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Thread: Problem with fixer's; Various rants

  1. #1

    Exclamation Problem with fixer's; Various rants

    I know all of these have been stated before, but i wanted to add my little ideas
    to them. First of all, in a crowd of 1000 players from very far away at top distance of a yalm
    i can tell which people are fixers. How? a noob would ask? easy, they are BLUE all of them!
    Or if you get an attempt to be creative you get someone with primus, or padded love, ooo ooo
    how original. No they are always the same. Now if that wasn't bad enough, you managed to give
    us a buff, that EVERYONE and there dog wants, and yet we cant do it single, and it takes 12
    seconds to cast AND TONS of ncu, so I am glad we get 2 credits every year from sellable

    SUGGESTION #1 but umm can you try to make it either SELF or have a self and a team?

    Okay well back to the problem of looking the same. What does that gain except to be a beacon
    for buff beggers?

    SUGGESTION #2 Could you allow some way to put clothes OVER armor? so we could use bracers of
    shrink/grow and actually LOOK different? (not bracers of reflect i understand the reason behind
    that. That way we could wear a dress or a nice uniform. ?
    Also this can make pvp actually a bit of a challenge, as you won't know what your opponent is
    wearing and in an instant be able to go for the weakness.
    (Note to pvper's, challenge is GOOD)

    Okay then you get to the fun of the fixer quest Heh, fun , I even had to ask an ark directly
    if Funcom hated fixers. because with that quest part 1 and 2, you see, that I understand it is
    a powerful spell, but why not make the quest objectives harder? not the time it takes LONGER
    that accomplishes nothing

    Oh, then there is the fun of the BBI Mamba, HA joke of a useless weapon, that was only now,
    2 patches later, (supposedly it was introduced in 14.2 but every fixer knows that is a lie)
    now it just finally arrives and is only a rumor that it even did arrive now.
    the only weapon that is truely attack rating wise useful for a fixer is the mcs, as the mantra
    goes "you become a fixer, you get a mcs, or you are a gimp" the recharge rate on the burst
    bah,what sorta creul joke is that? you DO want us all the same? or ?

    Then there is the fun with the droid control device, heh. Iron reet, 18 hour spawn, HA HA HA
    notice me cryins I am laughing so hard? oh, you don't do you? anyway.

    My BIGGEST annoyance, is grid armor. I heard the other day mk 1 is SELLING for 100m credits?
    that is insane. People are getting artificially rich because everyone wants to buy their pet
    alt fixer his own blue suit so he can be like EVERY FRIGEN PERSON EVER PLAYING AO. dang sheep.

    SUGGESTION #3 Increase the spawn rate of the lower grid armors (1/2? or 1-3) or ADD a mk 5 and
    make it UBER rare. it doesn't have to add much more, maybe just a bit more ac/ncu/whatever
    BTW adding 20 to damage, is pretty worthless from mk4 so you can make it add 21! or whatever
    goofy idea you can come up with. OR, you can be amazingly creative, you can make only the 200+
    armor and mk5 GIVE you the ability to wear social clothes with it.? hrmm it is worth looking

    And yes, I will get flamed endlessly for this post, and I could care less, but every fixer is
    thinking the same thing, or is a simpleton and not willing to admit it.

    lvl 169 fixer
    Advisor of
    "You can't ask someone to erase their past."
    "Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
    "The worst thing that can happen in life is to die alone."
    "The pessimist complains about which way the wind blows. The Optimist speaks of brighter days. The Realist adjusts the sail."
    "For every action there is an equal and opposite flavor of cookie."

  2. #2
    Yes yes I agree, Im a Fixer I tried to be diffrent. I wore the MA armor (not suit) and carried a sword ) Boy was i GIMPed. Now im just a typical fixer with MCS and Love's cause if i have anything else im gimped / and i dont have 100m for GA

    so all i have to say is *Bump*

  3. #3
    #1: Don't buff people. I turn people down sometimes (usually because I'm already teamed or I just don't feel like it.)

    Sneaking works too (sometimes...). Remember, search is an ACTIVE command in AO.

    #2: Excellent point, has nothing to do with fixers. Bump anyways.

    #3fixerquest: The fixer quests didn't strike me as too terrible... well, minus camping the tubes. That sucked. The rest of it was pretty easy.

    #3mamba: Haven't seen one yet, but might give the dual-wield junkies something to be happy about if it ever shows. Then again, maybe not. Manex is now dropping, but is broken. As to useful weapons for the fixer:

    Sol Chironis (better than an MCS for low RI)
    OT Kerans (ditto)
    Mausser Chemical
    Mausser Particle (easier to get to 1/1 than a chem, some people like em)
    Manex Catastrophe (init is bugged, but hits like a bear)
    Light Suppressor (higher levels only, single-wield it)

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Only one of them requires you to split your attack rating.

    #3droidcontrol: Yep. 18h spawns suck, camping sucks. Bump.

    #3gridarmor: Yep. Too rare for the market, droprate needs a bump.

    Not complete flames, but clarification when you weren't telling the whole story.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Savinggrace
    Okay addressing point by point

    #1: Don't buff people. I turn people down sometimes (usually because I'm already teamed or I just don't feel like it.)

    Well I don't i even wrote a script for this
    "I don't buff people outside of mission, except guildmates"

    But that doesn't stop the beggers from hassling me, which was the main point.
    /ignore. It is your friend.

    #2: Excellent point, has nothing to do with fixers. Bump anyways

    Have EVERYTHING to do with fixers, but has other applications too. Fixers in BLUE are beacons for the above mentioned beggers.
    So take off your GA. This is, admittedly, easier for me to say since I self-cast mine, but still; if it bothers you so damn much, take it off when you've got downtime.

    That said, the minority of fixers with GA who would be pleased by this are FAR outnumbered by the majority of other players who like to Style.

    Sol Chironis (better than an MCS for low RI) ; Practically speaking this gun is a joke, damage atleast 15% lower than the mcs.
    For RIs less than 600, this gun rocks the MCS. Try it. 600 it starts to break even, and the MCS pulls away at 900+ RI. The damage isn't much lower, and the speed allows you to sit at low aggdefs while still firing at 1/1. Maybe you should re-evaluate.

    OT Kerans (ditto) ; i re-itterate the ditto but add the attempt with poison damage, was nice.
    Note that the Keran's damage lags and reqs grow at high levels; good at low levels, not so much so at high levels IMO.

    Mausser Chemical ; the only fixer gun that you can potentially get speed, and damage pvp and pvm.
    A good all-around gun. No argument here.

    Mausser Particle (easier to get to 1/1 than a chem, some people like em) All I have to say here is HA HA HA joke of a weapon, that is why they let us upgrade it.
    Not my favorite either. Still, some folks swear by them. They don't do bad damage, either; QL200 MPS is 7-342(250), as opposed to the Chem's 1-400(350). Yes the damage is lower... but not that much.

    Manex Catastrophe (init is bugged, but hits like a bear) never tried this.
    Will be a good gun when inits are fixed. There's a long post in the fixer forum on why.

    Light Suppressor (higher levels only, single-wield it)l; This is a near damage EQUAL to mcs, BUT the ranged energy requirement makes it useless to a fixer that uses IP wisely. The dual wield was once again a nice try.
    Dual-wield is an IP sink that ain't worth it. Judging from the experiences of fixers I know who single-wield a PLS, they do pretty well. Yes, it's an IP sink. But it's also an effective gun. Don't knock it til you try it.

    BTW you forgot one, the Aleph, fast damage and at QL 200 +27 to stam, nice mod, but HAA projectile damage, therefore useless in pvp and most pvm.
    Fast damage? Hardly, it's the same speed (well, almost) as the MPS. Good mod, kinda shoddy damage. I was trying to list the *useful* ones, so I left out the EUS, the MichPat, and the Aleph.

    So with that, I correct you, while those others are a choice, if you want highest damage/speed/specials you only have 1 choice.
    MCS. LightSuppressor. Sol Chironis. Those 3 are the ones I either use or will be using (LS is held off until I have a little spare IP). All are VERY viable guns in the high level game. Manex Catastrophe will be another viable gun, once the init fix is in.

    Verses like rifle, where there are a few with similair damage stats
    Or even pistol. Heck even shotgun has more choices.
    Rifle: Do you want an X-3... or an X-3? Oh, yeah, Caterwauls are OK too.

    Shotty: Ithaca/Krutt if you have a big scope, Vektor if you don't.

    Pistols: Dunno much about em. Seems the combo of choice is the V3/Desert Reet pairing. Could be wrong there, though. There is a lot of choice in pistols.

    Continuing to rant because I'm at work and, let's face it, I have nothing better to do.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Kiryat-Dharin

    Not my favorite either. Still, some folks swear by them. They don't do bad damage, either; QL200 MPS is 7-342(250), as opposed to the Chem's 1-400(350). Yes the damage is lower... but not that much.
    Once the inits are finally fixed, I really think the MPS will sit nicely between the SOL/Kerans and MCS. It does more damage than the SOL/Kerans and gets to 1/1 much sooner than the MCS. I think between 300-750 RI, the MPS is probably the way to go.

    As it is now, the MPS was useful for me only in the short window while I was pumping my RI with IP and hunting the +180 RI scope. I was able to use a nice crit scope without penalizing my attack speed due to the recharge bug. I think this made up nicely for the lower damage and fewer bursts. Still, once initiatives are fixed, the MPS will become much more useful.
    Clan fixer, Fourth Title

    Director of Information
    Analog Myth

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Savinggrace

    since 14.4 the minority is the fixers WITHOUT a grid armor
    some moron high leveller will get 100-300 million buy a pet fixer a grid armor then level him to use it, then forget about him
    but that adds to my list. go into any town, you will see, atleast 5-10 anywhere u go.

    Maybe you should re-evaluate.
    Maybe you should open your eyes.

    You said it yourself; fixers without GA aren't particularly distinguishable.

    I know a LOT of fixers. Most of them don't have GA. Plain and simple. Your perception does not measure up to my knowledge here. You "think" most fixers have GA. I *know* that many don't.

    I have tried the Sol at all levels, it is crap plain and simple tons lower damage and slower burst and lower bursts

    Note that the Keran's damage lags and reqs grow at high levels; good at low levels, not so much so at high levels IMO.

    reqs are practically the same as the sol but i agree it is worthless that was my point.
    I used a Sol Chironis from when I dropped my Gammas around level 86 to when I popped in a QL200 MCS and a TIM Scope at level 110ish. It most definitely did not suck. Try raising your RI enough to 1/1 yourself with a 6% or 8% scope equipped. It makes a difference.

    The Sol is an excellent gun, made even better in PvP because you can sit at 1/1 at low aggdef. If you refuse to acknowledge this fact, fine, but don't pretend it's a bad gun when it's probably the 2nd or 3rd best gun fixers have. And at low levels, they definitely rock MCSs to the curb.

    Not my favorite either. Still, some folks swear by them. They don't do bad damage, either; QL200 MPS is 7-342(250), as opposed to the Chem's 1-400(350). Yes the damage is lower... but not that much.

    58 pts (100) isnt much? do you even play this game?

    Don't knock it til you try it.

    I HAVE otherwise i would have listed i didn't or did you miss that with the one i haven't tried? hrmm?
    58 (100) isn't that much if you can fire it much faster... which you can, since recharge inits are currently bugged. You can put a 15% scope on an MPS and still fire it 1/1 if your IP RI is 600. It also requires lower reqs.

    Rifle: Do you want an X-3... or an X-3? Oh, yeah, Caterwauls are OK too

    haha that isnt the only choice that is just the flavor of the month
    people used rifles before those 2 guns and they killed people just fine.
    Yeah? Well, before we got Sols and MCSs and Kerans, I used an MPS. It killed things just fine. Doesn't mean that you think it's a viable choice now, does it?

    Shotty: Ithaca/Krutt if you have a big scope, Vektor if you don't

    there are more choices than that, and but i will ignore it, it was just a random comment saying there are choices, which by saying this, you proved.
    List some. Ithaca, Krutt, Vektor, oh, and I forgot the Home Defender, my bad. Medium Shotty... maybe. But Ithaca/Krutt/HD are still the faves at high levels, with Vektors topping low level lists.

    Pistols: Dunno much about em. Seems the combo of choice is the V3/Desert Reet pairing. Could be wrong there, though. There is a lot of choice in pistols.

    once again, proven my point.
    No, this is one of the two instances where I see people with more options than us. The other is soldiers.

    The fact that you refuse to accept the facts laid before you is starting to piss me off.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Luxxan

    Once the inits are finally fixed, I really think the MPS will sit nicely between the SOL/Kerans and MCS. It does more damage than the SOL/Kerans and gets to 1/1 much sooner than the MCS. I think between 300-750 RI, the MPS is probably the way to go.

    As it is now, the MPS was useful for me only in the short window while I was pumping my RI with IP and hunting the +180 RI scope. I was able to use a nice crit scope without penalizing my attack speed due to the recharge bug. I think this made up nicely for the lower damage and fewer bursts. Still, once initiatives are fixed, the MPS will become much more useful.
    I'd say that in that window you'll be better served by scoping your Sol, but that's my opinion, I think the MPS will be a valid option as well.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  8. #8
    First of all, in a crowd of 1000 players from very far away at top distance of a yalm
    i can tell which people are fixers. How? a noob would ask? easy, they are BLUE all of them!
    Or if you get an attempt to be creative you get someone with primus, or padded love, ooo ooo
    how original. No they are always the same.
    This coming from the person that spent a full month bragging off her GA4 to anyone that pretended to care and running around wearing nothing but grid armor, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Hypocrite. Or just another circumstance of a hot temper and big mouth with very little reasoning, accountability or sense.
    God forbid someone else has GA4, then they are all just copying her.

    In game, Grace repeatedly bashes ANY fixer that rolled their char after her, calling them all "bandwagoners" and "sheep", like she was the first fixer on rubi ka or something.

    Grid armor just plain out looks cool and fixers do alot of neat things. I could give a hoot less if they all look the same. After lvl 150, nearly everyone looks the same. MK2 armor or carbonium, albrecht heavy tank and x-3 rifles. Do I piss and moan about that? Nope.

    Let people play the way they want to play and roll the professions they want to roll and don't sit and criticize people because of it. In other words, enjoy some xp and shut your pie hole. Or better yet, lead by example and do something unique yourself. Don't sit and bash all the other smurfs for wearing grid armor or padded love when you're wearing padded love or grid armor yourself, that just sounds silly.
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  9. #9
    Well lol. GA4 is already a very rare and a uber item too. Why do you want a ga5? lol you want this game more unbalanced as it already is? GA3 is still a a uber item and ga4 tops this uberness too. So no ga5 pls or give all other classes a hmm 10k body armor but make a not for fixer class attribute on it.

    Bracers under ga? sorry but what do you want? Fixer still are one of the best classes in this game and with your 1 sec emergency grid you don't die too. You now want to wear a dmg bracer and a 7% reflection bracer with your ga armor which already make you uber? Hell why don't remove all classes except the fixer class from this game? Who will ever play a other class except the fixer class when funcom give the changes you want in this thread?

    Oh you are blue. You don't have to be blue - don't wear your ga - easy or?

    Hell some ppl are really funny or have some strange kind of jokes.

    Oh before i forget. I want a 100% tms with no nanoshutdown and 1 np cost for casting it. The 100% tms should stay active for hmmm lets say 2 hours. After that I have to recast it. Oh well why don't you give us the gm armor?

    Hehehehe nice post sorry

  10. #10

    Put a sock in it

    Originally posted by Savinggrace
    I know all of these have been stated before, but i wanted to add my little ideas
    to them. First of all, in a crowd of 1000 players from very far away at top distance of a yalm
    i can tell which people are fixers. How? a noob would ask? easy, they are BLUE all of them!
    Or if you get an attempt to be creative you get someone with primus, or padded love, ooo ooo
    how original. No they are always the same. Now if that wasn't bad enough, you managed to give
    us a buff, that EVERYONE and there dog wants, and yet we cant do it single, and it takes 12
    seconds to cast AND TONS of ncu, so I am glad we get 2 credits every year from sellable

    SUGGESTION #1 but umm can you try to make it either SELF or have a self and a team?

    Okay well back to the problem of looking the same. What does that gain except to be a beacon
    for buff beggers?

    SUGGESTION #2 Could you allow some way to put clothes OVER armor? so we could use bracers of
    shrink/grow and actually LOOK different? (not bracers of reflect i understand the reason behind
    that. That way we could wear a dress or a nice uniform. ?
    Also this can make pvp actually a bit of a challenge, as you won't know what your opponent is
    wearing and in an instant be able to go for the weakness.
    (Note to pvper's, challenge is GOOD)

    Okay then you get to the fun of the fixer quest Heh, fun , I even had to ask an ark directly
    if Funcom hated fixers. because with that quest part 1 and 2, you see, that I understand it is
    a powerful spell, but why not make the quest objectives harder? not the time it takes LONGER
    that accomplishes nothing

    Oh, then there is the fun of the BBI Mamba, HA joke of a useless weapon, that was only now,
    2 patches later, (supposedly it was introduced in 14.2 but every fixer knows that is a lie)
    now it just finally arrives and is only a rumor that it even did arrive now.
    the only weapon that is truely attack rating wise useful for a fixer is the mcs, as the mantra
    goes "you become a fixer, you get a mcs, or you are a gimp" the recharge rate on the burst
    bah,what sorta creul joke is that? you DO want us all the same? or ?

    Then there is the fun with the droid control device, heh. Iron reet, 18 hour spawn, HA HA HA
    notice me cryins I am laughing so hard? oh, you don't do you? anyway.

    My BIGGEST annoyance, is grid armor. I heard the other day mk 1 is SELLING for 100m credits?
    that is insane. People are getting artificially rich because everyone wants to buy their pet
    alt fixer his own blue suit so he can be like EVERY FRIGEN PERSON EVER PLAYING AO. dang sheep.

    SUGGESTION #3 Increase the spawn rate of the lower grid armors (1/2? or 1-3) or ADD a mk 5 and
    make it UBER rare. it doesn't have to add much more, maybe just a bit more ac/ncu/whatever
    BTW adding 20 to damage, is pretty worthless from mk4 so you can make it add 21! or whatever
    goofy idea you can come up with. OR, you can be amazingly creative, you can make only the 200+
    armor and mk5 GIVE you the ability to wear social clothes with it.? hrmm it is worth looking

    And yes, I will get flamed endlessly for this post, and I could care less, but every fixer is
    thinking the same thing, or is a simpleton and not willing to admit it.

    lvl 169 fixer
    Advisor of
    That last part is just, way too much. I am a fixer, and i disagree with many of the things you are saying. This makes me a simpleton because i don't want the same changes you do? Jesus, get a life!

    WHY do you care if we are buff beacons? That is such a good thing! Before we had NO buffs, enjoy them now! Make yourself useful in a group, making them self only is just ridiculous!

    Grid armor, inflation or not, is TOTALLY worth it.
    -You do not need to spend money or time on pads, or viral eggs
    -After you buy grid armor there is really not many things left to buy
    -You are missed by ranged/melee a very high amount of the time (have you ever pvp'ed?)
    -Finally, you will have a unique look similar to crats using suits and a majority of kaehlar sleeve wearers are Soldiers
    -MK4 is good enough. There will never be a way to stop yourself from being damaged from nano, and the evades on mk4 is unbelievably good, that even adding just more damage or ncu is still unbalancing.

    If you were really this 'true fixer' you claim to be you'd be thankful for all the changes we've got since 14.4 and wouldn't make posts like this acting as though you are so selfish and ungrateful.

    And on thedeacon's part i remember when there was two grid armor fixers, you and another person shouting lfg in newland when you were omni, you then shouted '159 fixer in GA 4 looking for group'

    Psiraven made a post on the fixer boards (which i dont see you on, so much for you being a part of the 'fixer community') that GA 4 fixers are the most unresponsive and inconsiderate people she's ever grouped with. She wouldn't name the few she grouped with but i'll wager that since she makes groups in newland too, that you are one of them.

    Be thankful for the iron reet, soldiers have to camp general kaehlar, engineers have to camp the TIM engi scope which drops barely often now. NTs try to farm nullity. If you make everything so easy to obtain, professions become boring. Extra time invested into a MMORPG gets you better items, those who are lazy and not willing to pursue a materialistic goal are only wasting good time that couldve been used camping it by posting on these forums complaining about the spawns.

    PLEASE do not tell me you are complaining about the MCS! omg! i am out of this thread, g'bye!
    "A man is someone who has a cause he's willing to fight for and has a woman in his life he'll do anything to protect."
    -SDI Ssgt. Port, USMC, MCRD Parris Island S.C.

    Experienced Stars "Stromm" Nstripes - Retired

    Fun stuff: 1 2 3 4 (NEW!!)

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Savinggrace
    Okay this thread went way away from the point

    and thedeacon is just mad at me, ignoring him ingame so I give up
    flame away!

    Is that so? um, i thought you were mad at ME, because i didn't care to pursue a relationship with you and left your guild. Let's be honest here. Like I told you, and like you're proving yourself to be in your posts, you are extremely hot headed and arrogant. I remember when we were in ICC and you completely blew your top off at a good friend of mine, elektro, (was it a coincidence that he was wearing grid armor?) for making a joke to me. He's barely talked to me since then

    You throw fits every time you see a fixer, you throw bigger fits if said fixer is in grid armor. You've told me time and time again that you hate other fixers, you call them "bandwagoners", "sheep" and "copykats". I've hung out with you enough times and listened to enough of your fixer rants that you cannot deny the truth there. You told me that you had changed and had calmed down, yet the animosity you show tells me that little has changed. But for the record, I'm not mad at you at all. I just think it's best if I didn't associate with you in game. Your rants about other fixers are a good part of that decision. Look up the word "megalomania" in the dictionary and you'll find a good description of the characteristics you're displaying.

    The point is that you're so off base with your post it's not even funny. Saying that every fixer looks alike, when you look just like every other fixer, makes you sound like a hypocrite. You even picked the same female opifex face as 80% of the other female fixers. You're cookie cutter Grace, admit it. We're all cookie cutter. I've seen other chars that are like my mirror image (tommyball comes to mind, except he's slightly taller). MK2 armor, albrecht tank and an x-3 rifle, thats like 90% of all people over lvl 150 or something. But I never feel like im copying anybody, because I worked just as hard to acquire these items as the rest of the population.

    Being different is cool yes, but if you find that 'perfect combination', by all means, go for it and damn what anyone else thinks. We can always distinguish ourselves by our personalities, which is what I try and do with my 'nasty priest' routine. you have a....unique....personality as well Grace (many good points, many bad points), use that to separate yourself from the other smurfs. I think a bit of insecurity comes into play here, but I'm not really one to make that judgement. Just because others have GA4 now, doesn't make anyone less unique or special.
    Last edited by THEDEACON!; Sep 22nd, 2002 at 04:57:51.
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  12. #12
    Stromm put it much better than I could have
    you've always struck me as an excellent representative of your profession in the time that we've known each other bro. And a fair guy to pvp against as well! good to see you're still on rubi ka, havent heard from you in a long while :P
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  13. #13
    You typed what you typed.

    If it didn't mean what you wanted, retract it.

    You still come off sounding like a spoiled brat, and not the one in the fixergrid quest.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Savinggrace
    First of all people, please learn to read, i didnt say i wanted DAMAGE bracers

    i said just shrink/grow
    so u can LOOK bigger, or LOOK smaller
    please re-read and bring a dictionary.

    then to thedeacon

    i know you wanted someone to care about you, but it is your adhearance to that misguided notion that you are God that everyone hates about you. You feel that paying a bit of money makes it your right, no your DUTY to offend everyone you can, and you want everyone to giggle and kiss you for it. I stopped talking to you because you are like a child, not because of you not wanting this or that, it is because you seem to think it is more adult to leave, and run for everywhere rather than be a tad nice, or a tad APPROPRIOTE, but that is your choice, and you come to this thread not to post about fixers, but purely to flame me, and although I don't mind, because you are a nobody, a nothing a piece of slime my car ran over and pushed deeper into a pit in the street.

    My goal was to say all fixers are the same, with like 4 variations.
    and to offer a bit of info about the sameness, it was taken WAY out of proportion, and misread by 4 yr olds to the point that it has me saying the exact opposite i typed.
    I'm not really going to comment on any of that, because it's probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen you say. I was actually trying to stick up for the other fixers that you refer to as "sheep", a comment which is extremely offensive to anyone who has ever played a fixer. And yes, I rolled a fixer myself, not to be like everyone else, but because the class is extremely fun to play. As for someone to care about me, I've been married in real life for five years now, so I think I have that covered. In game and usually on the forums, my personality is total 100% roleplay, my wife understands this and thinks it's totally hilarious. Whether or not you agree is totally unimportant to her or myself, we're just playing to have fun.

    Like I told you in game, I thought it was very wierd that you had developed 'real' feelings for me, as AO is just a game to me. I felt it was necessary to distance myself from you, so I left the guild. No hard feelings, but you have some issues you need worked out. I didn't mean to lead you on, I honestly thought you were just roleplaying as well :/

    But one thing that needs mentioning is that you are currently working with superslang in his tradeskillz guild. The things you say and do reflect on his reputation and right now, you're making a very bad show of it. By bashing everyone on this forum, by bashing fixers, etc., you're going to adversly affect his business as well. After all, as slaggie's assistant/receptionist, you have the extremely important position of handling customer requests etc. Do you think that anyone who you've bashed in this thread is going to want to deal with you on a business level? Slaggie is currently the tradeskills guru on rk1 and your attitude is closing alot of doors for him.

    But once more, seeing as it's my money that's paying for the account, I will choose to roleplay however I wish. If I offend someone in game with a comment, I immediately apologize and change the subject. That IS being appropriate. I don't think I'm God, nor do I want to be hugged and kissed for being a goof in game, but if I make just one person laugh, or brighten up one person's day even a little, then how bad can that be?

    Your argument about me only goes so far, because the folks that know me, know I bend over backwards for friends and even complete strangers, even if I'd rather be doing something else at the time. Doesn't make me think I'm a 'god'.

    Oh yeah Grace, kind of off topic, I thought you were a christian? You spend all that time preaching to me about God then you make a complete ass out of yourself here. What's up with that? Hypocrite? Or is this how christians are supposed to be?
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

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