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Thread: With out evolution we have stagnation

  1. #21

    What? I dont care about dieing in PVP and I didnt expect you to care either? That was one heck of a point to make. See comprehend then respond. thanks.

    Barbbs 167th Fixer

  2. #22
    Barbs,please email me this pic, [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/default/My%20Documents/AO/40639.jpg]

    Ive been dying to see what it is .. lol 8-)

  3. #23
    Hemicuda, how can I put this? We are NEUTRAL(Neutral btw means we are not actively at war with either faction)....I don't give a damn about getting killed, yes perhaps a Political Zone is unsafe, mainly due to the fact that Neutrals appear on Tab so suffer for it but the players attacking clearly knew the score and were standing by watching events. In retrospect it was quite comical to behold how they stood around unsure and then clearly confused, did what comes naturally and hit attack. I guess we just have to concede that roleplay means nothing to a large percentage of AO and that's fair enough, we all pay for the same game. Ignorance has nothing to do with it! Some people will enjoy participating in events, others will enjoy ruining them, or trying to.

  4. #24
    uhh k....I have 12.487 pixels more than you have, plus I have a shiny gold one on my belly button BEAT THAT :P
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

  5. #25
    i started out as a tiny nano, with much less pixels then any of you.. then i go and wear dual title5 bracers of shrinking which cuts my pixel count by like 180% more !!!

    so before you start bitxzing, take a look at poor lil Emiko, i gots like only 237 pixels total

  6. #26
    *whispers... get a peni* helmet.. *nod those modify your pixel amount :P
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

  7. #27
    Originally posted by Emiko

    I'll cruise by in leet form and perform my leetform tricks, cos I'm uber !
    I would consider that an honor :P
    Lordbedwyr 213 SOL RK2
    Ghandalf 201 DOC RK2
    Bittersweeet 182 NT RK2
    Fantazmia RK1

  8. #28
    It's stupid to hold non-pvp events in political zones.

    U can't blame people for killing u.

    The fact is that it's a political zone, and u know wat can happen and yet u chose to do it there. Can't really blame the non neutrals.

    Nice juicy meat and u expect them not to take it ? hehehe.... get real.

  9. #29
    Whaaa...I wanna RP in a political zone! Whhaaa why did the bad man kill me....I just wanna RP. Cause you went to an area filled with gankers and PvP'rs with a target on your back saying kill me!!!!!....WAKE UP!!!!!!

    Neutrals deserve what they get. You join a game in a world where there is a conflict between two factions, and don't take sides and expect to be free to travel without getting attacked. Give me a break.

    Neutrals through out history always figure they can get the best of both worlds......They will kiss the dictators arse and let him store his looted items and if that dictator gives them problems they will run to the dictators enemies. When the victims of the dictator wants their looted stuff back...the Neutrals will tell them to F off.

    Have some balls and realize you get what you ask for and by being Neutral and not taking sides you are the enemy of all.

    Bassically you are holding land and maintaining cities until Clan or Omni occupation. Untill you take sides, your views have no weight.

    My Current Armor Setup Nail Armor Baby!

    Stupidity Should Be Painful

    LVL 200 Clan Enforcer - General of Lost Chapter

  10. #30
    Nuff said Hermicuda, you are a shining example of someone who knows jack about the Neutral Community. If you want to make assumptions about Neutrals please take the time to actually find out something about them first. There are many Neutral organisations, each with their own goals and purpose, many do not support either faction and as such in your eyes are 'the enemy'. Your definition of neutrality is a cracker! I think you miss the point somewhere, getting killed is nothing, we are talking about RP elements here, or rather the lack of. If Omni/Clan wish to team up and attack Neutrals then they can, just makes a mockery out of a Political Zone and storyline. On the other hand if just one of the attackers had taken the time, for example, to add a little RP'ing cause to their killing, when clearly an RP event was taking place....

    And by the way if you consider that being Neutral is the best of both worlds and an easy ride, then go seek help. As for our views holding no weight...well not to you maybe but there are many Clan/Omni who are disgusted by the actions of some of their brethren and take on board our views.

  11. #31
    I would end this discussion on this note. If you do something to spoil someone elses good time then thats grief playing. The people I was talking about were the ones that would go out of their way to kill people for their own enjoyment rather than thinking of the consequences. The events I've staged myself have all included both Omni and Clan btw. What I am talking about and I must stress it's not happened yet is that the threat of people taking their own enjoyment of the game and placing it above their fellow players. If I were to hold an event and lets say 80 people showed up they were all RPing and having fun and suddenly 3 people came up and started killing them, thus disrupting and bringing to an end the event? Is this right?

    I would also say I never expect to be safe in a 25% zone but my point is if some people are trying to have fun is it really right to go out of your way and dissrupt a groups enjoyment for your own base thrill? Thats my point. I should have probably been more clear.

    Barbbs 167th Old School Fixer
    Last edited by barbbs; Sep 5th, 2002 at 18:39:18.

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