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Thread: FixerGrid Changes in 14.5 (?)

  1. #1

    FixerGrid Changes in 14.5 (?)

    Suppression gas in the Fixer Grid has been changed to 100%
    Why would they need to change the suppression gas levels in the fixer grid? Can you even initiate combat within a grid eviroment regardless of the gas levels? Has combat been a problem? Or, is this simply a minor, textural change to make it seem more realistic in regards to how Omni would establish there grid?

    Lastly, I've been told by some higher level fixer friends (100+) that a person has started appearing in the fixer grid on Test. Anybody know any more about this? I'm a Rubi-Ka 2 player myself, and a relatively new one at that, so if any pseudo NDA issues exist with discussing additions to the test server, let me know.


  2. #2
    If it's a 75% zone like the normal grid and most outside zones, you can attack any mob in the zone. The grid zones also have a limiting factor regarding the inability to cast nanoformulas.

    If you don't believe that it's possible to fight in the grid, try this: Get an MP/Engineer/Crat to leave his pet in the grid using /pet wait. Attack the pet.

    It works just like any other 75% zone and completely amazes the n00bs.


  3. #3
    There is a new npc in the fixergrid and he kinda attacked, while you can't hit back which resulted in a death loop as you can't die in grid and won't get warped out.

    At 100% the NPC can't fight either.
    RK1 Guild Apocalypse

    Dillon "Duradas" Belote, Fixer
    Kiyoko "Selarana" Vallone, Meta Physicist
    Donald "Jorman" Dublin, Bureaucrat
    Burl "Gnorrg" Marinos, Enforcer
    Florence "Florania" Aronstein, Doctor
    RK3, Arnold "Gideon" Reineman, Enforcer

  4. #4
    naughty npc, no hugs for him.


    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  5. #5
    Ok, so the gas percentage change is in anticipation of the new npc which I referenced as rumor from Test? Does anybody know anything more about the identity and purpose of this NPC?

  6. #6


    They need to up the danger level in all zones. It just gets boring if you are not looking over your shoulder for something that will kill ya. The zones in EQ were much more exciting than zones I find in AO or any other more recent game.
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Parcifal
    Ok, so the gas percentage change is in anticipation of the new npc which I referenced as rumor from Test? Does anybody know anything more about the identity and purpose of this NPC?
    Don't know anything about his identity or purpose, but he is NOT a rumor.

    Nettie, one of the fixer Professionals, had a lovely experience where she hit Q while talking to him (so I assume he has a purpose). Attack goes off. Now, the kicker is, he has a nasty AoE root he uses. Repeatedly.

    Suppression gas was changed to 100% to avoid recurrences of this.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

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