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Thread: Funcom: Thanks.

  1. #1

    Funcom: Thanks.

    Thanks for listening to the Testlive people.

    You have done much to restore my faith in you.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  2. #2


    I know. We actually stopped a patch... heh. If the bug had been minor, then they'd have patched anyway and fixed it up later, but this one potentially affected 40%+ of the population.

    Nice to feel listened too, long may it continue.
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  3. #3
    Three cheers for the population on testlive!

    *Cheer* *Cheer* *Cheer*

  4. #4
    Grats to all the hard workers at the test server..

    You might of saved AO bum on this one

  5. #5
    Yes. Thanks for not releasing more bugs into Rubi-Ka.
    .: Naraya :.

  6. #6
    What is this acclaimed bug that you're killing by delaying that patch?

    Btw, I'm all for a one week delay if it keeps the game less buggy. It's all on the patching process.......... or SHOULD be more often.
    Pfft, the GMs and ARKs aren't rid of me yet! Back for a third round, in this corner, we have Vamp. Weighing in at a buck-fiddy and lovin' all the bitties.

    Donations to the "Why Did Vamp Give All His Gearz Away" fund are now being accepted. Either that, or a friendly hello.

  7. #7


    I'm not a Tester, but I heard that the bug introduced in the latest patch of TestLive was that many MA special attacks simply ceased to function, along with the fixers' cluster-bullets. Among other things.

    As over 15% of AO's population consists of MAs, there would have been a massive outcry and flaming over why the bugs weren't caught on Test. FunCom fortunately avoided this by delaying the patch so fixes can be applied.

    They must be.. they must be learning! W00t!
    -Ward 'Kzak' Hereda, Clan L220, AL15 'Competent' Supreme Creator on Rubi-Ka 1. Equipment setup.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Except, you know, the brown stuff in the box? That's not chocolate.

    Doing his part to make the world a more interesting place since December 2001.. but not any more. Account cancelled, playable until 2006-11-13 19:25:49. See you in Age of Conan!

  8. #8
    now all they have to do is learn to be more honest with the players, and it will be a good envirement

  9. #9
    Too many threads on this now. I made an 'official' one to keep it in one place and not drown other posts out.

    Closing this one.

    PS: Thank for the inspiring words. I'll forward it to everybody here.

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