanox - Member of Eternal Fury.

  4. #4

    A firing range (punching bag gym for the melee's)...

    Interesting...very interesting...I have to bump with feeling!
    .: Naraya :.

  5. #5
    good idea stop the laggy madness in front of newland!

  6. #6
    this is a great idea. It will go a long way to stop the senseless killings that only detract from the game. Neutral guards, especially, seem to spend the majority of there time dying nowadays.


  7. #7
    Late night stoner bumpage!
    .: Naraya :.

  8. #8

    Missing point

    I think you are missing the point of the guard killing. This is the first time I hear that it is used for testing guns...

    I do agree that a punching bag thingy would be a great new addition to the major cities on Rubi-ka, a place that people could meet up.

    But I also strongly believe that people killing guards is only because they are bored at here is a willing target to have some fun with.

    The solution is simple, mark the guard killer as a target that anyone nearby can shoot at (personal mayhem). That would drastically reduce the guard killing, although probably not stop it entirely. It would certainly also add some fun.

  9. #9

    Better idea

    How about in all genraly stores have a Punching bag or a fighting simulation. Most of the time when I gaurd kill, I'm doing it because I just equiped a new weapon and want to test it. I personly would prefer a dummy that i could go into a genraly shop, and select what level I want it to be and it would give an over all adverage opponet for that level. It realy wouldnt even have to hit back, just a nice punching bag in the back of the trade area, plenty of space in there.

  10. #10

    Re: Missing point

    Originally posted by Chartan
    I think you are missing the point of the guard killing. This is the first time I hear that it is used for testing guns...
    Well I'm a soldier and i kill guards very often to test tactics and new weapons. The first thing I did when I get my chs on was running to nl and killing the guards. Most time I killed guards was to check my gun and to see how strong I was.

    Training grounds will be very nice but we need some more training grounds. Say a "training arena" where we can fight other ppls without getting pvp points or loosing pvp points. This would be very nice, cause we can train each other in orgs. And noone fight each other in orgs cause we don't want to steal someone his title in org.

    Would be nice to see a training pvp zone and some training guards where we can kill mops. Both give no xp and no pvp points and we don't loose pvp points or titles too.

  11. #11
    Bump for a great idea...
    Omni-Tek Master Assassin
    Omni-Tek NT (Testlive)

  12. #12

    LOL, thats exactly what he said, just with someone else in mind. Wonder why we have this unneccesary war, when when it comes down to it, you think alike.

    PS: Dont get me wrong here Bin Laden is not someone to be befriended in anyway, but when a dumb quote like this stands out, I just have to point out the obvious
    First player with all characters 100+ and still a newbie....

  13. #13
    Bump to keep fresh
    .: Naraya :.

  14. #14
    /me bumps

    tired of testing weapons on the guards at tir are i goto athens to test them :/

  15. #15

    Gimp Inc.

    Jeezzz you guys must really be gigantic gimps if you are the level where you can actually kill a guard and STILL need to test a new weapon LOL
    First player with all characters 100+ and still a newbie....

  16. #16
    Bah! i kill guards constantly. With their beady eyes! and wispered remarks! Cant trust the bastards.

    Besides whats so wrong with killing em? They respawn in 5 minutes, they dont do crap anyway, and if people fighting infront of NL is making you lag turn off some of your graphic effects.
    Boltgrinder 200 (No Longer Rising!) enforcer. General of Mercenaries of Kai. Dream Setup Current Setup
    CamelLights 62 Nano Technician, To much MC for my own good.

    Razi Quote until i change it!

    Razi-Away: If you have a doctrine of loving cuddly bears, it means you will go out and love cuddly bears. If you have a philosophy of loving cuddly bears, it means you just love them. It works the same, only replacing "love" with "hate", "cuddly" with a cuss word, and "bears" with a minority of your choice.

  17. #17

    Re: Gimp Inc.

    Originally posted by Chartan
    Jeezzz you guys must really be gigantic gimps if you are the level where you can actually kill a guard and STILL need to test a new weapon LOL
    right we are soldiers

    We want fun and we need to test our weapons too.

  18. #18
    I agree with Boltgrinder...
    If I wanna be a psycho killing guards its my choice...but..
    Yes...I also want to be punished for it..I want to be either jailed or get thrown in some kind of arena like room with Omni Pols kicking and shooting at me...making me die over and over again..

    If you think guard killing is stupid in some way then you are kindq ****ed...and then you want to remove some of the interactivity still left ingame..but mm implement some kind of punishment for it..

    And yeah..a fireing range for testing guns would be nice

    Not sure I read the thread.. zhaheaheheahaee

  19. #19
    I agree with Chartan here. If you need to test your weapon don't do it on guards, if you really need a test thing, ask that (good idea IMO).

    Think in a RP way, please. This kind of thing is not fun for RPer, especially when you reply OOC to someone asking you why you kill a guard (it breaks even the smallest chance to do RP).

    Actually it's not very social and more selfish. Think to others...

    Circle G Inc. - Your safety is our business.

  20. #20
    *bump* for this!

    If this gets implemented, I may actually have to write a log parser and do some oddball weapon testing.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

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