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Thread: Nerf the missions already!!!!

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Scumbug

    they were.

    Medusas used to be really fun.
    It was a huge valley where people could LFG
    there was 20K for clanners and a couple Omni bases
    within a 5min flight so there was somewhere to save.
    The Meds were social, in that attacking one made all
    the others attack, but they were not aggro.
    (now they all instantly attack males and atrox)
    You used to have to be really careful about pulling,
    and have a pretty competent team .. I'd say people
    learnt more about teaming and other professions abilities there,
    than anywhere prior. Maybe just bc people were finally learning
    to play their class or maybe because mistakes meant lots of
    people died. . :shrug:

    I'd have to say that was the most fun place to level in AO.
    Even when someone would pull a Mantis Hive Gaurdian
    from over the valley walls.. causing mass slaughter..
    hehe I remember /S MANTIS /S YALM!!!!!!
    Suddenly everyone had to work to either kill it or get it out.

    The Medusas were tough. But not impossible.
    And the XP reward was IMHO totally fair for the effort.
    At level 80ish when I first went there, you could level
    by killing about 20 of them. But there were few times
    that everyone in the team leveled without casualties.

    It wasn't fast. It wasn't easy. It was very fun.
    Compared to missions, it was slower XP and much more risky.
    But most players preferred outdoor hunting to missions,
    and there would always be half a dozen teams there.
    Then one day we all logged in after a night of hunting,
    and got killed a few seconds later. Funcom had nerfed us.
    Why? Without trying to sound like an ass, it was because
    too many people were having fun there. Whenever lots of
    people start doing something in AO, it gets nerfed.
    Like the original Freedom Arms pistols at release.
    They were real sweet guns for lowbies, tho are pretty much
    as crap as all other pistols at higher levels. They became a fad,
    and they got nerfed (stopped dropping) for being a fad.
    Not because they were actually overpowered.

    Funcom kneejerks; hard and fast with little forethought
    or research. It's been so frustrating for those of us that
    seem to understand the game better than they do.

    As has been mentioned, they killed the spawn rate to
    about 1/3rd, made them aggro 2/3rd of the population on sight,
    gave them tons of HP, and at least doubled thier damage output.
    It made them impossible to level on and basically took the last
    good camp out of the game. Why? They blamed it on the storyline.

    In reality, they are/were in financial trouble and took the
    attitude that people leveling is bad for buisness because
    we all quit as soon as our first character hits 200, right?
    That's been the explaination for a lot of things that made
    the game less fun. They were really strangling thier own child.
    I dont think they'll ever "get it" in that respect.
    Desperation forces bad decisions.

    So now look what we have..
    Broken Shores missions for 120 levels.
    It's not hard.. It's not dangerous..
    It doesnt challenge you ..
    (I dont remember the last time anybody ever died)
    It's just mindnumbingly repetative and boring.

    Players level just as fast as they did at Medusas,
    they're just not having as much fun.


    oh, and the Enigmas in 20K used to be a decent spot too.
    A mini stonehenge area with little twiggy guys with pet
    briandogs . . It's still there. But funcom killed the spawnrate.
    You can go there and find a bunch roaming around (all social)
    and at first it seems like the nice camp it was. . but then your
    team kills them all and they dont respawn.

    Don't forget the Manteze in Galway... they used to be a real hot spot for levelling and teams would take lot sof casualties... but it was also nerfed to oblivion, when xp was reduced and the Mantezes started hitting twice as often (they were already hard for their level at the time)
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  2. #42
    I'm not saying that there has not been nerfs, I'm saying that there has not been a outdoor nerf.
    There has been changes for sure. Some, like the Majestic Bridge were fully understandable because that just aint hunting (and even more boring than missions). Similar to the NPC slaughter.
    Changes in Suppression Gas have been announced to occur every now and then (supposedly connected to the game story ).
    Meds as we all now, and I agree that it was fun to hunt there as a level 80ish, you got one add and turned around just in time to see your team vanish behind a hill . Only complaint I have about how it was at that spot in that time are that it was overcamped in the end, and I guess that was one of the reasons they nerfed it.
    So I still say "what nerf?" as these are location changes/nerfs not an outdoor nerf killing off all outdoor hunting as has been said.

    However, I do not think that missions should be nerfed. Instead bring up some outdoor spots (a lot of spots) that can compete with how the missions work today. If neccessary remove the xp reward on missions as that is the one thing that still can give míssions an edge over outdoor hunting.
    I hope that 14.5 will bring some new elements to the game and some good hunting not just outdoor mission bosses.
    Rothwinter born 4th September 2001

    Advisor of KAZE and I eat leet

  3. #43
    Oh there is one more problem that extends into weapons, armor and every damn thing in this game.
    Once someone find out something they think is good and start spreading the rumor people start flocking like sheep, totally lagging down the whole area.
    And if someone shouts out "My 3H56h Upyabutt shotgun is hot damn uber" you'll soon see everyone running around with it, and it in many cases seem as they don't even care to look what damage they make as "someone said it was uber".
    Hope they will put up enough places so that they wont be camped down totally by the masses.

    Sorry if this went off topic a bit.
    Rothwinter born 4th September 2001

    Advisor of KAZE and I eat leet

  4. #44
    Originally posted by Rothwinter
    [If neccessary remove the xp reward on missions as that is the one thing that still can give míssions an edge over outdoor hunting.
    I hope that 14.5 will bring some new elements to the game and some good hunting not just outdoor mission bosses. [/B]
    I have to disagree. Keep missioning somewhat appealing. Hell give it the edge. I like outdoor hunting and can't wait to do 14.5-style, but I still say the game will be better with more options and less camping. Remember that there is no real "hunting" involved. It's get your team to the camp site and then fight outside. IF there are too many teams (which there will be if missions don't hold a slight edge over hunting), the game gets one-sided again...give missioning a slight edge, and i think there will be a better balance because 90% of RK is BORED TO DEATH of missions (so if hunting was the same or better than missioning, you bet i'm gonna camp with my team/guild at the best spawning camp site all day/nite)...half of ppl hunting, half of ppl missioning. when one gets boring, you can do the other.

    bottom line, don't touch missions right now, just enhance outdoor nerfing involved..."removing xp rewards in missions" = nerf, period.

    2 cents,

    Aftrglo Soldier of Diversity.
    Raawwr Cratrox of Diversity.
    "The opposite of War isn't Peace, it's Creation."

    "You don't stab a man in the back 9 inches, pull it out 6 inches and say you're making progress."

  5. #45
    Originally posted by Rothwinter
    So I still say "what nerf?" as these are location changes/nerfs not an outdoor nerf killing off all outdoor hunting as has been said.

    Oops. You must have missed this comment.

    Originally posted by Cemetarygate
    A team of 6 back then soloing borgs earned on average 50-100k a kill. Now, I'm lucky if I see 55k from a borg general.
    The Xp nerf.

  6. #46
    Originally posted by Cemetarygate

    Oops. You must have missed this comment.

    A team of 6 back then soloing borgs earned on average 50-100k a kill. Now, I'm lucky if I see 55k from a borg general.

    The Xp nerf.
    I don't say that is not a nerf.
    Question is if it is only the Borgs (at the factory or..) or every outdoor mob that had the xp lowered.


    I agree that missions should be kept as they are now and un-nerfed. But even if they make that outdoor hunting as good as missions, time/xp and so on there is still that edge with xp reward.
    And in the last missions I made that edge were at 1.4Mill+. That translates into about 35 mobs. And by doing small BS missions you can save a lot of time through this. The outdoor hunting have to match that in some way because if there are extra time involved will people most likely return to missions when they have tried out the new huntinggrounds a while.
    This is because it is in the human nature to not do things in one way if you know you can do it faster in another way. This apply to everyone, not just powerlevellers.

    But if the new items only drop from the new bosses as it said in some notes it will keep people occupied a while I guess.
    Rothwinter born 4th September 2001

    Advisor of KAZE and I eat leet

  7. #47


    Rothwinter, how many bushes are you going to beat around?
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  8. #48

    As has been mentioned, they killed the spawn rate to
    about 1/3rd, made them aggro 2/3rd of the population on sight,
    gave them tons of HP, and at least doubled thier damage output.
    It made them impossible to level on and basically took the last
    good camp out of the game. Why? They blamed it on the storyline.
    Care to elaborate on the last sentence for me? I wasn't around to get a chuckle out of their rational (anything like the current "freak accident" regarding bracer crystals?

  9. #49
    Originally posted by Parcifal
    Care to elaborate on the last sentence for me? I wasn't around to get a chuckle out of their rational (anything like the current "freak accident" regarding bracer crystals?
    just a "opps! we.. ahh.. noone was supposed to hunt there..
    yeah, um.. because of the story.."

    .. one year later..
    only story we have is on a webpage and medusas are ignored.

  10. #50
    Why do you want everyone outside? Can I continue to have outdoors for myself please?

    Sorry, but missions give a objective, something to finish. Outdoor hunting as I've experienced it was in fact pretty boring. (12 people standing in a ring looking for the next spawn...) Oh, thats a good definition of camping right? Even if it is no uniqe mob in there...

  11. #51
    Originally posted by Snublefot
    Why do you want everyone outside? Can I continue to have outdoors for myself please?

    Sorry, but missions give a objective, something to finish. Outdoor hunting as I've experienced it was in fact pretty boring. (12 people standing in a ring looking for the next spawn...) Oh, thats a good definition of camping right? Even if it is no uniqe mob in there...
    although missions have a clear cut objective... outdoors have the element of suprise when a mob spawns an adds. In addition the outdoors have much better scenery.

    But then again, what is the objective in missions.... kill everything then find item/fine person/fix item, get xp. What is the objective outside, kill everything... Just no defined moment to stop.
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  12. #52
    Merc: Say what?
    Rothwinter born 4th September 2001

    Advisor of KAZE and I eat leet

  13. #53
    Originally posted by Demono
    I won't get long winded here, just going to post, since my sig pretty much somes up my thoughts...

    btw, here is the way I see missions:
    1) there should never be an xp reward attached to them
    3) missions should be beneficial for token accumulation and money accumulation, as well as getting boss items... I'm a little disappointed to see boss items outdoors... people don't do missions for items at level 150+
    crazy Missions are the only chance for higher lvl ppls to get xp. We have no outdoor zones atm and right 14.5 will give us some more but all look this will force all higher lvl ppls to camp the hmm 10-20 outdoors camps. So we ill not get xp anymore, cause there are 10000 ppls camping 10 camps. A very worse idea! Sorry.

    Next thing is you have to kill the mops in a mission to get xp as reward but you don't have to kill one! mop to get cash for reward. If missions are cash only. Then we will roll a mission and run it, we don't kill mops. We can make millions of creds each day with missions atm, but changing it we will make much more creds each day.

    Think about this. Missions are good! Changing missions to a cash only thing will kill this game.

    I'm absolutly disagree to all points here.

  14. #54
    Originally posted by Kenidy

    The reason WAY back that missions were a no go was that NPCs had WAY too much AC and sooo many hps it wasn't better at all. I have played this game over a year now and I definately remember.

    I remember NT mobs nuking and instant killing 1-6members of your team. Those chain casting 8k nukes taking out your team sucked - reason I kept on my noobs in PM camps.

    1 more day till we know forsure.
    Don't forget the doc mobs chaincasting CH.

    Run into a room with 2 of those and you might as well leave the mission because you weren't even going to be able to kill them.,

  15. #55
    Originally posted by Whitesand

    crazy Missions are the only chance for higher lvl ppls to get xp. We have no outdoor zones atm and right 14.5 will give us some more but all look this will force all higher lvl ppls to camp the hmm 10-20 outdoors camps. So we ill not get xp anymore, cause there are 10000 ppls camping 10 camps. A very worse idea! Sorry.

    Next thing is you have to kill the mops in a mission to get xp as reward but you don't have to kill one! mop to get cash for reward. If missions are cash only. Then we will roll a mission and run it, we don't kill mops. We can make millions of creds each day with missions atm, but changing it we will make much more creds each day.

    Think about this. Missions are good! Changing missions to a cash only thing will kill this game.

    I'm absolutly disagree to all points here.
    Like I said in my post... it is completely my personal opinion and probably shouldn't be implemented... it's the way I think it should've been initially... missions have already been established as they are and I don't support nerfs...

    What I technically want is for a boost to ALL outdoor xp, so that over time it is at least equal to running team missions at max xp and killing everything in them. missions are simple... that's all that can be said about them.
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  16. #56

    Arrow Bush Beating 101

    Okaaaaaay, here you go:

    Might I ask what areas/monsters were affected by this, and what patch number it was?
    K, this was answered quite well.

    I have actually not noticed any major nerfs on the outdoor hunting. I can still hunt in most places I did pre 13.5 (even 12.6 for that matter).
    Same...other people did notice.

    And if all the mobs on RubiKa, indoors and outdoors are nerfed in any way it is not an outdoor nerf, it's just a plain nerf.
    Just all the mobs that everyone hunted outdoors (monsters) because they were far better than human mobs for xp.

    I kept the quotes in order...

    You're beating around the bush, maybe FC didn't call it a "outdoor nerf" in their dev notes, but every player I know remembers it as an outdoor nerf, and it nerfed hunting outdoors far more than missions, unless you only took chaos sliders or something. Besides, back then you ran or sneaked missions, didn't have to bother with the mobs for the xp reward at high levels.

    I was never reffering to just meds btw.

    I don't want missions touched at all, I just don't want FC slapping mobs that give "more xp" yet have 20 times the hp of mission mobs and people think its good outdoor hunting. Guess we'll see what its like when 14.5 hits. Test isn't talking much.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  17. #57
    I know I been splitting hairs but I just dont like it when people simplify things in this way.
    Yes, outdoors was nerfed, but it happened in a way that made outdoor hunting harder as a sideeffect and over a number of patches, not one.
    And the nerfing that ocurred at Meds and Borgs among others happened a long time after and should not be included in that.

    So it was never any outdoor nerf patch, but at the same time it was.

    Lets leave that now and focus on the important issues, how to improve this game .

    I dont want them to touch the missions, I want some good fun outdoor hunting. And not camps as it has been so far but rather an area in wich the mobs spawn (kind of like at the meds) so there can be some real hunting again.

    But how to make that appealing for levelling?
    Maybe if the mobs give slightly more xp than the ones in missions do so that the time it takes to actually hunt get compensated for.

    Well, in a few hours we will see how the 14.5 turns out to be when it hits live.
    Rothwinter born 4th September 2001

    Advisor of KAZE and I eat leet

  18. #58
    Originally posted by Rothwinter
    I know I been splitting hairs but I just dont like it when people simplify things in this way.
    Yes, outdoors was nerfed, but it happened in a way that made outdoor hunting harder as a sideeffect and over a number of patches, not one.
    And the nerfing that ocurred at Meds and Borgs among others happened a long time after and should not be included in that.

    So it was never any outdoor nerf patch, but at the same time it was.

    Lets leave that now and focus on the important issues, how to improve this game .

    I dont want them to touch the missions, I want some good fun outdoor hunting. And not camps as it has been so far but rather an area in wich the mobs spawn (kind of like at the meds) so there can be some real hunting again.

    But how to make that appealing for levelling?
    Maybe if the mobs give slightly more xp than the ones in missions do so that the time it takes to actually hunt get compensated for.

    Well, in a few hours we will see how the 14.5 turns out to be when it hits live.

    I agree... NOTHING SHOULD BE NERFED! Some people enjoy missions (I've heard some people refer to them as a pleasant change at levle 100 after levelling outside to level 100.... but 40+ levels later you want to vomit from the monotonous familiarity of the missions). Missions should always provide a pleasant change of pace... the more options there are the less sick of the game people will get.

    In my opinion there are several things about the outdoors:
    1) it takes longer to get to missions
    2) it is much less safe, since adds are random and spawning can create more adds (as opposed to the safety of a mission)
    3) there is not going to be cell scanners as close
    4) there is no (1.5 mil xp) mission reward at the end of the tunnel
    5) monster mobs are more difficult than human mobs
    6) no tokens earned

    All this taken into account, there should be adequate xp given to compensate for these extra burdens you take on by hunting outdoors... Basically those that take on these burdens should AT LEAST earn xp at the same rate as mission runners. I'd like to see them earn xp at a faster rate, but I don't think it is completely necessary to get teams outdoors. The best way to increase the xp earned would be to put a xp modifier when hunting outdoors.
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  19. #59
    Originally posted by Rothwinter
    Well, in a few hours we will see how the 14.5 turns out to be when it hits live.
    Rothwinter born 4th September 2001

    Advisor of KAZE and I eat leet

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