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Thread: Sept 11 moment of scilence possible?

  1. #1

    Sept 11 moment of scilence possible?

    I know you can change the suppression gas levels in game zones on the fly.

    Mabey you could change all the gas in every zone to 100% for about 10 minuets on sept 11 as a moment of scilence? In respect for the people who died due to the terror attacks, and the people who have died since fighting terrorism?

    Just a suggestion.( Yes I would put off quitting for 6 more days if this would happen:P )

  2. #2
    This is a good idea...maybe every hour that day there could be a notice honoring those who died, and encouraging people to wear patriotic outfits...I'm gathering together an outfit.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #3
    y'know, as much as i hate what happened last year, we (americans) can't expect the whole world to stop when something bad happens to us. there are plenty of europeans, australians, japanese, and who knows what else playing this game. why should they be forced to stop everything?

    my point is that if YOU want to be patriotic and YOU want to have a moment of peace, then you are more than welcome to do it. HOWEVER, i do not believe we should have a mandatory cease-fire for all of rubika.
    200/AL 5 Clan Fixer (omg finally)
    81 Omni MP (on, MP's get boring fast.)
    34 Clan Raidslave Doc (or at least that was the initial idea...)

  4. #4
    If they won't alter the suppression gas for WW2 or WW1, then don't do it for September 11.

  5. #5
    I've got to agree with Dirtysanchez. It was a tragedy, and will be a sad day for us in the US, but I wouldn't want to see an international audience forced to observe a moment of silence.

  6. #6
    It wasnt only americans who died on September 11th, there were also non-us residents in WTC who did not make it out in time. Its a sad day for the whole world, but if it hadnt happened on sep 11th, it would have happened some other day.

    But hey! Spawn a speciel "Usama Bin" Leet. I wanna kill it! Hell, we all want to kill it.
    "There is a storm coming! Our storm! - Paul Mua'dib"
    Randomize argument in scripts!

    The magical pony, scene1-5,6

    Im glad there are trolls and whiners, gives people something to compare with. Makes the rest of us look better.

    "Spam is not just something you do, its a way of life."


  7. #7
    I would like a year of silence for the rest of the world who dies because they simply dont have enough to eat or water to drink.
    They usually do not have a good CNN coverage to show them dying.
    MA - Clan -

  8. #8
    Originally posted by dijou
    I would like a year of silence for the rest of the world who dies because they simply dont have enough to eat or water to drink.
    They usually do not have a good CNN coverage to show them dying.
    200/AL 5 Clan Fixer (omg finally)
    81 Omni MP (on, MP's get boring fast.)
    34 Clan Raidslave Doc (or at least that was the initial idea...)

  9. #9
    as one person said..a moment of silence for every wrongful death, and there's be no time for speaking.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  10. #10
    as one person said..a moment of silence for every wrongful death, and there's be no time for speaking.
    You know, that doesnt sound like a bad thing

  11. #11
    I am British, and would honour a few minutes of silence, or be present at a congregation to honour those who were killed. Many Brits died out there in the US on that day.

    This is a one year anniversary. Please do not compare this to other events such as WW1/WW2 or general starvation. This is one day, one year on.
    Gimme sammich!!1

    Reborn Sammich

  12. #12
    Right...will be lots of Silence in AO if every death or tragedy is gonna have a moment of silence know theres lots of stuff going on now and all the time aswell dont you?so stupid...

    nevermind..people had already understood that..well..some of the more less stupid ones....didnt read the replys...

  13. #13
    No not true. The World Trade center probably had representitives from alot of the countries world wide. IF funcom decided to mute the servers for a minute On sept 11 after giving a fair warning. maybe like they do when they take the servers down. I would be all for it.

    Silkex If you were to have lost someone dear to your life, Via accedent, terrorist attack, or just murder. You would want a rememberance as well. The thing is with that many deaths alot of people lost some one. Probably even lost some freinds that you didn't realized died from AO.

    a moment of silence is welcomed in my oppinion
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  14. #14
    Well SilkeX, my low estimation of you just plumetted. You don't have to to take part if you don't want to, just respect others and their wishes. Maybe you don't care about what happened, obviously you don't. We do, and we would like to remember that horrible day in our own way.

    FYI, about 100 Brits died on that day. Screaming as they jumped from the building. What do you have to say about that?
    Gimme sammich!!1

    Reborn Sammich

  15. #15
    Angel Of Death
    I know for a fact that Silke has lost a close on in a accident so I dont think he doesnt know how it feels.And calling him a Jihad In real life is pretty low of you Ntrox. All he said was, there is nothing special to these peoples deaths compared to others who die every day its the way of life, people die, sometimes due to stupid and idiotic people. I want a moment of silence for all the innocent farmers and civilians that has died

  16. #16
    I'm sorry but AO is a game. We should try to avoid every link with actual life (real life), or only fun links (like leets with christmas hat - at maximum).

    If you want to do this, try to imagine doing the same with offline games, why is it different ? Or even write a blank page in every book published the 11th september... something is wrong with that. It's just simply not the right place to do it.

    Circle G Inc. - Your safety is our business.

  17. #17
    Angel Of Death
    If you are so concerned with this and want a moment of silence, turn of your computer and do not waste that time playing a computer game, sit down in your room or somewhere else in peace and quiet.

  18. #18
    Originally posted by Ntrox
    Well SilkeX, my low estimation of you just plumetted. Screw you, go troll elsewhere. Maybe you're a Jihad or something in RL. You don't have to to take part if you don't want to, just respect others and their wishes. Maybe you don't care about what happened, obviously you don't. We do, and we would like to remember that horrible day in our own way.

    FYI, about 100 Brits died on that day. Screaming as they jumped from the building. What do you have to say about that?
    Do you even know what a Jihad is ? It isn't what you call a person, it is a call for a Holy War, or even it is what a Holy War is called...Like in the Crusades days (too much history for you there to go into)

    So your wrong on that point.....


    Pronunciation: ( ji-häd'),
    1. a holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims.
    2. any vigorous, emotional crusade for an idea or principle. Also,jehad.

    So, now you can edit your post ;p

    And BTW - this thread will be gone VERY soon....One like it was got rid of a day or so ago, which I put my views in and Im not bothering to repeat......lest to say Im no Fan of America and it's ways ! (Even though what happened was VERY bad)
    Lordvold Fix MA's
    Flxme The ranged alt

    "My theory is that this was probably done in some way that it was supposed to end at a given date like 1st January 2010. Back then there was of course no one that would imagine that AO would last past 2010" Eponyx

  19. #19
    Closing the thread due to the bickering.

    Please read the new announcement on the september 11th issue.

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