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Thread: What's the objective?

  1. #1

    What's the objective?

    PvP in this game just flat out sux. There's no more descriptive way to put it...PvP in this game sux. Why?

    While there are many technical issues which add to its ass-like status, the one thing that makes PvP suxxor the most: no objective.

    Here's my impression of all the PvP areas I've visited in my time:

    Ent Arena
    WOOOT. I can make it to the exit before the grace period is up, yay!

    Tir Arena
    I have to laugh at my experience here. I let an Omni deprive me to boost his own skills and what does he tell me afterwards? "Go full def and run!" three of his clanner friends proceed to gank gank gank. What ****ing war?


    4 Holes


    Perhaps one of the few places where PvP might have some objective: Tara loot. But is that an objective worth going through 150+ levels in PvM for...more character development??

    Mort / Perpetual Wastelands

    So....Without an objective...something worthy of doing PvP for, what's the sense? To get a title? LOL.

    In the beginning they promised us land control with this game. Feeling that this was inferior, they decided to abandon the concept and now want make us pay for "buff towers" as I like to call them. Being in an org with characters designed to do nothing but buff, what's the point in buying this "booster pack"? I won't get to see all the new graphics and hear all the new sounds as I have most of that stuff turned off anyway.

    The concept of land control is a great one. Properly implemented, I think it would make this game one hell of a fun game to play. Here's how I think land control should be implemented:

    Outpost creation/destruction/repair
    Only the leaders of an org should be able to create outposts, yet any force powerful enough should be able to destroy it. Creation of an Outpost can only take place in a 25% zone that hasn't reached the Outpost limit (25 outposts max per zone) and should take 3 minutes to setup. Destruction of outpost would require roughly 10,000,000 points of damage to the central computer terminal (yes, sounds like much, but player-made vehicles will be able to do the damage), yet destruction of the individual components (save term, grid term, etc...) would take significantly less damage to destory (100,000 points). Repairs can only be performed by a qualified Engineer, fully armed with the tools necessary to fix (screw driver, nano pylons, nano circuitry wire, etc..)

    Every player-made outpost in the game should have a grid terminal, save terminal, bank, reclaim, a choice of 2 shops (weapon/first aid or armor/tools for example...basically a combination of any 2 shops), a central computer terminal and a dozen guards of the same level as the creator. The guards would be stationary and would not move from where you originally placed them unless specifically told to. They would attack anything of the opposing alignment on sight.

    The central computer terminal would determine who is in control of the outpost and the current operating parameters of that outpost. To gain control of an outpost, one should only have to use a Hacker Tool on this central computer terminal and have a B&E skill of 200 or greater. The process of doing so should take 30 seconds.

    While in control of the outpost, any member of the controlling alignment can use the central computer to gain a single 40 point skill boost to the skill of their choice (with the exception of base abilities) which would last until they either leave the zone or die. At the same token, the controlling alignment can also specify a single skill to debuff members of the opposing alignment by 80 points whenever such is in the vicinity of the outpost.

    Zone control
    By default, there should be 5 static outposts in every political zone separated by some distance. If at any point all of the outposts (created or static) in a zone are under control by the same alignment, the entire zone becomes under the control of that alignment. While this is happening, members of the opposing faction will lose all vehicular abilities (skills -2000).

    Here's where Tradeskills should make the biggest impact in this. Vehicle construction should be a lengthy process requiring many parts to complete. The base of the vehicle would be one of three: airborne, land, and water. When constructing vehicles, the parts you put into it should determine how much damage it can take before being destroyed, how fast it moves, how many weapons you have and how much ammo you can carry. Restrictions should be put in place so that you can only attain the maximum ability in one of the four areas above. The weapons you put into the vehicle would determine whether or not the vehicle could be used to attack other players. Certain weapons which do insane amounts of damage would be used strictly for the destruction of outposts and other vehicles, while other weapons (the ones we use now would be attachable to vehicles) would be used strictly for the destruction of other players. Nano programs will have no effect on player-made vehicles or the players driving them and the driver and passengers of the vehicle cannot use nano programs while inside. Only guns will affect vehicles.

    Level restrictions
    Remove the PvP level restrictions...completely. Let anyone fight anyone of the opposing faction regardless of level. When fighting in a mass war, the opposing sides do not go about things one troop at a time.

    Zone reworkings / supression gas
    While at war, there should be areas where you can develop your characters without the risk of being attacked by those of the opposing alignment. Thus, the supression gas in zones should be reworked as follows:

    75% - Trade, Ent, Tir, Athen, NLC, 20k, BS
    25% - Everything else.

    Each alignment should have a designated "headquarters". Through the headquarters you should be able to grid to any outpost currently under the alignment's control. An alignment's headquarters can be vulnerable to an overtaking if the alignment has no outposts under their control. To take the opposing alignment's headquarters, one must hack 5 different computer terminals in the order designated by the original controller with each hack taking 1 minute. Should one be successful, all members of the alignment to whom the headquarters belong to would face a loss of all vehicular abilities. Retaking headquarters would be similar to taking it over (need to re-hack all 5 terminals, only regardless of order).

    Primary objective: Resources
    To dominate the land & control the resources. Resources are way too abundant in this land. There's no mining, no supply and demand of base resources (i.e. metal, minerals, chemicals, etc..). The trading centers for both alignments should require a certain amount of base resources put into them to operate and that should be handled by us going out to get them. The inventory and availability of stuff in the shops in our trading areas should be determined by the amount of raw materials we pump into the system. We should have to bring some Carbonrich Rock or a bunch of Robot Junk back and dump it into some big processing plant that churns out the equipment which is then bought and used by the younger characters in the game. To promote steady flow of raw materials, we build outposts to control the land that is currently occupied by them.

    Yeah..I know its alot, but PvP does need ALOT of love.
    Last edited by Naraya; Sep 17th, 2002 at 04:34:41.
    .: Naraya :.

  2. #2
    There actually IS an armed vehicle, though it's very rare..I've had the treat of seeing an Omni Gunship in action..sucker moves like a slug but a tank with one of these could be scary....
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Kasimir
    There actually IS an armed vehicle, though it's very rare..I've had the treat of seeing an Omni Gunship in action..sucker moves like a slug but a tank with one of these could be scary....
    .: Naraya :.

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