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    Post The Council's Former Leader "Noer" has been Captured!

    Chapter One..
    Fallen Leader

    The Council's former president Charles "Noer" Kiewiet has been taking a vacation for quite some time. He has given his leadership to Gayline "Liltechie" Monkey. Charles "Noer" Kiewiet was last spotted at his vacation home in Lush Resort.

    Today we have been given a distress encrypted message from AOR's secret operative Prince Billionaire Prabel. The message said:

    From: Billionaire agent #a20c2
    Forward To: The Council Intelligence Division
    Message: I have to informed you and confirmed that Noer has been captured. I am cloaked in this secret fortified base. So I must limit my message so they can't detect and trace my message. Noer is held captive at coordin^$&*........ #!*(%^...........$^&*#$.....................$^& I am loosing connection...
    !&!##.......... I am spotted.. I must break this signal.................

    Right now, we have no clues on where Charles "Noer" Kiewiet is held hostage. We would like to ask anyone that knows any information on where Noer is held hostage. We also speculate that the enemy might synthectic Charles "Noer" Kiewiet or his brain to gain information on our plans.

    The Council will search for Charles "Noer" Kiewiet in the following weeks, months, and even years! Until he is found.

    Chapter Two

    The Search for Noer

    The Council began the search for their former leader Noer. Intelligence have traced the signal where Billionaire was located. Coordinates were located at 1400x2600 in Central Artery Valley.

    The Council had no time to spare before Noer life was endangered. Everyone began to equip their weapons, load up the gunship with troops, and prepare their game plan for search and rescue.

    As the gunship arrived at coordinates 1400x2600 in Central Artery Valley, we have detected possible enemy in the surrounding area. Everyone was getting anxious to get out the gunship for their search and rescue mission. First one out was Liltechie followed by other dedicated TC members. The following members participated in the search and rescue: Liltechie, Steffani, Valoren, Virgil, Lonax, Veenus, Tarage, Tubia, Naishee, Tantrumzero, Rauka, Octo, and Littlenik.

    From this point The Council had no idea on who was the enemy. As they began to march to the enemy base, we saw a heavily fortified base.

    We first detected Pomy so we knew this was an Apocalypse secret base. We begin to fire our live rounds of energy ammo at Pomy. She flee and our cover was blown. We decided to head to enemy base and see we if can go ahead capture our former leader Noer. Our first attempt was somewhat simple and barberic, shoot and hope we get through first enemy line.

    Before the battle started, Liltechie said "Give us Noer or you will die like the rest!" Yet the enemy was far greater and stronger than any Army ever witnessed.

    As we fire and attack Apocalypse, The Council members began to fall injured, due to the mighty Army of Apocalypse lead by Azzazzimon.

    Suddenly Liltechie have seen the blood of wounded TC Search and Rescue team laying on the ground. She decided to call for an immediate evacuation. So she ordered Veenus to prepare an evacuation.

    The sky turned bright blue, then a white force came down on TC members and trembled the ground as
    Veenus had started the Emergency Evacuation Sequence.

    The leader of TC "Liltechie" said, "We have faced many challenges and this was by far one of the hardest tasks we have encountered ... But, our long search for Noer will not be over!"

    -To Be Continued-
    Last edited by Steffani; Sep 2nd, 2002 at 05:21:26.

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