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Thread: Any Thoughts on the New Patch Coming?

  1. #1

    Any Thoughts on the New Patch Coming?

    Anyone have any thougts on the new patch thats coming out? Is it going to revolutionize AO? Is it the type of content we've been wanting? What will be bad with the patch, what will be good? I havent seen a 14.5 thread yet so I wanted to put this one up cause I like hearing everyones opinion.

    I personaly think its going to be the shot in the arm everyone needs to add something a little more interesting to the game. With storylines and outdoor hunting in vogue we'll be having alot of fun on old Rubi-ka. Boss monsters will be so cool. As long as we can keep all the dogs on thier leash's and work things out.

    If this turns into another Tara fiasco I see alot of people packing their bags and shipping off planet. Maybe it's time FC stepped in and laid down their own guildlines for the hunt. Cz seems pretty interested in it all.

    Barbbs Old School Fixer 167th

  2. #2
    I'm not sure FunCom realizes that Tarasque is a fiasco. Those 60 people who get to enjoy it must be paying more than 12.95 a month or something.

    But, aside from the Bracer Nerf that's going to hurt a lot of people I know as far as PvM, the patch seems innocuous.

    There's a great fear, however, that the quests for the rings are going to add in camping on a scale not seen before in AO. That's saying a lot. Someone even noted that Jack Legchopper Mendez has most of the quests running through him.

    As far as outdoor hunting is concerned. most people were simply asking for something like 800x800 or the NW caves. We'll see if that's what FunCom has in store.

    Like you, I'm quite scared that FunCom will once again put this level 300 boss camp in 25% gas and some damn uber-guild will decide to set up camp and rez-kill the damn thing relegating the rest of the playerbase to head back to BS missions. Tarasque all over again.

  3. #3


    Well, I can't wait for this patch.

    Any kind of outdoor spawns that we are able to hunt at lvl 100+ and get worth while xp will be awesome. I can't stand missions, everything is the same over and over again... oh wait some ppl are 'lefts' and others are 'rights.' Sure the best spawns are going to be camped, look at the low lvl spawns in lush. Wouldnt you think that FC would do something about this? How about 140 spawns to fix that. My guess is that a lot of those camps will be around the same lvl, so if your spawn is camped just goto the next on the list. The only thing that will piss me off about this patch is if FC did not add new mobs with the new spawns. You can only kill a mutant so many times before it gets old, but I would not mind killing a 30 foot leet by the name of "The Leet King."

    As for NPCs you kill for items, I think FC should make the NPC have their spawn rate change every spawn, and make them spawn in 4 + different spots. That way no one can know when and where the mob is going to spawn. I feel that this will get rid of the crazy 20 + people waiting for 1 mob to spawn, just becouse they know that the NPC is coming soon. I know some people are going to flame me becouse they like having a team of lvl 200 people ready and waiting for a NPC to spawn. So bring it!

    Ouch... sry for long post it didn't even hit me till I was done typing it :/

  4. #4

    Random Spawns

    I really like your idea of Random Spawn locations/Times. This would give everyone at least a fair chance of getting items. As it stands, if you want Shades of lucibration, Black shirt of Zuwadi, or many other items, you have to buy them at the cost of 20mill plus on Rubi-Kai1. I know exactly who drops the shades and where he Spawns, and in the past 3 months of searching for him, I have seen him once, and at that time he was camped by 5-10 peeps, mostly 150+. As it stands, without buying the shades, I'll never have a chance at those shades. If FC fixes anything, that would be the one I would really like to see a change made too.

    They finally got the right idea with the Dodga/Alvin quests and at least they spawn at a decent rate now. Hopefully FC will do random spawn times/places to make it somewhat fair for everyone to have a chance at these items/quest.

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