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Thread: Call For Papers Medical Symposium

  1. #1

    Call For Papers Medical Symposium

    Call For Papers

    Medicine On Rubi-Ka Clan Symposium
    Open attendance to Neutral and Clan Doctors only

    Explanation of the Conference:
    Because of the unique condition of the planet with ubiquitous trace elements of notum and the insurance technology sustainable only here, Rubi-Ka’s environment has a profound impact on medicine and its applications. How it has changed the field? In what ways has medicine been adapted for good or ill? Any subjects relating to the Practice and Challenges faced by Doctors will be appropriate paper topics.

    Conference Format
    The conference will be held on Clan territory in a secured area and advertised for interest. 5 papers will be selected from the submissions and reviewed for content and pertinence; these will be announced before the conference. We shall have a panel of the presenters in front of the audience. Each one will take a turn presenting their paper without interruption for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. At the end of ALL five presentations there will be an open session for the audience to question the presenters on their topics, moderated by the host to ensure the questions are on topic and do not stray over time. The question and answer period will also have a time limit after which an informal reception will be help for the doctors and audience to mingle socially and exchange professional information on their own time.

    Paper Requirements
    Please email a paper abstract no longer than one page double typed of your paper topic and intent. Include a biography of your doctor with credentials, education, affiliations and personal expertise. Address is if you would like to commit your paper to scripting for the actual conference (recommended since macros are limited) then I will be happy to work with you on that. Otherwise you will have about 10 to 15 minutes of dedicated speaking time to type your paper as you read it. For that purpose I recommend you do have the topic written up in a coherent manner to make the burden of presentation much simpler. I would be happy to work with you on editing or medical lingo. Lack of anatomical and medical terminology should not be considered a barrier if you have a good issue to share. I realize many doctors have had no opportunity for formal training on this planet but are still competent and knowledgeable practitioners.

    Estimated Time for Presentations: 1 hour
    Estimated Time for Q&A 30 minutes to an hour

    Purpose for Conference
    ((OOC: This is for full role-play attendance. It is not a discussion forum for hardware, nano programs, game balance issues, leveling strategies, bargaining or trading items or complaints. The forum is designed to encourage the papers to contain STORY THREADS that could be referenced and used in the roleplay background of this world as it pertains to the medical profession. If it is successful in format more can be held encouraging other professions that heal to broaden the perspective. Everyone that is Clan or Neutral is encouraged to attend and ask questions regardless of professions with doctors especially encouraged. Large attendance is not expected (attendance of 10-15 practitioners would be considered successful). Examples of topics are “Cyborg reliance on implants and their quality”, “using natural remedies”, “Rubi-kan herbology and pharmacology”, “Psychological impacts of RPS Repetitive Death Syndrome”, “Stim addiction and societal impacts”, “the availability and scarcity of medical equipment for Clans and Neutral practices”, etc The Symposium would ideally be held at the end of September or October but is entirely dependent on paper submission, and interest. Papers will be made available to Clan medical departments.))

    Reason for Omni-Med Exclusion
    In light of growing hostilities, Omni-Med limiting of medical supplies to the Clans and Neutral Territories, and the strategic importance of these topics (and the fact that the hostess is wanted by OmniPol for various crimes relating to Omni-Med) no Omni-Med presenters or audience members are invited. It is hoped that at some point Omni-Med will desist in immoral biological and genetic experiments and seek peace among all care providers to encourage easy flow of information among the sides. At present, however, that state is not reflected in the current political situation.

    Dr. Destiny "Dianechti" Cifuentes

  2. #2
    This is a brilliant initiative. Shame you choose to bring politics into it.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3

    Reply to Call for Papers

    Si, it is ashame Omni-Med is also so political and decides such things as kill-devices, siphoning caged humans in the Mines and freely dumping hostile failed genetic experiments is their "sovereign right" on this planet.

    Maybe if more Omnis realized that war is being waged on the level of supplies and medical equipment, needed pharmaceuticals and that people in the Clans and Neutral territories die because of it, then pressure would be brought to bear to stop it.

    Wake up! Stop closing your eyes and start questioning, then maybe more common ground can be found with doctors who should ideally not see sides, only humans in need of help.

    Omni-Med does not recognize the most basic tenant of medicine as it has traditionally been taught - the sacredness of life. Although doctors no longer take the Oath the tenant of "First Do no Harm" is as valid today as it was in ancient times. Genetic manipulation, kidnapping and torture for behavior modification, personality overlay is harm! Warfare puts a special strain on doctors when even we must choose lives and see the suffering and death for the greater purposes of freedom and a health self-determined life.

    You complain of your "politics" senora in your plush apartment surrounded by your safe clean walls of plasticrete, no doubt enjoying your parties and art exhibits or baseball games and other "hobbies".

    I spend my time in the outlying villages with the children who can't have insurance because their bodies can't take it and the old too poor to pay for it and try to battle diseases without the medicines to help them. I have to raid for pharmaceuticals that should be freely available.

    Yes the situation is political, and it will remain so while this conflict rages!

    The Symposium as it stands will remain closed to Omni-Med employees.

  4. #4
    If clanners suffer any hardships, it is only because the immense wealth of the clans, the wealth that created Camelot for instance, is not divided equally between your feudal lords and the ordinary people. Most of the clansmen I have meet have been far wealthier than I will ever been. Ask them why some of their fellow clanners have to do without basic necessities of life. Blaming Omni Tek for all your problems is just too easy.

    I am not here to defend Omni Tek. I just think it is a very sad day when the pursuit of science is clouded by political dogma.
    Last edited by Savoy; Sep 10th, 2002 at 16:14:15.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  5. #5
    The pursuit of science is almost *ALWAYS* politically driven, senora. Do you not follow history so long ago? Do not live in a utopia. Most advances in medicine and chemistry are directly due to economic or military purposes and not the noble intention of the researchers going to the "enrichment of humanity." That is, what used to be called a fantasyworld.

    I am a Clanner, I am not in a "Clan" we are people struggling to develop a democracy in an environment pressured and literally attacked by a corporate structure which does not and cannot support democracy.

    I do not say atrocities are not committed by both sides, or money flow is difficult or Omni is the cause of all problems, but I *can* say all the money in a Clan cannot legally get that equipment that OmniMed is withholding.

    We will try to solve a few problems with this conference many of which have OmniMed at the root of it.

    Perhaps someday we will meet, senora. Perhaps you will need a Clanner's help or I will need an Omni's. But for now I consider us at the brink of war and I will protect the patients I can but I must protect myself too and Omni-Med is therefore my enemy.

  6. #6
    You are mistaken sir. Necessity is what brings the accelerated technological improvement often seen in wartime. Dogma, be it political or religious, more often than not seeks to either hinder the pursuit of knowledge, as with Galileo, Bruno Bruni or Darwin, or subvert it, as with those spurious studies on race commissioned by the 20th century fascist dictators.

    I am not Omni-Tek apologist and I consider the Omni-Med embargo is a disgrace. But I am sure Omni Tek would be willing to reconsider the embargo if only you would stop killing our people. Is that really so much to ask?

    That said, the clans seem to have no trouble getting hold of all the best, most modern weapons. Surely if your leaders cared to, they could get all the medical supplies you could ever dream for. May I suggest it is time your lords and ladies reassessed their priorities? Is it not time they learned to take care of their people first, and wallow in their hatred for Omni-Tek in their spare time?
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  7. #7

    Talking How about opening up a little?

    So here's a question:

    If this is a symposium on medical-related issues and things that face the modern practicing medical technician, why is it limited to card-carrying doctors to make presentations?

    This smacks of 20th century traditions. If someone has a piece of valid medical research or a valid point to make to the medical community, why shouldn't they be allowed to make it? Today so many people are trained in the latest treatment and surgery techniques - beyond simple first aid. People from all professions and walks are skilled in pharmatech and the manufacture of key medical equipment, such as treatment labs and first aid kits, and more than just doctors are capable of integrating nanotechnology into the human (or near-human) psysiology.

    Is a metaphysicist who does research into the construction of replicating nanobots that spawn microsurgical sub-nanos to be excluded simply because they don't have M.D. after their name?

    Is a nanotechnician who does research into specifics of physiology and anatomy in order to better develop new nanoformulas to be excluded because not every nanoformula she invents is directly related to medicine?

    If people have something valuable to add to the medical community, then surely they should be welcome.

    And I'm not going to start on the exclusion of Omni-Med. Everyone is politically motivated, but an opportunity like this could be used to encourage sharing and co-operation between medical researchers and practitioners on both sides of the fence. Not to mention Omni-Med probably have some very interesting discoveries they've made.
    Last edited by Crazynotion; Sep 11th, 2002 at 12:34:04.
    Crazynotion - Atrox Bureaucrat, RK1

    Formerly posted as Mechanita

  8. #8
    The limitations are practicalities senor and standard forums that are proven from centuries.

    There is a limitation of presenters because I doubt I will get many papers. There is a limitation of who presents only because as a doctor my focus is with that profession and without any actual organization of doctors our information on each other is sketchy. If you reread the Symposium you will see that if there is interest and it is successful then such following symposia would be open to other professions that heal, as the audience currently is now. This is a trial as you were.

    All professions are welcome to attend and participate in the Q&A. If other professions feel strongly they are welcome to submit papers too that can be used for following symposia.

    You will also see the purpose of it is to recommend story threads for doctors, about doctors, and issues with medicine that can incorporate everyone and remain topical to the subject of medicine.

    No one denies other professions heal, but for doctors that is the sine qua non of their duties. I can grid people it doesn't mean my abilities constitute a auxiliary membership as a fixer. I am attempting to address a topic to an audience that is *most* likely to respond, because response rarely comes for roleplay events. This is unlikely to be an event that appeals to a wide audience, I can only hope people as fervent as yourself senor, would be willing to show up and make your voice heard there. I will announce a time and date when I have five papers.

    Thank you for your interest and pertinent points.

    Dr. Destiny "Dianechti" Cifuentes

  9. #9

    I'd love to...

    Well, I'd happily show up and make my voice heard, but you have already stated that you don't want any employees of Omni-Med showing up, and from that I can assume you would prefer not to see any employees of any other Omni-Tek branch either.

    In this regard, I shall leave you to your symposium and - should it prove successful in addressing the needs of the medical community - I am more than sure the treatment, care and rehabilitation arms of Omni-Med would be more than eager to work with you in future symposiums to the benefit of all practicing medical professionals on Rubi-Ka.
    Crazynotion - Atrox Bureaucrat, RK1

    Formerly posted as Mechanita

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