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Thread: The Worst PvP Proff Poll

  1. #1

    The Worst PvP Proff Poll

    That isnt even correct, I think everyone chose thier own proffesion.


    I chose crat, they got nothing good. Really....Other than Wenzell who else was good at pvp and was a crat, that STOOD out?

    Engineers ? Man..they should have seen Fotik, he was The best PvP Engineer I have seen.

    They dont have much but they SURE Do have alot of Martial Arts from Slayerdroid Transf., even more than a Martial Artist itself it seems.

    Maybe not every engi wants to go MA, but it is the best way to go Imho.

    What do you think?
    Remember each class varies at different Levels.
    ¤ Cloudeeeh “Cloudeh MKII” 120 Solitus 1HB Enforcer
    ¤ Cloudeh Dead : 176 Solitus 1HB Enforcer
    ¤ Blizzaga Dead : 96 Solitus Soldier Wannabe
    ¤ Firraga Dead : 64 Opifex “Not a Real Fixer” GA Honey
    ¤ Kjataa Dead : 53 Opifex Morphex Agent Wannabe :]
    I am a Tragic Figure
    Strenghtening, Shroud of night, Waiting weak for Taste of blood, Beneath a halo..Eternal light, I survive, Breathe on.
    Inhuman, Undying, Feast of blood now Pulse through me, Immortal..I'm undying, Eternal..Undead!

    [size=0.1]C.L.O.U.D.: Cybernetic Lifeform Optimized for Ultimate Destruction[/size]

  2. #2
    Trader, Doc, MA, Fixer...whoever is the strongest class wich ppl will continue to whine and flame and refuse to fight.

    What good is it to be über 1337 doc or trader when ppl won't fight you?

    Littletza, President of Shadow Ops
    193 soldier

  3. #3
    Crat and engi
    crat becous they cant do anything
    Engi becous u hafto go MA to do anything good...
    w00p w00p!!

  4. #4
    Engi Cause I've dueled a crat.

    Crat charmed bot and used it against me. beat that /tolbat
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  5. #5
    lol - Soldiers suck more than Crats do in that poll.

    Hey, Crats, all of you go out to 2ho and kill the soldiers.
    Last edited by Psiraven; Sep 1st, 2002 at 15:38:43.
    MP's should be FEARED.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by HidaReign
    Engi Cause I've dueled a crat.

    Crat charmed bot and used it against me. beat that /tolbat
    hahahahahahaha sux 2 b u :P J/K
    i think it would have more problems whit a self bufft engi then a self bufft crat. i can root ur pets but the engi have a reflect nano

    well that poll is FUBAR
    w00p w00p!!

  7. #7
    wewt! soldiers and crats are neck and neck again.

    A Crat versus engineer fight will definitely be ruled by paper-rock-scissors mechanics where the engineer is the paper and Crat is the scissors.

    A Crat versus other prof is another story though. No heal plus no defense = dead Crat. Until upper levels, Crats are probably the only class where you could use just general nano expertise programs and be done self-buffing.
    MP's should be FEARED.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Psiraven
    wewt! soldiers and crats are neck and neck again.

    A Crat versus engineer fight will definitely be ruled by paper-rock-scissors mechanics where the engineer is the paper and Crat is the scissors.

    A Crat versus other prof is another story though. No heal plus no defense = dead Crat. Until upper levels, Crats are probably the only class where you could use just general nano expertise programs and be done self-buffing.
    I wub my general nanos uber buffs
    Rebbeca Omni Tek President
    RHD Black Watch Regiment

    "Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards."
    -Aldous Huxley

  9. #9
    Wouldn't a crat vs soldier fight go something like this...

    Crat outdamages soldier using bot + nukes + weapon. Soldier is forced to mirror shield to stay alive, crat promptely roots soldier and retreates beyond 40m for 1:20. Crat then sends in bot and finishes off soldier.

    Or soldier alpha strikes crat, get's lucky reducing crat to 20% hp's. Crat roots soldier and takes off for the zone. Soldier unroots himself but has lost track of crat and so takes off for the zone to avoid getting killed by the bot.

    Honestly considering rooters are the bane of all mirror shielding soldiers you'd think crats could be expected to do ok. *shrug*
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  10. #10
    gotta say it depends on the lvl to =/
    RK1 - Hajk - Solitus - Lvl 217/DR 16 - Nanotech - Apocalypse
    Explorer 60% / Socializer 53% / Killer 46% / Achiever 40%

  11. #11
    Sounds good on paper but I have yet to see a gaggle of Crats outside the 2ho whompa self-buffing in order to show those pesky clan soldiers who their 'boss' is.

    btw, Funcom 'nerfed' all pets a while ago so that they are no longer "free-ranging." In other words, if the crat has moved far enough away for you to lose track of him, or you run far enough away from the crat, his pet would have de-aggroed you in an attempt to find the master again and go into /pet behind. PvP was easier for us with free-ranging pets of course.
    Last edited by Psiraven; Sep 2nd, 2002 at 02:28:49.
    MP's should be FEARED.

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