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Thread: Acherons Call 2 (AC2)

  1. #1

    Acherons Call 2 (AC2)

    I have made my mind about the next MMORPG I am going to try out and it is Acherons Call 2 (aka AC2).

    I am not really interested about SWG and after testing Neocron out I am not really interested of it either but everything I've read/seen about AC2 seems to ring true for me.

    I am now wondering how many (and who) are interested to try that game out when it is released.

    For what I've seen the AC2 has killer graphics, good team and they promise steady feed of content and also less leveling treadmill than some other games.

    Example getting max lvl wont take THAT long in AC2 but unlike in some other games, the game is not over then. Instead you will have lots to do even after getting to that max lvl if that is your goal. You can also sell back the assigned skills and learn new ones instead (so no more being permanently stuck the way you are).

    I suggest checkin out:


    Only answer to this thread if you are going to actually try that game out. I am not interested of your opinion (good or bad) or your comment how you will be going SWG instead. Make your own thread about it if you want heh

    Just answer this thread if you are going to test it out.

    Thank you.

    Zarch and da chars

    "da chars"

    Daquis 165 Agent
    Themech 145 Engineer
    Zitaq 111 Soldier
    Cheslav 102 Trader
    Zzith 95 MP
    Zhadam 83 Enforcer
    Zarch 82 NT
    Zhakra 19 MA (yes was MA, then Fixer and MA again)

  2. #2


    I may well give it a spin. Reckon I can fit 2 MMORPGs into my life, but no more. And a change of pace could be good.

  3. #3
    Mark this post.

    AC2 release will be worse then WWIIO. The Beta is horrid!

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Exclamation Beta has begun.

    I've been playin AC2 for about two weeks now in the Beta 1/2 phase. All i have to say about it is WOW!!!

    Funcom is going to be out quite a lot of players if they dont find some way to come close to the next generation of MMORPG. From the first day i was playing the beta i could perform things that require a large magnitude of levels in AO.

    The best way i can compaire the two is: AC2 is to AO as computers are to the abacus.

    That is the honest truth.

    Here is a link to the screenshots:

    I can attest to these being IN-GAME shots, not pre-renderd.

    P III 733
    512 Mb ram
    GeForce 4Ti 4200

    I get results that match the screens above. Also, in response to Sent saying the beta is horrid. Of course its laggy and buggy you fool, IT'S A BETA.

    If you didn't understand what being a beta tester was, why did you sign up for it in the first place.

    If ignorace is bliss Sent, then you must be the happiest person alive.
    Last edited by tharien; Sep 10th, 2002 at 00:01:12.

  6. #6


    Not too many replies to this thread but oh well

    I just got my AC2 Beta account last night from Fileplanet and the few minutes I was able to play last night were awesome.

    Sure the people who have been there for few days now (mostly my friends from TheCouncil) report the horrible lag issue (I think they now know what causes it) and some crashes and non working skill trees but hey, its beta and they seem to enjoy it more than playing AO with the support it has.

    I agree with Noer post somewhere. I had forgotten that MMORPG can be FUN too (even with Beta problems) and yes, it looks AWESOME.

    Happy to be re-united with TC again in a different world

    Zarch and da chars

    At one time or another, a part of these 3 good guilds...

    AntiGuardians (AG)
    RSGE: Division 9 (Div9)
    TheCouncil (TC)

  7. #7
    I'll try it.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  8. #8
    Lots of eye candy in AC2, but...

    it needs alot of work. The character animation is fubar'd and the skill system (ala Diablo 2) smells of Fisher Price.

    By design, the game is very, very simple to play. The lag, animations, and balancing will be worked out eventually, but it's too late to change the game mechanics. If they push back the launch another 6 months, they might be able to bring it around.

    Turbine is a great bunch of folks, but AC1 was a much better game. After a total of 6 hours in AC2, I was bored out of my mind.

    Some free advice
    Don't beg. It makes you look like a beggar.

  9. #9
    Sorry. I boycott Zone.Com.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  10. #10
    The best part about AC2 will be the monthly updates like AC1 had. They introduced a ton of content over the course of these past few years in AC1, and if they live up to those same standards with this next release, it will be well worth playing IMO.

    Sure, the combat system and skill system are undoubtedly different than the first but I believe it's all done for a reason. I enjoyed the first game enogh that I'm willing to give AC2 a whirl for at least a few months and see if it turns out to be everything I hope it will be.

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