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Thread: ~*~ And the Finalists are......~*~

  1. #1

    ~*~ And the Finalists are......~*~

    It was down to the wire... the judges looked tense. Their heads shook and nodded as they discussed their decisions. My grip tightened on the microphone. I was JUST as nervous as the girls. Finally, the judges started walking my way.. and my heart jumped.

    Tarryk handed me a peice of paper with the names scribbled on it:
    Ashiia 3rd runner up
    Valory 2nd Runner up
    TastyVixen 1st runner up....

    And the new Miss Omni-Tek.... MISSMAUL!!!

    My commlink vibrated in my pocket.. I took it out and read the two messages

    Sakuraz: Aktrez, we are about to announce the winner of Miss Clan. It's Wyldthing!

    I smiled... good choice I thought
    I went back to reading my comm...

    Cathereine: Shaquaneeva for Neutral Ak!

    Very nice!!! So... September 14th we will be seeing

    Don't forget to stop by the Miss Rubika website (opening tomorrow morning) to vote for the next Miss Congeniality!!!!

    Here are some updated pictures from Miss RUbika! Miss RubiKa Preliminaries
    Last edited by Aktrez; Sep 1st, 2002 at 03:46:16.
    Shalon "Aktrez" Joor
    ~*~ Director of Vixen Entertainment~*~
    Manger of the Rompa Bar, Omni-Ent.

  2. #2
    I gotta say...I was really, really nervous when it got down to the wire...

    Anyway, it's a great honor to be the new Miss Omni-Tek! The rest of the contestants were all wonderful...I was not expecting to win.

    I'd like to thank:

    Aktrez for holding such a wonderful event
    Seppubot and Phut for being there in spirit when the winner was about to be announced
    Seppubot and Nucleic for making the really uber picture
    Lonelsmurf for offering to be my assistant
    Tarryk, Nevver, and Fyar (Or whatever his name is, I think he was judging) for judging
    All the other contestants for being so supportive!!

    And lastly, a big

    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #3


    Congratulations to all the finalists, you did a great job.

    The Original GSP Groupie

  4. #4


    As fetching as Missmaul was, as great as her act was, Somegirl should have won! Or at the very least placed. Her act was insane. Hands down, it was one of the best things I've witnessed on RK. I am disappointed.

  5. #5

    So for Miss Omni its Miss MissMaul Omni? Doesn't really roll off the tounge.

  6. #6


    I just want to congradulate the winners! Im sure all the girls that entered deserved to win! How hard the judges decisions must have been.

    I know it was last minute but thanks Aktrez for letting me host Miss Neutral! Id do it again next year. *hint hint*

    Just let me have more then 20 minutes to come up with something! lol
    Arora "Cathereine" Dremora
    "People only rule you if you let them."
    -Im on Atlantean (Rubi-Ka1)-
    Former *First* Miss Rubi-Ka
    Im A Webmaster/Designer Too!

  7. #7
    Conrats to ye all girls!

    Now up to the finals, eh?
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  8. #8
    i still rekon i should of won , oh wait.. i was hosting... shoot >.<

  9. #9
    Congratulations to all three finalists! I know, of course, that Missmaul will sweep away the competition

    I am on my honeymoon with Stormrazer, so we didn't get to attend. Sounds like it was really fun, though I look forward to watching the finals.

    (( ooc: the real-life thing is, when I calculated out the time zones, I realized I'd have to be on at 6am my time, on a holiday weekend. No amount of caffeine can get me out of bed, and civil, at 6am on a holiday weekend *laughs* ))
    "Dixie" - Young adventurer, anthropologist, marketing rep for R.U.R.

    Kiyoko "Barlau" Grebel - Martial Artist, PR Director, Law Society of Rubi-Ka

  10. #10
    ~*~*~ UPDATE ~*~*~

    I have posted new pictures of the contestants....
    Missmaul - Omni
    Shaquaneeva - Neutral
    Wyldthing - Clan

    Shalon "Aktrez" Joor
    ~*~ Director of Vixen Entertainment~*~
    Manger of the Rompa Bar, Omni-Ent.

  11. #11

    Unhappy I'm bummed I missed this...

    Congrats to all the girls! And congrats to the winners of Miss Clan, Miss Omni-tek and Miss Neutral!

    I had computer trouble and I missed out on the contest. I finally have my computer working again, so at least I can be at the Miss Rubi-ka pageant and cheer for Miss Clan - Wyldthing!!!! Congrats!!

    Duckey Waddles
    Former Miss Clan

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