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Thread: NT patch !!!

  1. #1

    Cool NT patch !!!

    Suggestions for the upcoming NT patch

    As it is of now the NT proffession is very limited and mostly an NT have to rely on skills that it was never meant to - like wielding biig weapons and wearing tankarmors as well as implanting life implants in the same places where vital nanocasting implants should have been - why is that...?

    Because if you want to make an NT with good castingskills you choose a nanomage and those have about 1000 hp less than the solitus when they hit breedcaps...

    Weapon wielding NT's face a biig problem, wich I think would actually be fair if it hadn't been because they have no other options if they wanna be partly successful...


    NT's best nuke is Izzgimmers Eveloping Flame and most NT's can selfcast that from lvl 150 or so - the biig problem with this nano is it draws tons of aggro and hence if You use it you have to wear a biig armor and have maxed evades - again darkblue skills to the NT and still they have no HP. The other big problem is that You never get anything better than this nano....


    Izzgimmers Little Nuke is an OK average nano it does huge damage but is slow and easily countered though it doesn't pull nearly as much aggro as IEF mentioned above... *still it is not as good as ief though*


    Izzgimmers Last Word *Alias - Last Joke* is far too slow to be usefull as well as totally easily countered and often it doesn't damage more than the little nuke - furthermore prettymuch no NT's can selfcast it - that is unless they own Gaily painted hood and proffessor jones's vest and 2 viral triumvirate eggs and wield a ql 194 pillow as well as a Fazekas crystal.

    Hmmmmm pretty odd combination as most of those items are nearly impossible to lay Your hands on and Pillow/Fazekas suxx biigtime...


    Nullity Sphere MKI (28 ncu) and II (49 ncu) are the best NT crystalls though still they are not very powerfull as they have too high reqs and are far too rare as well as all dot's - debuffs - roots and so on *not direct damage* goes right through. Also how many NT's haven't experienced dying as they find out that someone in the team filled up their ncu or cast some kinda reflection nano wich could not be orverwritten by NS it Suxx...

    - Why is it that is takes so much Ncu for instance - and You cannot move when under the effect as well so if You are soloing and Your calms are countered or You were rooted or debuffed well then what use is NS...

    *Too many people in the game thinks this nano to be far more über than it really is*

    - if an NT chooses to implant life clusters and wield weapons ( in wich they cannot be said to excell - nanomage lvl 171 levelcapped at 582 shotty skill base ) to be able to deal as much damage as most other proffessions in the game they cannot cast NS MKII till lvl 180+ for instance due to the missing mm skill


    Then there is the Nano saver line
    It is good and should be as NT's are the most nano expending proffession in the game...


    We have the Nano refresh line wich is also good
    Allthough most of them takes up too much NCU and have very high casting reqs...


    Then there is the Enfraams line ((
    It totally Suxx as it takes too much NCU and gives very little bonus'es as well as no AC's above 4k help jacksh... so why waste ncu on casting that...


    Then we have the rangeline - hmmm again a bummer


    Layeredline is pretty much ok though most of the time I don't have enough ncu to cast it...


    Stun line hmmm - useless - too long recharge and too short duration...


    Calm line - it is nice and I think most NT's are happy about it as i it weren't for that no NT's would be able to do any kind of solomission...


    Blindline - blaah totally useless - way to difficult to cast and does not deal enough punishment


    I think that I have been through the Nano arsenal now - I'll move on to what I think is also a problem with this proffession...



    Nanotechnician hmmm how does it sound in Your ears???

    I think it sounds like a laboratory freak who specialized in making all kinda small helpfull devices as well as inventing new technology....

    Then WHY IS IT THAT Fixer - Trader - MP - Engie all excell at tradeskills compared to NT???????



    Enable us to do some tradeskills that no other proffessions can - and that would be needed by some at least

    drop that stupid weaponline called pillows as it is nothing but a childish idea....

    Who wants to wear a pillow as a weapon - blaaah

    Let us use Nanotech Rods


    A rod that uses from the nanotech's nano pool as ammo and can fire like a riffle or nuke etc. an energy beam or radiation beam.

    and let the rods give some bonuses to casting skills like that tool You gave to Fixers *we lag casting skills just as much*

    Let the rod be a quest that should be completed to get it - and let there be different rods for different lvl's

    Give us a Notum essence line too

    OR at least use Your immagination to rethink this proffession...

    Yours Faithfully
    Last edited by Xenozx; Sep 12th, 2002 at 13:22:59.
    These news were brought to you by XenCorp!

  2. #2


    Plz Cosmik or Cz read this and make the develteam take this into consideration when they do the NT makeover !!!
    These news were brought to you by XenCorp!

  3. #3
    There are plenty of posts regarding NTs and their patch in the NT forum. Fingers and Tibanna are the professionals there and are actively seeking responses on issues concerning the NT.


  4. #4
    I would also suggest to read our NT profession board.

    Your ideas are welcomed, but doubt that most NTs would like to see the profession changed the way you see it.
    Gailyn, level 200 NT, Rimor.

    Feel free to check my post history (suggestion from Aaronb, since he seems to think that everything I say is wrong (mostly because I do not agree that this game should have only few uber professions, but 12 more or less balanced professions based on their individual strenghts))

  5. #5

  6. #6
    I thought there was no plans for an NT patch...
    "Yesterday we bowed before kings and bent our necks to emperors, today we kneel only before truth"

  7. #7
    no you're thinking of an engie patch Cent

  8. #8
    No no no....

    There were not plans for an NT patch, BUT we were told there were plans for a patch. Later on however, that statement was retracted.
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  9. #9
    The trouble with all of this is......... has been said hundreds of times already.

    I know you might be frustrated, and trust me ask Gunn, Garzu, Vegan, and every other high level NT out there and they will share your frustration.

    Funcom knows these issues are among us, and our patch has been already thrown away. Instead, we will be getting fixes, along with other profession and game fixes, in future patchs.

    So, forget about listing our problems -- everyone already knows about them.

    Forget about a NT patch. It's not going to happen.

    The only thing you can do is hope that Funcom will attempt to give us some fixes in the patch after the dynacamp one.

    Sorry if this sounds like I'm taking the validity away from your post. I assure you I'm not. I just get very annoyed when I read through your list....because all of it is true.

  10. #10
    I feel for you NT's reall I do.

    Won't get you into one of my groups tho.

  11. #11
    Thats fine...... when Xira doesn't accept you, i will........ a good mezzer is always needed in my group

    I feel for ya NT's!

  12. #12
    As always Funcom promises something and then breaks it. Maby they should change their policy to "We promise lots but then breaks it and hope we keep some of the players" :P

    /me feels that he has been around way to long
    Winterizer lvl 213 Solitus Keeper
    Alien level 14
    Date of registration 2001-06-28
    Played in beta 4
    Unit leader of Ragnarok

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