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Thread: Postponed?

  1. #61
    eta = estimated time of arrival...

    you impatient players could wait another couple of days for your precious patch. sometimes you just have to wait for something, even though you pay for it.

    FC is between a rock and a hard place. but, i would rather wait a couple more days for a good patch then get a bugged one now. i could just IMAGINE you guys in the chatrooms and BBs if the patch came out and was buggy. by the way, i've been playing since 7/3/2001 as well, and this game has come a long way.

    as for all of you that complain all the time: make your own MMORPG and see if you could do better than FC. you'll earn my money if you can...that's what the American way is all about.

    now, four cents;;;;

    Pre-14.6 Freshman Boycott "Toolboxau" Canada - Legend 200 - Unit Member of Reborn - Proud American and Proud Conservative

    ChanOP in FC's offical #anarchyonline; visit

    Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
    Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right
    Have you forgetten?

  2. #62
    what is that supposed to mean?
    I guess Aqua is getting out of school now is my best guess.

    Edit: Aqua, what would your teacher say if she knew you were not utilizing the internet for educational purposes? Kids nowadays.
    Elektro Yes, I'm still alive

  3. #63

    Talking Good Job Funcom

    This is not a flame to funcom first of all!!!!
    I would just like to say thank you for not rushing this patch out with bugs. Because i was around for the last one you did, and might i say it was pretty rough. So thank you for listening to the very hard working testers out there, and taking correct actions to delay it, so it can be fixed.

    Also big bump to all the testers who caught this problem!!!!

  4. #64
    Complaining about delaying a patch? Now I've seen it all.

  5. #65
    complaining about lack of content, and broken promises, and lies, lies, lies, yet the consumers in general seem to be gobbling it up just like "they" want you to.
    Elektro Yes, I'm still alive

  6. #66
    /me pulls out a Box of Infinite Tissues for all the whiners

    Good Greif act like you WANT more crap to cry and flame FC about!. I'm sure im not the only one who even tries to glance in here once in awhile, and get disgusted by the constant never ending stream of peopel who seem to think that because they decided to pay 11.95 a month for the priviledge of playing a game, that they now own a part of FC, and are OWED in some kind of way. Do you want a patch full fo crap? Do alll you gank happy PvP'er MA's WANT all yer damn special attacks to be worhtless for a few days? I can see it now:

    FC puts out Buggy Patch

    3000 PvP Gank-MA's go play in Tir/Omni Arena

    3000 PvP Gank-MA's get killed allot, and loose titles.

    3000 very agnry customers, petitioning and crying on FLameComn's boards...

    See where I'm goign with this?

    Personally, allthough I'm irritated about the delay, I have the common intelelgence to understand that programming this game is NOT easy, with a great deal fo problems and challenges. When you adjust one thing, it can cause problems in others. FOr once, Funcom is trying to ficx a problem before it was patched, and I applaude them. Those of you who get angry abotu the patch being delayed, and not "understanding" why and how a bg such as that came to be....go code your own game. Publish it. Get people to pay for the privledge of using it. And then find out how hard it Really is!

  7. #67
    If Funcom said that Grid Armor is bugged, we are delaying the patch for 1 week, i'd STILL say gimme the **** patch!!!
    I can bite the bullet and dig out my armor for a few days until the release patch 14.5x and fix it. At least I wouldn't have to endure another snoozefest of doing 4 missions before I fall asleep in my chair due to the unholy boredom. The way i see it, only way to get decent xp from lvl 110+ is running missions with teams. I miss the days of outdoor hunting. I even solo borgs in mort sometimes when peeps are pullin' missions just to relive some of the good ol' days.
    So what I hear people saying is they should've postponed the release of AO for a year until they got it debugged? I remember the patch that came out where every fourth mob, you got an error message when you tried to attack it...and there was the constant spam "I can't attack" and "use a special"... well, there were some that didn't have specials to initiate combat and had to relog or zone just so they could attack mobs. Sure it was a bad patch, but that was some funny stuff now that I think back on it. Did I come to these boards to flame? NO.

    Sure, some fixers would complain, but I for one wouldn't.
    Elektro Yes, I'm still alive

  8. #68
    Originally posted by Nektar
    two scenarios:

    1) FC releases a buggy patch
    result: flames on boards.


    2) FC delays a buggy patch
    result: flames on boards.

    Better a 99.99% bug-FREE patch than a 10% bugged one (imho)


    HAHAHA! thats so true
    I think best thing funcom can do for this game is close boards and just live proffesion ones.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  9. #69

    Patch delayed to the 18th?!

    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  10. #70
    Originally posted by Elektro
    If Funcom said that Grid Armor is bugged, we are delaying the patch for 1 week, i'd STILL say gimme the **** patch!!!
    I can bite the bullet and dig out my armor for a few days until the release patch 14.5x and fix it. At least I wouldn't have to endure another snoozefest of doing 4 missions before I fall asleep in my chair due to the unholy boredom. The way i see it, only way to get decent xp from lvl 110+ is running missions with teams. I miss the days of outdoor hunting. I even solo borgs in mort sometimes when peeps are pullin' missions just to relive some of the good ol' days.
    So what I hear people saying is they should've postponed the release of AO for a year until they got it debugged? I remember the patch that came out where every fourth mob, you got an error message when you tried to attack it...and there was the constant spam "I can't attack" and "use a special"... well, there were some that didn't have specials to initiate combat and had to relog or zone just so they could attack mobs. Sure it was a bad patch, but that was some funny stuff now that I think back on it. Did I come to these boards to flame? NO.

    Sure, some fixers would complain, but I for one wouldn't.
    Gotta love the 'ME!' people out there. A couple people have said that MA attacks, fixer cluster bullets, and special arrows got broken. So let's compare the example you offered versus the reality:

    Grid Armour gets bugged
    Grid armour is a rare item, isolated to a single profession. According to the fixers, a very small percentage of them have it. So the likely impact is a smaller percentage (grid armor users) of an isolated percentage (fixers in the population) being affected.

    Special attacks are bugged
    I'll even play nice and say only MA special attacks. MA special attacks are general distribution items (availible in any vendor), usable by any profession (just have to meet the requirements). So the likely impact of MA special attacks being bugged is a unknown (but likely anyone using unarmed combat) percentage of an unisolated portion of the entire playerbase (no profession restrictions on MA attacks).

    Grid armour's impact is miniscule compared to just MA special attacks. Toss in Fixers using cluster bullets and anyone using bows with tradeskill arrorws just for fun.
    History admires the wise, but it elevates the brave. - Edmund Morris

    The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them. - Unknown

    Did you ever get the feeling that the world had an abundance of idiots? And that God had arranged for you to meet every single one of them before you died? - Kuroshio

  11. #71
    Well, I suppose this is meant to be. I had cancelled so that my account would run out a few days after this patch, the 15th. Combine that with the powerleveling exploit that is now an exploit because "to many know about it". It just reiterates the kind of way Funcom runs their business. Don't get me wrong, I've tried to be a Funcom supporter, but it's hard.

    After quitting for 9 months, and now not playing for a month this time around, I'm out. For the flamers, no, not because of this delay. I had set my date, and they didn't make it, it's just the last tap with the hammer, on the last nail in their coffin.

  12. #72
    Originally posted by Elektro

    I guess Aqua is getting out of school now is my best guess.

    Edit: Aqua, what would your teacher say if she knew you were not utilizing the internet for educational purposes? Kids nowadays.
    depends on which one and if she was still alive and if you don't know what if means well you just proved my point.
    Last edited by Aqua; Sep 12th, 2002 at 00:54:47.

  13. #73
    Originally posted by Elektro
    If Funcom said that Grid Armor is bugged, we are delaying the patch for 1 week, i'd STILL say gimme the **** patch!!!
    Myles "Tahrus" Barchus
    CEO Freedom News Networks Inc., RK2
    Bureaucrat, Media Mogul, and all-around good guy!

  14. #74

    Question pasted reply

    Which is better?

    1) Put patch on live with some god-awful bugs that do who knows what, like say um delete chars, items, xp, IP, levels, tokens or add big exploits etc etc etc.

    2) Have to wait longer *GASP*

    FFS, its you're going to complain, complain about something that deserves it. This doesn't. Exactly the opposite has been the problem in the past, they have patched too damn soon more than once!

    Thanks for holding back this time FC. Get out the can of raid and kill those bugs DEAD.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  15. #75
    Too many threads on this now. I made an 'official' one to keep it in one place and not drown other posts out.

    Closing this one.

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