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Thread: re:Unique

  1. #1


    in regards to unique items such as the alvin/dodga quest pads. if there is a chance the bugs will be fixed (ie: destroying all but 1 of each unique item belonging to each character, etc...)

    would we be able to still say complete the Pad quest to get a lv2 pad, then still be able to do the quest for pad 1 so thus having (for omni) a Pad of Will and a Pad of Interest at the same time?

    that's as long as we don't update the Pad of Interest to another Pad of Will.

    2 different unique objects, but of the same quest.

    answering this would give us some perspective to other currently in-game or upcoming quests/items that have unique tags.
    Blue Steel(TM)

    E 86% - S 60% - A 33% - K 20%

    SL upgraded oct 10, 2003

    RK2 - Derek"Rayfield" Zoolander
    RK2 - "Umeshiso" Maki
    RK2 - Sylvester "Code187" Vallone

  2. #2
    Personally, I think having 2 pads, even if they are different versions, is a *little* cheesy. I mean, in all likelihood, this is something that Funcom overlooked accidentally. In any case, I don't think it should be changed at this point simply because it would infuriate everyone who took the time to do it more than once.

    (For my own part, this is one quest I guarauntee I will *never* do)
    Gogo "Atremis" Yubari
    220 MA - RK1

    There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  3. #3
    I am neut i can wear both of them that make sens.... (well i dont know is there another way to wear both )
    (Original) lvl 200 Neutral -Soldier-
    Lance"Jovilen" Scheer

  4. #4
    You can actually switch from clan to omni and do it. I have a friend on rk2 who is currently in the proccess of doing this, he went to clan and got his 3rd level pads and is now back at imni with the second level (working up to third) according to him this works so i may try it when i finally get the first pt one done.

  5. #5
    yes Ray you will be able to do that..while each is unique, they're still a separate can't have two wills at the same time, but interest+will would be fine. Just upgrade the Will to dedication before you upgrade the Interest to Will, and you're set
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  6. #6
    be warned tho, this will probably be fixed too.

    remember the announcment re: sided items?
    (mainly re: the clan-only +full-auto sleeves)
    it's not an official exploit to change sides to use stuff,
    but will be "fixed".

    IMO that means that 'overequiping' rules will apply.
    meaning that if you're Omni and wearing something
    that has a side req of 'Clan' or 'Not Omni' then the
    item will simply cease to give any bonuses.

  7. #7

    Unique: NOT

    If you (FC) do this then change Internops Coats to NON-UNIQUE! Think REALLY REALLY hard before you DO THIS!! Maybe if on a mission there is a better Coat. I have to wait till I get out of mission and Put it in the bank to get it. But after this patch I won't even be able to do that.... on top of that I would need someone else to hold that coat cause I am just assuming here that I can trade the coat to the person giving me a coat. What about if I wanted to save that coat for one of my alts.... Your doing an injustice here. Cz!!!! Please Talk if over again. I have a Yalm in the Bank and a Yalm in my main inventory. The one in the Bank is higher QL. One day I might FIT into it again. I'd like to use it. So.... THINK about it PLEASE!!!!!

  8. #8

    Arrow lil info

    Since the requirements for pads are 'not clan' and 'not omni' only neuts will be able to wear 2 third-level pads without them being 100% OE after side items and uniques are patched.

    FC uses the unique tag far too liberally, just look at all the problems and fuss caused by items having unique tags. IQ rings being 'nerfed' and dragon armor parts vanishing for example.

    I understand some things having this tag, such as NON-TRADESKILL CREATED special items that have only one QL, tokens, maybe a few other things. FC slaps it on willy-nilly though.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  9. #9
    I would also like to point out items such as Cloaking Devices and Flurry of Blows.

    In the case of cloaking devices, I was able to have like 10 in my bank before they changed them to unique. IMO nerfing me more would be a slap in the face. In the case of making them step, just do with them like implants and armor, make it check the before value, not the current value.

    In the case of flurry of blows, why is this unique? I can only use 1 at a time, and it means if I get lucky and do a high lvl mission and find one, I CANT KEEP IT because I already have one. That IMO is just stupid.

    Also those gay coats/dragon armor.

    the UNIQUE flag on an item IS used to much on simple everyday items. Afraid of people having more than 1 simple item??? WHY???

    Simple to solve XP rings, make it right finger/left finger ONLY. Problem solved.

    I would suggest you make a sticky thread on this Unique issue Cz/Cosmik

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