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Thread: fix this pls in 14.6

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Lucid Flow
    You know I could play a Trader and still get beat by all these professions at any given level. Does that prove Traders suck?
    huh - do I play any other game? Traders are atm one of the best or I would say the best! pvp class in this game.

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Whitesand
    huh - do I play any other game? Traders are atm one of the best or I would say the best! pvp class in this game.
    Exactly. Just because I am a Trader and I got my butt handed to me in PVP DOES NOT mean ALL Traders suck and need improvment. It actually doesn't mean ANYTHING. 1 Traders experience doesn't mean SQUAT in proving ability in PVP. That paralells with just because 1 Soldier had his butt handed to him in PVP, it doesnt prove squat about the profession.


  3. #23

    Lucid.... I am not here to flame you, but...

    Quoted from Lucid Flow:

    No bearing on the game? Hmm, wait a second here. The argument is that Soldiers CANNOT beat people in PVP. Clearly, this isn't true and the most wanted list is proof that not only these Soldiers CAN beat other professions, but they are one of the BETTER professions to do it. "Ganking" and all the other lame PVP terms are an irrelevant term based on PERCEPTION of the player who got killed. There is no such thing as rules in PVP. Anybody who expects them is asking too much.

    The only way I can beat someone in pvp is by KS`ing someone elses kill.
    Target some poor guy getting smacked in 2HO and wait until he is at 50% hp and then unload a full alpha in the hope that I get points. Are these honorable tactics, do they represent the kind of player I want to be? No!

    You wave this pvp list around like it had any relevance at all. I have said this before, that list needs to be deleted, because it is based on stats gotten long before nerfs and a lot of the ones on it either dont pvp (after nerf) or have left the game. The list says nothing about todays status of soldiers.

    We do deliver steady dmg, but nothing like what a soldier should be able to do. The sole reson for this is dmg nerfs. Yes there are other profs also affected by this, but none of them rely solely on dmg to fight.

    I dont want other profs nerfed, but I do want 50% dmg removed. Leave the 40% cap in place. Todays pvp`ers never fight without layers/rrfe and shields anyway...

    and a whole litter of bearcubs ...

    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." -- Plato
    "You see me now, a soldier, of a 1000 psychic wars...." -- Blue Oyster Cult

  4. #24
    oh you want the 50% dmg removed but the 40% capped to stay?

    that way you would have to AS, burst AND full auto to kill somebody..........yeah i think that's fair...........yeah we should definitly do that, i think that would balance the soldier class.

  5. #25
    Hehe nice mr. xxxxx. Only 1 of 20 traders suck in pvp. But 19 of 20 soliders suck in pvp.

    But I understand you ppl (I some of those you don't play a soldier class) don't want to see us stronger! Why? Easy you want easy victims in fights.

    But don't think yourself! Most ppls who play a soldier don't want to be uber! We only want a fair chance in pvp not more! And in my eyes a game where a trader or a doc is a much better fighter as a soldier, enf or ma is a bad game.

    A trader isn't a figther. A doc isn't a figher too and normaly when you play a rolegame and you choose one of those classes you know this. A fixer will never die if he don't want - he can grid out.

    Oh and before someone misunderstand me. I don't want seeing traders, docs or fixers getting nerfed next time. Nerfing classes are one of the worst thing this game has. But they should make other classes more powerfull next time and I don't speak only about soldiers. A enf or a ma should become more powerfull too.

  6. #26
    Like someone said before. If soldeirs suck so bad, then pick a different prof. Well I did that, and more seems to being doing this. Looks like the game will be a soldierless before long. The only soldiers that will be left are the ones that have no clue.

    As for uber damage I have a adv and a soldier and they both put out about the same amount of damage at the same lvl. The only thing my soldier has is the alpha's. Once alpha is done and a healing class is still standing, they can just heal back to full health and kill the soldier or force him to run.

  7. #27


    For what it's worth:

    Lucid is one of about four people posting here who don't seem to have an agenda, but actually post reasonable, rational statements that are based in fact, rather than selfish hysteria. The fact that he pisses on various whine fests probably angers a buncha people, but I'm glad he does it.

    What I hate hate hate about these boards is the rush to prove how much the class you play sucks. Jeez, you'd think someone was holding a RL Novaflow to your heads and forcing you to go through this agony.

    I want the game fixed too. I'd like my Soldier to be a little more peppy, sure. But if he gets bumped before they fix, say, pet pathing, or NT's, or whatever, than I'll be a little miffed. And I sure don't want my Doctor pals getting nerfed. I'm glad they're uber. The more people playing that class, (which personally interests me not in the slightest) the less chance I'll ever have to.

  8. #28
    Wrong we still want to inform ppls that they don't do the same mistakes we did before. Look many new players start a soldier and realizing after months of hard work that you play a **** class hurts. I think engs or other classes feel the same way and I think you will agree when you realize that you waste 3-4 month.

    I'll start an alt soon too - and the only reason for me playing my soldier again will be when my org needs me for raids or something else.

    I still think we should write our feelings and all should see how weak we are, putting the head into the sand isn't the way. If all soldiers do this then we will never get our love from funcom.

    And Alphas aren't a soldier only special. All classes can do them too!

    Also most of the soldiers want not nerfing any other classes. That is the last thing we want.

  9. #29


    Usual fight versus a soldier :
    ( Full def - 900+ evades )

    Attacked by Soldier
    Soldier hit you for 1900 burst damage.
    Soldier hit you for 1500 Flying shot damage.
    Soldier hit you for 2800 FullAuto damage.
    Soldier hit you for 1700 energy damage. Critical hit !!
    You died of weapon damage.

    No comment.
    Rookie/Apprentice Loot "Cronost" Cursed - Lvl 21x Guru - General of Storm.

  10. #30
    It seems pretty obvious that Whitesand lost a couple PvP contests and has come here to whine. Of course the problem can not be him. The problem must be the game, more specifically the profession he chooses to play.

    I disagree with those who think the soldier profession is weak, I know soldiers who do very well in the game. I think it is the individuals playing them that come here and whine that are the problem.

    I do think that soldiers needs some new nanos or something to make them more interesting to play. They have very few options and interesting nanos to play with.

    Perhaps a nano that gave a 1-2% crit bonus and 1-2% exp bonus for self or team because soldiers are supposed to be the best trained fighters on Rubi Ka. Or perhaps a 15 sec self or team buff that increased everyones attack rating/initiatives by 25%, useable every 5 mins or so for taking out multiple mob rooms/areas. Add armored vehicles for soldiers only that are useable outdoors and add 1000AC and something to attack rating, but greatly reducing run speed. Napalm nano that creates a limited ranged AOE fire attack and heavy taunt.
    Grenades, not launched but hand grenades that stun the opponent for 5 sec allowing escape or regroup, with a use timer of 5-10 mins.

    These kinds of things would add some fun for soldiers and their teams without destroying balance IMO.

  11. #31
    Tactics Tactics TACTICS!.. Just dont stand there after your alpha.. Run around .. avoid Attacks... Use the first aid.. Reload that gun! hehe...
    RK1 - Hajk - Solitus - Lvl 217/DR 16 - Nanotech - Apocalypse
    Explorer 60% / Socializer 53% / Killer 46% / Achiever 40%

  12. #32
    Originally posted by Hajkster
    Tactics Tactics TACTICS!.. Just dont stand there after your alpha.. Run around .. avoid Attacks... Use the first aid.. Reload that gun! hehe...
    well... one word of that is correct...

    RUN... the only chance a soldier has is with MK shield running currently and wearing two bracers... then you have 1 minute 20 seconds to kill... after that you need to run, because there is no class that we are 50/50 with (except the even poorer NanoTechs and Engineers).

    other than that a soldier is currently outmatched... I refuse to PvP my apprentice soldier until we are on par again... I now have twinks for that

    hmmm... usual fight against a soldier???

    Attacked by Soldier
    Soldier hit you for 1900 burst damage.
    Soldier hit you for 1500 Flying shot damage.
    Soldier hit you for 2800 FullAuto damage.
    Soldier hit you for 1700 energy damage. Critical hit !!
    You died of weapon

    I'm lvl 172 with an attack rating over 900... and I use a CHS....

    First off.. I have never hit a fling shot for 3k, I have never hit a burst for 3800 and have never hit a crit for 3400...

    that being said your numbers seem shaky at best.
    The only way numbers like that would be obtainable is with mutliple slow weapons.... and if you can't get a shot off in the time it takes someone to switch weapons twice you deserve to die.

    If someone is hitting you like that with a CHS, they have an attack rating of 1350, which would mean they are exploiting, since that is impossible.

    My guess is that you are just full of crap and flaming with false numbers because you don't want a soldier to be improved.

    Also, after that Full auto there would be several seconds for the gun to reload before that crit hit....

    You obviously know nothing about the soldier class, yet you come on here acting like you do...

    In addition, with a CHS equipped for the last 20 levels, I have never hit max crit, followed by max burst, followed by a great FA, followed by a crit.... that's a 1 in a million shot... either that or you have 0 evades and 0 AC
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  13. #33

    Well sorry...

    The crit come first, then the soldier just alpha me and i'm dead...

    And well anyway, Crit - 2k8 FA - 1k Burst - 1k FS is enough to kill most of prof...

    Here's how i die in 2h0 :
    A lvl 200 soldier comes by whompa, crit me and alpha : Dead

    Full hp to 0 in a few sec.
    And if i try to hit him i'll just die faster ( 100+ reflect dmg per hit )

    Yeah sorry i have a bad sense of numbers - All i can tell you is that a lvl 200 soldier can kill me in few sec.

    I don't care if you are improved since a soldier with his alpha ready kill me 9 times on 10.

    The 1 time he don't kill me is when the alpha "only" hit me for 4-5k damage and then I try to run into a bunker or a shop.

    Don't be bad liver - you know that what i'm talking about is true.

    And well, i have 4k5 AC - 900+ evades - Full def or 25% and that don't seems to change anything.
    Last edited by Cronost; Sep 9th, 2002 at 21:35:07.
    Rookie/Apprentice Loot "Cronost" Cursed - Lvl 21x Guru - General of Storm.

  14. #34
    Everytime the same arguments. Soldiers have alphas. Point is! Alpha isn't a soldier only feature. ALL OTHER CLASSES can alpha too. So this argument is invalid.

    TMS isn't uber you only have to root us and run away.

    Tactics? The only tactic we have is luck or choosing our targets wisely (mean never attacking docs, traders or fixers and if there is one of them in a pvp zone - run away and never come back!)

    Point is: All your arguments are invalid. You still write no point why soldiers are good in pvp. But we soldiers write many points why we are bad in pvp. The only thing you can say is we have alphas and tms - i don't see anything else. You try to make us better as we are.

    Yes without the abilitie to heal, to root or to debuff soldiers are one of the worst classes in this game next time.

    Oh something I want to point out. I have a pvp title now - it only cost me about 2 weeks! of hard work. But yes it's very balanced when other classes can get this title in 1-2 hours without any probs.

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