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Thread: Thank You

  1. #1

    Thank You

    Every time EQ announced a patch, everyone gritted their teeth, knowing the patch would be re-patched several times over several days to fix bugs. Then after we all got to play "beta" we got to vie for what little attention Customer Service could dole out. Typical patch had people out an average of two to three days. The last buggy patch had me out 30 days without game play. I put up with that for three years cuz the game was great, however, that is why I finally left, and will never play a sony/verant game again. It's not the programmers, it's not game mechanics, it's the company's policy of throwing stuff out there too fast and not thoroughly testing. My daughter was downloading one of the Everquest expansions on her computer today and Norton Virus stopped it, announcing it had a virus on the disc. The people who run Sony/Verant gaming are sloppy and don't care about quality.

    I much prefer a company that would rather hold a patch back than throw it out there. So, Funcom, I thank you.
    Danica "Jaxxa" Craddock,
    fna Sun "Snyyper" Botos
    Agent and Java-Junkie of Rubi-Ka

  2. #2
    I stopped playing EQ due to camping, and to the fact that I was a ranger that no one wanted to group with because i was... well.. a ranger.
    "There is a storm coming! Our storm! - Paul Mua'dib"
    Randomize argument in scripts!

    The magical pony, scene1-5,6

    Im glad there are trolls and whiners, gives people something to compare with. Makes the rest of us look better.

    "Spam is not just something you do, its a way of life."


  3. #3
    Too many threads on this now. I made an 'official' one to keep it in one place and not drown other posts out.

    Closing this one.

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