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Thread: Any options to Broken Shores missions (14.5 fix)

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Bionitrous
    What would it take?

    - Experience per unit time = missions
    - Loot don't really matter (we'll go to missions if we want loot ... like it used to be)
    - No need for the 'Boss Mob' if the experience is good enough.
    - No hunting spots in 25% zones (leave that to the tower pack people)
    - Saver nearby (nobody wants their friend to put their fist through their monitor)
    - Terminals to sell junk in
    - Well known meeting places
    - A way to declare a spot your own to prevent kill stealing (Camp Keys?)
    - Monsters in one area within a contrained level variance.

    That's all it'll take.
    These sound like exactly what I was thinking except a few small changes....
    1) experience per time (clear reason people kill mobs and do missions)

    2) loot not needed (very true... people form teams mainly for xp)

    3) no boss mob (again another unneeded mob, since people really want xp, and considering most people I team with don't even ask for boss loot anymore)

    4) 25% zones... these scare away people and attract harassment from PKers. At least for lower level players. No one wants to lost hours of xp to some idiot who is just there to try and kill you and your xp.

    5) if not in 25% zone... save nearby is not as needed... Ace Camp worked very well with no close save terminal... but the save still can't be a 3 hour tour away... Take NW mines and Ace Camp as examples of save terminals that aren't close, but aren't too far.

    6)terminals to sell junk... another perk but not necessarily needed if the others are done.

    7) Well known meeting places... THERE HAS TO BE a discernable meeting place for these to be successful... some kind of landform or landmark that doesn't take significant travel time to get too... players often find there own... but if you use PM for example everyone meets in the city and then chooses a camp... at NW there is a mine really close... at ace camp there was the building you could enter... One thing is true of all the meeting places.. there is a safe spot. safe spots are really important to people hunting and meeting...

    8) I don't see a good way of declaring spots, but players seem to do a good job respecting each other's territory. The key here is that there has to be enough good camps and good mobs for everyone. Some players are going to kill steal just to grief other players... but I don't see a good way around that... in my experience it hasn't been a significant problem as long as there is enough spawn for everyone who is hunting. (i.e. there must be a lot of options close to each other)

    9) this is what I see as a very important item... Mobs need to be within 5 to 10 QL's of every other mob at the camp... no one wants to be hunting a mix from greens to reds... especially if the mobs are aggro or social... people want max xp and don't want to waste their time killing aggros that give minimal xp.

    When I say people, I mean a lot of other players... I would gladly except less xp for outdoor teams, the catch is that many others won't. This means that these many others won't form teams to hunt outdoors and I'm left to follow them into those horrible BS missions.

    I really something is done, to help some of these people decide it is more advantageous to them to hunt outdoors. Although the patch sounds promising.. the initial reaction from test server is that rewards are less and risk is significantly more... this will keep people from making hunting outdoors a regular habit!
    Rookie Czarina - Opifex Pistol Crat ~220 with 19 Alien Titles~
    Czestiny - Solitus Rifle Crat ~26 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czealous - Atrox 2-handed Blunt Crat ~21 with 2 Alien Titles~
    Czombie - Nanomage Assualt Rifle Crat ~15 with 2 Alien Titles~

    Proud Opifex Crat of Tranquility

    Quote Originally Posted by Steveo
    I heard the beast is rerolling as an adv

  2. #22
    I think more exp will be enough.

    Think about the meds in DAV, they are very huntable, even after they were given more damage and agg males, I was out there with a hunting party a few weeks back for a change of pace. We took down everything without any hastle, the redest of the red and I'd area calm masses of 20 of them against the mountain wall.

    The problem is they don't give 100k+ exp for the top ones anymore, they give 45k exp in a team... Missions are just more efficient.

    I don't care if there is no save, smart teams don't die, dumb teams shouldn't level.

    I don't care what the gas is, hunting in 25% gas is more fun for me, it adds an interesting dimension to safe leveling.

    Better loot would be nice, but not essential.

    Having stores nearby? I don't know why either, again since there is no weight penalty, there is no excuse to go out for a long hunting expedition without 3 empty sacks and 1k+ chargers/treatment kits and 10k ammo. Again, dumb teams get nothing done, and instead of making the game easier for dumb players, make dumb players reap fewer rewards.

    Anyway, un-nurfing exp rewards for outdoor mobs would go a long way, as long as hunting and missioning provide the same exp over time, both will be done, one does not need to be better than the other, and the option to do both is great.

  3. #23
    "... I don't care if there is no save, smart teams don't die, dumb teams shouldn't level. " - Ityn

    I'm putting this in my signature.
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

    Lvl 176 Rubika 1 Omni Soldier
    Lvl 100ish Rubika 1 Omni Doctor
    Anarchist of TEEN GIRL SQUAD!

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard

  4. #24
    So ( to sum up the last few posts):

    - No special loot
    - No boss mobs
    - Not in 25% zones
    - Camp keys added

    Looks like some folks been doin too much time missionizing.

    Have u ever thought that outdoor hunting could also bring excitement , surprises & the occasionnal cold sweat when fightin a rare mob with a possibility of rare loot ?
    Is meeting new players ( friends or foes ) on these outdoor spots really a bad thing ?
    /wish AO = something more than xp/leveling

  5. #25
    I'd really like to see the opposite of that:

    No camp keys.

    Special Boss loot that may be uber.

    As much if not slightly more exp for outdoors hunting to make up for increased risk.

    Best camps in 25% gas.

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